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[求助][招商引资ing]FM 2006 Patch v6.0.2

发表于 2005-12-20 10:31:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
FM 2006 and WSM 2006 Patch 6.0.2 is now available, for both PC and Mac.

Patch 6.0.2

WSM Digital River Users - Please do not download the WSM PC 6.0.2, your patch will be ready tomorrow - apologies for the delay.

Changelist as follows:

Football Manager 2006 v6.0.2 (Build 72973)

+ Added command line option "--user_data_location" to customise the FM06 base use data folder (also see SIbase).
+ Added command line option "--always_reload_skin" for graphics/skin authors to be able to reload the same skin from Preferences without changing skin twice.
+ Command line option "--database_location" showed an error dialog even when it succeeded in some situations.
+ Command line option "--database_location" accepts absolute paths (see SIbase documentation for details).
+ Fixed "profit/(loss)" on the home page finance panel always being 0.
+ Fixed potential problem with importing some training schedules.
+ Fixed occasional freeze on finance income/expenditure sections if --small_screen was used.
+ If a player had agreed to a "future transfer" his icon in the squad and search sections was still "bid" (instead of "trn").
+ Moved the skin cache folder from the FM06 installation folder to the user data folder to avoid permission problems.
+ Fixed camara agree's transfer on day of deadline window - but transfer is cancelled due to work permit decision coming a day too late
+ Fixed fining a player who is on loan to you and he will get upset with the club that owns the player
+ Fixed Short-term loan deals taking too long to decide
+ Fixed Claudio Ranieri appointed to as chelsea boss
+ Fixed occasional player with a contract until 17.7.2088 in 2005
+ Fixed League Two players demanding four-year deals in July 2005
+ Adjusted players contract length demands for first team squad rotation players
+ Ensured players who are unhappy at sale of player do eventually get happy again
+ Indonesian leagues now use 7 subs.
+ Fixed potential crash in international management if a staff retired while in control of the U23s or U20s.
+ Stopped managers from losing loyalty points when praising opposition managers
+ Fixed 'Use Current Team Selection' on holiday option
+ Fixed manager/coach release on just players allowing human manager to offer less wages
+ Fixed a bug where a team would still play matches at a temporary stadium after moving back to their original stadium,
+ Fixed a bug where a club team might get included in the U21 European Championship.
+ Tuning of player happiness with training.
+ If a human manager goes on holiday during a match, the match is now saved down properly so that it can be replayed to give the final result.
+ Fixed a probem where co-ownership deals would sometimes not be resolved properly at the end of the co-ownership period.
+ Virtual Manager Fix for teams being short of players sometimes
+ Tuning of virtual players playing in leagues running with Basic Detail.
+ Fix for Israeli foreign player registraton - teams are restricted to registering 5 foreign players in the whole squad and only 5 foreign players permitted in match squad.
+ Fix for players given a squad number but then get loaned out and still keep their squad.
+ Fix for tactics not processing international retirements.
+ Fix for team hiring manager when they agree to delay a contract offer.
+ Fix for german national job offer to human.
+ Fix for two global awards in one year.
+ old human contract offers now get cleared down.
+ Fixed no nation displayed in team award screen for a player
+ Fixed crash when human asks coach to pick u23 national team.
+ Can ask for a new contract when on a monthly contract.
+ Fix for clubs not checking division before offering a fate contract.
+ Fixed old 'slightly injured' icons displaying on tactics screen
+ Regen manager fix for countires such as Belarus getting lots and lots of foreign regens
+ Fixed players being described by the media as regular first-teamers when they weren't
+ Fix to stadium code very occasionally appearing in match_summary news items
+ Fixed a problem where sometimes teams were not getting their home matches moved to their preferred match day.
+ Fixed a problem with co-ownerships when teams bid nearly the same value for the other half of the player. The game now rounds both values before comparing to see which team wins.
+ Fixed a co-ownership cheat where you can buy one half of a player from one team and get the other half for free from the other team.
+ Fixed problem with -1 : -1 scorelines sometimes appearing in news items.
+ The 'one yellow card away from ban' status flag does not appear if the next match is a friendly.
+ Fixed referees regening as 14 year olds
+ Training improvement board request option is now disabled if club already has the best training facilities.
+ Training levels graph does not include the current month as the value can still change before the end of the month.
+ Fixed a bug where right sided players are sometimes left-footed when fake players are used.
+ Nations in competitions menu are now sorted properly.
+ Fixed occasional problem where a player sign a pre-contract with another club, joins them then the next day his contract runs out and he leaves.
+ Manager feeling triumphant after losing (Manager Mind-Games Screen)
+ Fixed being repeatedly offered a national youth team job even when you decline the first offer.
+ National youth teams offering jobs to humans from that nation or who manage in that nation.
+ National youth team pool will only show players eligible for that team.
+ National youth teams only manageable if enough players available.
+ National youth teams now call up foreign based players( except african nations ).
+ Bias added to seasonal domestic awards, bias is against defenders as they have high average ratings.
+ Fix for human accepting job, resigning then accepting another job on the same day, while on holiday.
+ Fixed a bug where young players bought in from another club where not marked as "Trained at club" if they had been at their new club for 3 years before the age of 21.
+ Tuned code that adjusts loyalty in manager profile.
+ Fixed board giving manager vote of confidence 3 days after hiring him.
+ Fixed AC Milan failing to hire a manager for a long period of time.
+ Fixed expectation text for nation with nothing to play for in qualifiers.
+ Fixed monthly board confidence news item showing profit when club report loss.
+ Fixed renewal signing on fees not being included in total expenditure.
+ Fixed player involved in main and youth monthly award for same month.
+ Imported training schedules are now validated - no more intensive schedules with light workloads!
+ Players keeping accepting new contracts with a lower weekly wage fixed.
+ Potential transfer value doesn't match with the actual offer (transfer offer screen).
+ Reduced the ease with which foriegn old Players would leave Qatar clubs.
+ Human should not be able to negotiate budgets when he rejects a contract offer.
+ contract offer news item uses clubs offered wage budget when triggering text.
+ Fixed current seasons transfer budget being decreased When human negotiates budgets.
+ Tuned player unhappiness manager / player responses.
+ Fixed post-match player injection news.
+ Made AI clubs protect hot prospects a bit better
+ Lessened chances of players of decent reputation being overlooked by potential suitors in non selected leagues
+ Made ex-internationals with plenty of caps for large nations less likely to join very small clubs late in career of as non players
+ Made AI clubs a bit more willing to splash out on players they percieve to have high PA
+ Made high profile out of work managers less inclined to take assistant or coaching roles
+ Made non-playing staff more inclined to reject job offers for already filled roles at clubs - eg if 1 assistant in place, a large no of coaches, physios or scouts.
+ Lowered price clubs willing to pay out above display value for poor to average players
+ Made certain players quicker to request move to bigger club after a relegation
+ Fixed low max wages for rich clubs under wage budget in non rich leagues
+ Tuned international manager appointments for non selected leagues
+ Added extra restrict foreign signings checks for leagues which have foreigner rules
+ Fixed players wanting first-team football from expressing this as both a major and minor concern
+ Fixed wrong nation displayed for player in international roundup news.
+ Fixed player not winning top goalscorer award while on loan.
+ Fixed wrong year being displayed for greek specific date awards.
+ Fixed specific date awards processing for seasons before game start date.
+ Fixed managers of clubs in inactive comps winning national manager awards.
+ club award news item should have been using nationality instead of nation in text.
+ Null pointer fix when a comp award was being processed.
+ Fixed player gaining nationality to his original nation.
+ Award buildup news now links different players to different awards.
+ Added 'Mutual Contract Termination' for non players.
+ Fixed player scoring inconsistency in ass man team report
+ Stopped players asking for moves for first team footie when on loan/listed/future transfer etc
+ Tuned AI asking prices for top players
+ Made AI clubs take account of player potential more regarding short to mid term squad management
+ Lowered player reluctance to move abroad when already a foreign player in current league
+ Various Stadium fixs, can't just build a roof onto an exisiting stadium, your chairman will also loan the money aquired for large
stadium expansions if your club doesn't have the money

