除后卫以外的球员 (边后卫可以根据战术要求进行偏重进攻还是偏重防守的训练)
Early Morning Later Morning Afternoon
Sunday Rest Rest Rest
Monday Pig in Mid Technique Closing Down
Tuesday Sprints Overloading(A) Crosses
Wednesday Technique Shadow Play 5_a_side_large
Thursday Pig in Mid Set Pieces(A) Weights
Friday Pig in Mid Set Pieces(D) 5_a_side_small
Saturday Pig in Mid Overloading(A) Overloading(D)
Training on match day: NO
Training the day after a match: Yes
Early Morning Later Morning Afternoon
Sunday Rest Rest Rest
Monday Pig in Mid Technique Closing Down
Tuesday Sprints Overloading(A) Crosses
Wednesday Technique Shadow Play 5_a_side_large
Thursday Pig in Mid Set Pieces(A) Weights
Friday Closing Down Set Pieces(D) 5_a_side_small
Saturday Pig in Mid Overloading(A) Overloading(D)
Training on match day: NO
Training the day after a match: Yes
Small sided games on larger pitches. Though the players will tire quicker, they will build up stamina, improve their work rate and develop good passing and movement.
Small sided games on smaller pitches. Players will improve their marking, movement and ability to think quickly. Outfield players are also encouraged to get plenty of shots on target, enabling goalkeepers to hone their reflexes and practise one-on-one situations.
[ Last edited by counter-mgj on 2003-7-24 at 11:35 AM ]
Originally posted by counter-mgj at 2003-7-24 11:34 AM:
Small sided games on larger pitches. Though the players will tire quicker, they will build up stamina, improve their work rate and develop good passing and movement.
Sma ...