发表于 2010-9-19 18:18:39
Muslim countries
Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, has a work week of Monday through Friday, with Saturday and Sunday as the weekend[2].
Other Muslim-majority countries differ, with Friday a day of prayer, so the working week may adjust to allow people time to attend prayer.
The legal work week in the Middle East is typically either Saturday through Wednesday (Saudi Arabia), Saturday through Thursday (as in Iran) or Sunday through Thursday as in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, and Syria.
A working week of Sunday through Thursday, with Friday and Saturday as the weekend, is becoming more common, with Qatar shifting to this model in 2003, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates in 2006, Kuwait in 2007, and Algeria in 2009.
In 2009, formal proposals are also being discussed in Yemen and Saudia Arabia to shift to a Saturday to Thursday work week. This trend is to allow for respect of Fridays as the day for Jummah prayers in Muslim countries while also having more working days to overlap with international financial markets. |