[ 本帖最后由 sun8134 于 2005-12-20 01:22 PM 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-20 10:32:05 | 显示全部楼层
+ Extended end of season loan dates to cover play-off finals.
+ Player attribute values were in some cases not taking training effects into consideration on (mainly player comparison).
+ Transfer offer section for your own players would disappear if you browsed off the player screen then came back.
+ Some players were showing £0 when it should be "-".
+ Asking prices set by humans now treated more realistically by AI teams
+ Polish transfer values cut down at top end
+ Improved transfer AI for teams without managers loaded in non selected leagues
+ Improved transfer values of players at teams without managers loaded in non selected leagues
+ Made sure players out of contract and remaining at club on month to month basis are available free to AI teams
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-20 10:32:44 | 显示全部楼层
+ Fixed a problem in Turkish 2. Division B where group sizes were not being set properly for the second group stage
+ South-east Asian nations no longer used for 2011 Asian Nations Cup hosts.
+ Foreign rule in Slovenia now changed to non-EU rule.
+ Away goals used in Slovenian Cup semi final.
+ Teams promoted to French First Division now get their reserve teams promoted to the CFA.
+ Argentine Premier Division playoff now takes place in a neutral stadium if scheduled.
+ Matches now not moved to friday for tv in Spanish Second Division B.
+ Guandong Province home stadium will be always at Tianhe Stadium for Hong Kong-Canton Interport Cup instead of randomly chosen in Guangzhou.
+ Fixed issue where some teams in Brazilian Bahia State Championship where playing all there games at home.
+ Hong Kong FA cup minor schedule update.
+ Turkish Cup scheduling update.
+ Australian sub rule update.
+ Added Spanish Cup preliminary 05/06 teams.
+ Belgian cup final now played at Stade Roi Baudouin.
+ Serbia and Montenegro Cup history now updated properly every year.
+ Australian league matches only postponed if over 5 players are on international duty
+ Some Belgian league date changes.
+ Swiss teams now arrange pre-season friendlies.
+ Some Brazilian and Chilean teams now play matches at alternative stadiums when they play against certain teams.
+ Belgian 2nd division team is now byed to the semi finals of the relegation playoffs.
+ Players getting bans from the Australiaa Pre-Season Cup now get suspended for Premiership matches.
+ Norwegian league winners now get prize money.
+ Fixed a problem with some teams always rejecting friendlies on certain dates.
+ Added winter breaks to some reserve competitions.
+ Croatian league now keeps teams in the correct half of the table after the split.
+ Australian sub rule update.
+ Fix for Israeli foreign player registraton - teams are restricted to registering 5 foreign players in the whole squad and only
5 foreign players permitted in match squad.
+ Fix for players given a squad number but then get loaned out and still keep their squad.
+ Matches now not moved to friday for tv in Spanish Second Division B.
+ A temporary fix to stop FC United of Manchester being involved in FA Trophy for at least 2 seasons.
+ Fix to stop lower league teams from playing at home in Israeli State Cup
+ Amended Israeli squad registration window so it now ends Saturday, 14th, January.
+ Fix for FIFA Confederations Cup - rest of squad can now be named as subs.
+ Shanghai Team now plays home games at Shanghai Stadium for Hong Kong-Shanghai Interport Cup.
+ French Cup and French Ligue Cup finals now played at Stade de France.
+ For Solvakia 1st and 2nd division, added winter break for 06/07 season and onwards.
+ Fixed squad registration issue where 2 players get the same squad number.
+ Players on loan (and still on loan) at start of game now no longer get a squad number from their permanent team.
+ Fix to ensure that only the top teams in Turkish premier league appear on tv.
+ Fix to ensure loan players get squad numbers.
+ Fix for situation where AI was not assigning squad numbers to players during registration window in Spanish Segunda B division.
+ Brazilian league now works quicker when running in normal detail.


