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发表于 2009-11-18 16:50:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Rafael Benítez首先暗示了他在Liverpool的经理生涯将会是失败的,除非这个赛季能把联赛冠军奖杯带回Anfield。
   “谁都知道我想得赢得所有的比赛,所有的奖杯。” Benítez说到。“但如果你让我选,我会选英超冠军。如果我不能赢得英超冠军,我肯定会非常失落。”
     随着他们将极有可能降组到新的欧罗巴联赛中去,Benítez承认他正在努力和这看似即将降临到Liverpool头上的恶运抗争着。“很难接受这个事实,” Benítez说。“但这不是世界末日,我们必须勇往直前。”
     令Liverpool教头感到些许安慰的是,伴随着几位一线队主力伤病情况的好转,伤病危机的乌云正渐渐逝去。 Steven Gerrard, Glen Johnson和Daniel Agger已经恢复了训练并且有望能在星期六对阵来访的Manchester City的比赛中出场,不过Fernando Torres的腹股沟伤势仍旧会让他出现在替补席上。Benítez 说:“Agger没事了,虽然他的背部出了点小问题,但是他已经恢复训练了。丹麦国家队主教练没有征召Agger的决定是正确,这令他的伤势恢复情况更好了。我相信到了周末,他应该没问题了。”
       毫无疑问Gerrard的回归是被主教练寄于厚望的,特别当前Anfield迫切需要他那具有魔力的场上表现以及关键的比赛制胜能力。 “我的腹股沟还有点小问题,不过在我接受了一些注射治疗之后,病痛已经减轻了许多,” Gerrard如是说。“恢复情况还不错,现在的首要目标就是确保我能好好的参加这周的训练,接下来我要准备的就是同Man Ctiy的比赛了。

[ 本帖最后由 日天 于 2009-11-18 04:54 PM 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-18 16:50:47 | 显示全部楼层
Rafael Benítez: Win league title or I’ve failed at Liverpool

Rafael Benítez has intimated for the first time that he will consider his reign as Liverpool

manager a failure unless he can deliver the league title back to Anfield.

It is approaching 20 years since Liverpool were last crowned champions of England and

Benítez, who became manager in June 2004, has conceded that even the Champions League

success he masterminded in 2005 would not remove the feeling of disappointment should he be

unable to guide the Merseyside club to Premier League glory.

“Anyone who knows me knows that I want to win every trophy, every game,” Benítez said.

“But if you ask me what I prefer, I will say the Premier League. If I do not win the title,

I’m sure I’d be so disappointed maybe I would have this feeling [of failure].”

Liverpool lie seventh in the league table, 11 points behind Chelsea, the leaders, and face

an uphill battle to get back into the title race, particularly after a poor run of form in

which they have won only once in their past nine matches in all competitions.

Their plight has been made even worse by their Champions League form — which has previously

served them so well under Benítez’s reign — deserting them to such effect that they are on

the verge of being eliminated at the group stage for the first time during the Spaniard’s


But with demotion to the Europa League seemingly beckoning, Benítez admits that he is

struggling to come to terms with the fate seemingly awaiting Liverpool. “It’s not easy to

accept the situation,” Benítez said. “But it’s not the end of the world. We must keep


The Liverpool manager was heartened to discover yesterday that the injury crisis that has

deprived him of several first-team regulars in recent weeks is beginning to ease.

Steven Gerrard, Glen Johnson and Daniel Agger are back in training and expected to be

available for the visit of Manchester City to Anfield on Saturday, although Fernando Torres

’s groin problems are likely to keep him on the sidelines. Agger is OK,” Benítez said.

“He had a small problem with his back but he’s training. It was a very good decision from

Denmark’s manager [to withdraw Agger from the international squad] because he is much

better now. I think he’ll be OK for the weekend.

“Johnson has been training. Not full sessions, but training, so hopefully he’ll be OK for

the weekend, too. Gerrard is doing well. He finished a full training session today, so if he

can carry on, he’ll be OK as well.”

Gerrard confirmed his expected availability and will be welcomed back into the Liverpool

squad by his manager at a time when his talismanic presence and match-winning ability will

be greatly needed.

“I’ve had a problem in my groin that has taken a while to get over but I’m just relieved

a second injection seems to have done the trick,” Gerrard said. “It’s a case of so far,

so good and the aim now is to make sure I get a good week’s training under my belt so I’m

ready for the game with City.”
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-19 14:05:30 | 显示全部楼层
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