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发表于 2005-11-19 12:53:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Peter Shilton, Ray Clemence, David Seaman, Peter Schmeichel, Bruce Grobellar, in fact the list could go on and on. All the goalkeepers I have just mentioned are legends of the game in their very own ways in some way or another. I would also go as far as saying they are still missed and have not been replaced by their clubs properly and probably never will. Why I here you ask? Well one reason is because every single one of them had a presence about them on the pitch and a character and to be a world-class keeper you need this to differentiate yourself from the others.

Let's take Peter Schmeichel for example he is one of the best goalkeepers I have ever seen in my life time and I will never see another Schmeichel type of character either. You see he was a leader and he lead the team from the back when things were not going right he would voice his opinion and was not bothered if he upset a team mate. If you played under Peter's reign then at some point no matter who you were you would have come in for a tongue lashing off him. That was his own team-mates so imagine how the opponents felt playing against him if he treated his own team-mates like that. I bet people used to look at him on the pitch and become intimidated by him because of his presence. He could command his goal like no other and spread himself across the goal when needed. He stood tall until the very last minute and made himself big, his own defenders used to be very confident that if they made a mistake Peter was more than capable of saving their blushes.

Well FM 2006 is no different you need a goalkeeper who you can rely on and know he won't let you down. Don't expect to find one straight away though you might find a talent but it might take a couple of seasons for him to come into his own. The goalkeeper is and always will be your last line of defence, if the opposition breaks through your midfield and defence then you need to be confident your goalkeeper will not let you down or get beat. He is not going to save every single shot or attempt at goal as that would mean he was super human, there will be times that he does let goals in and make the odd mistake, but as long as it is not all the time then there should be no need for worry. When deciding on a goalkeeper there are a few things you should check first and these stats are what I call "core stats" and these are essential for any goalkeeper to stand a chance of being half decent. The stats you should always look out for are handling, reflexes and agility. If the player as good stats in these areas to begin with then with the right training you can improve him quite a lot and make him better.

There is only two ways you can play a goalkeeper really, you can set him up and act as a sweeper keeper meaning he will come off his line and out of the box at times and clear any balls that your defenders fail to deal with. Although this is very risky if you get it right you will benefit a lot.

Recommended Stats for a Sweeper Keeper are;

Acceleration, decisions, composure, anticipation, concentration, Positioning, command of area, agility, stamina, jumping, strength and aerial ability


Throwing, pace, concentration, composure, bravery and anticipation.

Recommended settings

Mentality - At least 10 or above (the more attacking though the more risky)

Closing Down - This should also be around 10 any less and the keeper will not close down when balls are outside the 18 yard box.

Tackling - Easy so he doesn't get sent off

The second way is the more so called "normal approach" where the keeper is quite reserved about coming out of his box and is slightly more cautious than the sweeper keeper.

Recommended Stats for a Normal Keeper are;

Decisions, composure, anticipation, concentration, Positioning, command of area, agility, stamina, jumping, strength and aerial ability


Throwing, pace, concentration, composure, bravery and anticipation.

Recommended settings

For a normal style keeper;

Mentality - 6

Closing Down - rarely about 4

Tackling - Easy so he doesn't get sent off
 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-19 12:54:37 | 显示全部楼层

Peter Shilton, Ray Clemence, David Seaman, Peter Schmeichel, Bruce Grobellar,这些都是世界上优秀的门将,并且在他们所在的年代凭借自己独特的方式留下了不少传奇的故事。甚至于,在他们退役了之后,人们仍然不能忘怀,俱乐部也很难再找到同样胜任的人。我为什么要说这些呢,因为他们中的每一个人都有自己在球场上独特的个性,要成为一个世界级的守门员,就必须和他们一样与众不同。





爆发力(Acceleration), 决断(decisions), 冷静(composure), 预判(anticipation), 集中(concentration), 站位(Positioning), 禁区控制力(command of area), 灵活(agility), 体力(stamina), 弹跳(jumping), 力量(strength)和制空能力(aerial ability)

手抛球(Throwing), 速度(pace), 集中(concentration), 冷静(composure), 勇敢(bravery)和预判(anticipation)


心态 - 至少10或更高(越靠进攻越多风险)
紧逼 - 在10左右,少的话门将将不会对任何在禁区外的球进行紧逼
铲断 - 最少(easy),这样不容易被罚下



决断(Decisions), 冷静(composure), 预判(anticipation), 集中(concentration), 站位(Positioning), 禁区控制力(command of area), 灵活(agility), 体力(stamina), 弹跳(jumping), 力量(strength)和制空能力(aerial ability)


手抛球(Throwing), 速度(pace), 集中(concentration), 冷静(composure), 勇敢(bravery)和预判(anticipation)


心态 - 6
紧逼 - 4或者更少
铲断 - 最少(easy),这样不容易被罚下

[ 本帖最后由 绝代单骄 于 2005-11-28 04:06 PM 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 -1 收起 理由
绝代单骄 -1 FMHQ威望和精华分开


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发表于 2005-11-19 12:57:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-11-19 17:33:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-11-20 08:44:42 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-20 09:48:14 | 显示全部楼层
1。 知道了如何选择门将和培养门将,2008年重新起用老将dida,效果不同凡响,连续出色发挥5场


[ 本帖最后由 jojocarter 于 2005-11-20 09:49 AM 编辑 ]
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发表于 2005-11-20 20:44:33 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-21 10:15:24 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 linjian1980 于 2005-11-20 03:46 PM 发表

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