+ Fixed some player bio strings saying the player had a poor season when he had not
+ Fixed some contract renewal news items for player/coaches
+ Adjusted AI trigger for fans unhappy at signing of ageing player news
+ Fixed consecutive winners of compettions being declared as winning one more trophy than they actually did
+ Fixed media comment news items not being translated properly if you changed to a different language to the one you used to create the savegame.
+ Fixed XML string parsing bug that could lead to translated text not being translated properly in rare circumstances.

+ Updated Malaga player pictures
+ Updated Racing Santander player pictures
+ Updated Villarreal player pictures
+ Added Celta player pictures
+ Updated Emmen, Go Ahead Eagles and Sparta Rotterdam logos
+ Removed wrong Blackpool away kit
+ Updated Atletico Madrid player pictures
+ Added Southampton player pictures

Match Engine Version History

Match v448
- Reworked match condition progression
- Slight tweak to AI managers "sitting back" AI
- Toned down certain motivation and nervousness effects
- Slightly increased effectiveness of long shots
- Fixed occasional defensive clearances across own area
- Cut down on remaining occurances of long range headers on goal

Match v449
- Tuned no of goals from 448

Match v450
- Tweak to team selection AI

Match v451
- Fixed bug where team said to have won trophy in normal league game
- Improved pass selection at higher levels
- Stopped eg 4-0 wins being described as "a poor game" in comms
- Redone player reaction AI to manager being pleased or delighted after loss or poor result
- Reduced changes to morale based on post match talks
- More sanity checks on morale changes in match
- Fixed manager reputation changes post match - should slow down rises for new managers
- Improved AI manager formation selection for matches
- Improved in match calculation of player pace as affected by physical condition
- Improved in match calculation of player pace when running with ball
- Tweaked motivation of players according to match score
- Stopped keeper coming forward for corners if he has instruction "stay back if needed"
- Tweaked marking from defenders of team with an attacking throw situation
- Allowed other players bar strikers to consider making off ball run into an empty channel
- Made players with clear sight of goal more likely to shoot than run into a more difficult shooting position
- Made swap player tactic work for human teams
- Fixed occasional player time wasting in silly situations
- Tuned player match condition progression

