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发表于 2010-11-8 04:01:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


http://edition.cnn.com/2010/SPOR ... ar.world/index.html

Why soccer should fear the NBA
By James Montague, CNN(没错,是美国CNN的篮球评论者)


给出其中一段 Whilst soccer's ubiquity as the global game has long been taken for granted, basketball, through the NBA, has slowly begun to take over the world.虽然足球的普及作为全球游戏一直被视为理所当然,篮球,通过NBA,已经慢慢开始接管世界 (这么狂妄的句子,写出来真不脸红,跟中国篮球迷有的一拼)

Football's position as the world's most popular sport is under threat.


This is a very American thing to say: Baseball compares to Soccer, Football compares to Soccer, and now Basketball or the NBA does too. These are awful jokes. Even if you add up all of the NCAA Basketball, NBA Basketball, College Football, A, AA, AAA, MLB Baseball, Hockey (College & Pro), and whatever other teams there are in America, it would barely get close to the number of only PROFESIONAL soccer teams there are in the world. There are Professional soccer leagues in all Latin American countries (excepting the Caribbean islands), in all European Countries (Not only EU members), in most Arab countries, in most Asian countries, and there is no question that it is number one in Africa.
I can't understand why they put the face of Rooney next to Kobe, Rooney hasn't won any individual award, only a few cups with Manchester. Besides Kobe being extremely tall and obviously very visible wherever he goes (just like any NBA player) they can't compare with top soccer stars like Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, David Beckham, Ronaldo Nazario de Lima, Zinedine Zidane, etc, etc. Even Michael Jordan with all of his greatness doesn't have the same global impact Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Diego Armando Maradona, and many others have. Simply because no matter if you are Jordan, Alex Rodríguez, Wayne Gretzky, Joe Montana or any other alike, simply they can't have the same worldwide impact!
It's not about the salaries they make in the US or the movies they are in, or their athleticism, extreme height, muscle mass, etc. it's about impact, about talent, about the beautiful game. A game that can be played by short, tall, skinny, not so skinny, black, white, Asian, Arab, Latino, African on any soil, street, pitch, corner and with anything that can be kicked, let it be a ball, old socks, chunk of paper, coconut, date, or simply a coke can


这是一个非常美国的说法:(美国人拿)棒球与足球对比,拿美式足球与足球对比,现在篮球和NBA也拿来对比。 这些都是可怕的笑话。 即使你把所有的NCAA篮球,NBA的篮球,大学美式足球,A级,AA级,AAA级,美国职棒大联盟棒球,曲棍球(大专及专业版),以及任何其他都在美国的球队(全部加起来),这也无法接近世界上所有的专业足球队。职业足球联赛在所有拉丁美洲国家(除加勒比群岛)、在欧洲所有国家、在大多数阿拉伯国家、在大多数亚洲国家都有。而且毫无疑问,足球在非洲也是第一位。

我不明白他们为什么把鲁尼放在科比的脸旁边。鲁尼还没有获得任何个人奖项,只有曼联的冠军奖杯。 科比除了长得特别高还有走到哪里都很突出(就像任何NBA球员),他们无法与像罗纳尔多,梅西,贝克汉姆,罗纳尔多,齐达内等顶级足球明星相对比。即使迈克尔乔丹加上所有的成就,也不具备像马拉多纳之类的足球巨星的世界影响力,Even Michael Jordan with all of his greatness doesn't have the same global impact Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Diego Armando Maradona, and many others have)很简单,因为不管你是乔丹,或者是阿莱克斯罗德里格斯,韦恩茨基,乔蒙大拿州或者其他人,他们在全世界范围并没有多少影响力。

还有一位仁兄说道“The only one country worth playing basketball is United States because they like being "unique”  只有一个国家(值得?)玩篮球,因为他们喜欢显得“独特“

所以之前天下足球有人将乔丹拿出来和罗纳尔多比较世界影响力的行为,事实上是,在世界各国人民眼中是一个大笑话。 (选取近日一则新闻,非洲肯尼亚国内的一场足球甲级联赛有3万多名观众进场http://news.xinhuanet.com/video/2010-10/24/c_12694488.htm  非洲人的热情都在足球之上)



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