Match v452
- Further improved AI manager formation selection for matches
- Improved AI manager substitution AI
- Tweak to passing/run with ball choice AI
- Tweaked player covering team mate AI
- User can now give full backs arrows beyond half way

Match v453
- AI teams now have correct required result set before match - eg if need to win by X to qualify, draw to stay up etc etc
- AI teams more positive with starting formation according to opponent
- Fixed high condition penalty for wet pitch surface
- Teams now more likely to shut up shop when getting hammered against expectation to avoid further embarrassment
- AI teams in non vital domestic league matches more likely to go for the win depending on manager attacking attribute
- Swap player really does work now ;-)
- Tweaked match rating related reputation progression
- Made choice of captain have less impact on technical player match abilities
- Tweak penalty kick conversion rates
- Try to make better players "put foot on ball" a bit more
- Make unfair red and yellow card get stored correctly as such for use in discipline module

Match v454
- Stopped play being brought back for offside when advantage should be played for attacking team
- Stopped players being swapped without having it set in tactics
- Given booked players more time to take up proper positions at set piece
- Improved pre match calculation of "expected result" for use in AI manager tactical approach
- Made AI teams a little more careful away from home when not losing
- Made AI teams utilise the forward run instruction more realistically
- Made the better players at better teams a little less inhibited by away games
- Slight increase on mental effect on weaker willed players of playing top opposition
- Fixed bug stopping managers giving red carded players team talks
- Try to make midfielders get a few more goals by joining the attack quicker
- Improved run with ball AI a little
- Fixed problem with defence of team with attacking throw that can leave attacker a run on goal if ball cleared
- Fixed obscure bug where keeper will run out of own area to intercept an impossible ball and leave goal empty
- Reduced number of very wild and innacurate shots

Match v455
- Fixed "poor game" commentary line after heavy win for one of the teams
- Made AI managers go very defensive a little less, especially in non vital games
- Improved AI use of try long shots player instruction
- Made long shots specialists eg Lampard less reluctant to have a dip
- AI teams now abandon 1 up front formations during the match if things arent working
- Retuned match ratings a little to allow for recent changes in the engine
- Further tuned offensive positioning of central midfielders with forward run instruction set
- Cut down on harsh red cards for "professional fouls"

Match v456
- Match engine now recognises promotion contenders as such
- Swap player issue with subs and changing of role via tactic screen fixed
- Player match ratings micro tweaked

Match v457
- Fine tuned match ratings
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-20 10:35:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-12-22 10:11:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-12-22 10:32:50 | 显示全部楼层
引cryflame 兄的

解决主界面 收支栏为0的问题(fine)
将皮肤cache目录从安装目录移动到user data目录(解决cache不能使用的问题)
修正在转会中止日强制取消所有已经得到工作许可的问题(?  似乎没有出现这种问题)
修正了CHELSEA的老板变成了Claudio Ranieri问题
印尼联赛现在可以使用7名替补了(who care?)
修正了球队一直在临时球场比赛,却不返回原球场的问题(MAN UTD教练的福音)
虚拟教练的某某问题(没看明白,原文为Virtual Manager Fix for teams being short of players sometimes)
修正了以色列的外籍球员的注册问题(只能拥有5名外籍球员等等,who care?)
修正战术无法在从国家队退役球员上执行的问题(!!!)(原文如此,翻译可能不准确Fix for tactics not processing international retirements.)
增加了AI 俱乐部为有潜力球员而投入大量资金的几率(不知道指的是转会费还是工资)
将皮肤cache目录从安装目录移动到user data目录(解决cache不能使用的问题)
修正在转会中止日强制取消所有已经得到工作许可的问题(?  似乎没有出现这种问题)
修正了CHELSEA的老板变成了Claudio Ranieri问题
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-22 13:06:21 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 周杭ch_007 于 2005-12-22 10:11 AM 发表


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-12-25 22:52:43 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-12-30 18:59:06 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-1-4 16:18:20 | 显示全部楼层
to 9楼的liverpool兄弟:据我所知 只要下载-〉解压缩-〉安装 就行了。

[ 本帖最后由 supippo9 于 2006-1-4 04:20 PM 编辑 ]
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