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《钢铁雄心2》新资料片宣布: 民主兵工厂Arsenal of Democracy

发表于 2009-9-14 13:00:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Paradox Interactive昨日宣布,Mod制作团队BL-Logic将以《HOI 2》(小胡子养成计划2)为基础开发一款新作,游戏名为“民主国家的兵工厂(Arsenal of Democracy)”

由HOI爱好者及Mod社群积极分子组成的BL-Logic团队号称要为玩家带来二战终极体验,项目负责人Lennart Berg将该作描述成“《HOI 2》的威力加强版”,“在把玩HOI2的这几年里,我在论坛上归纳出一份名单,上面列明了该作有哪些亟待改进之处,这差不多就是新作的研发指南。”

 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-14 13:01:01 | 显示全部楼层

1,增加了4个小战役,4 battle scenarios have been added.
1947 Kasmir War 克什米尔
1948 Arab- Isreal War 阿以战争
1950 Korean War 韩战
1956 Suez Crisis 苏伊士运河危机


-Mousewheel zoom 鼠标滑轮缩放地图
-Optional message box closing delay - no more accidently closed events
-general reminders - for example if slider move is possible.. 提示可改变(政策或者滑条)的地方
-New message notefier system - get all important events without cluttering the screen. Messages that are marked for this system are shown in an icon on the right screen an can be expanded by clicking on the corresponding icon. 信息图标出现在屏幕右侧,点击后出现
-Full Screen / windowed selectable in settings.cfg 全屏/窗口模式
-Resolution freely selectable in settings.cfg 可调分辨率
-Multi deployment of units now possible - quick and easy to place large batches of units. 可以一次放置多个单位,猜测是并行生产单位结束后,可以一次放置多个单位
-New Trade tab to improve speed and overview of all trades. 改进了贸易
-More advanced trade options, like setting an import target, or block import / export of specific resources 贸易选项,例如进口的侧重,禁运,出口首选
-improved supply mode map: province ESE ,convoys and prioritized provinces are shown.
-New statistics page in ledger to compare losses / kills 详细的统计,比较损失和战果
-New espionage UI - no more micro - just select priority and mission. 新的谍报体系,类似于3代,只要设定优先任务
-New espionage mission ( naval espionage - on succes, ship composition and mission is shown and ships are visible on map for xx days) 新的碟报任务,例如海军任务,成功后对方相关舰队在地图上显示若干天
Production system rework:
-New advanced autosliders with Min/Max setting for each slider. 新的生产滑条,可设定最高/最低值
-New expense slider to control all domestic and foreign expenses like spies / research / Salaries. 新的支出滑条,可控国内外支出,例如间谍、科研和薪水
-New buildings like Synthetic oil plants / synthetic rare plants.-All conversions are user controllable with sliders determining the amount of resources converted. 新建筑,炼油厂、化工厂,用来转化资源
-Most advanced production system ever implemented in a grand strategy game:
--Production is now ordered in production lines: 引入了生产线概念?
---They can be shortened / lengthened at will
---More IC can be thrown at them to increase speed. 可用IC加速生产
---Can be paused to preserve gearing bonus without closing the line 可暂停生产项目
--Ability to upgrade units in production to newer models. 发展出新科技后,正在生产的项目可以升级
--Refit and retooling times included. 升级科技和工具要花额外的时间?可能是新生产科技出来之后,要花一点时间才能发挥作用。
--Gearing increase speed and max gearing attainable increasable through research. 流水加成可通过科技提高
-AI now takes advantage of this system and knows the value of gearing. AI可以利用流水的好处

new Logstical system: 物流运输
-Decentral production - use resources and produce supplies at offshore IC, no need to ship resources to capital if IC is nearby. 分散中心:可使用海外资源,不用将资源全部运回首都
-Ability to produce units offshore if enough IC is present offshore (100% moddable in misc.txt) 可在海外生产部队,如果那里有足够的IC
-Units receive supplies / oil through provinces, the supply effectivity is determined by the infra and terrain of the provinces it routes through. 部队在省一级获得补给/油料,补给率由该地的基础设施、地形决定
-Unit Supply consumption now variable with unit activity and 100% moddable 部队消耗的补给随任务而改变,且可修改
-Units have each local stock levels. Units with high activity and low supply efficiency or units cut off from supplies use the local stock until they run dry. Out of stock modifier now slowly increases with stock levels. 部队有各自的本地补给水平。被包围后可以使用本地资源——也就是不会被马上消灭了。
-Ships automatically return to port for resupply and depart afterwards. 舰只自动回港口补给
ntirely new land combat mechanics: 战斗
-New plan ahead system.. plan your offensives months in advance. 需要提前计划攻势作战
-All combat mechanics have been revamped.
-now realistic combat durations and losses are ingame.
-Land units speed is affected by combats. Slow enemy down by bombardments or feints 陆军单位的速度随作战任务而改变,轰炸和伪装可延缓敌人的速度
-New bombard mission - use artillery to soften the enemy before an assault. 新的炮击任务,在进攻前火炮进行火力准备——看来大炮兵主义要诞生了!

Air Combat Mechanics:空战
-All missions are selectable for Province/Area/Region 所有任务都可以设定省/地区
-Planes are now coordinated with each other, to maximize damage and to prevent all planes / rockets to target the same province. 飞机间相互协作,以提高杀伤和防止全部飞机在一个省
-runway cratering now damages planes on land. 炸机场可以伤到地面的飞机,对海狮是利好!
-Air war has been reworked, planes now can miss each other and radar now has many uses and is vital for air superiority in defensive missions. 提高了雷达的在防御空优中的作用

Naval System rework: 海军
-All missions are selectable for Province/Area/Region 所有任务都可选省/地区
-Totally revamped combat mechanics and brigade system.(all ships now depend on brigades) 修正了作战和加强旅的机制,所有舰只都可以有加强旅
-Ability to refit ships with different brigades. 可用不同的加强旅改进舰只
-Revamped combat positioning system: Watch out for small hard hitting high leader fleets in combat.
-Units will have to increase distance to attacker before escape.
-All combats now behave realistically and automatically retreat if no hope of victory exists.如果没有胜算,就要撤退
-Convert unused Destroyers to escorts 转换驱逐舰来护航

Provincial additions: 省份
-Province now has an effectivity value. this replaces the hidden natonal non national ic modifier. 省份有效率值
-Infrastructure affects province effectivity value, so its possible to expand resource and IC production in that province. 基础设施影响效率值,所以可提高资源和IC
-Infrastructure build time now terrain dependant 基础设施的建设时间受地形影响
-Provinces can be prioritized for repair. New visibly shown on supply map 省份有优先修理选项,现实在补给地图上
General improvements: 整体改进
-Collected manpower gets older with time and will retire, limits the endgame MP availible.老龄化和退休?
-Added 60 more user defined countries (from 00-99 to A0-F9) 增加了60个以上的用户自定国家,对MOD是好事
-Added 20 User defines brigades 增加20和用户自定的加强旅
-All STR/ORG combat modifiers now exported to misc.txt and 100% moddable
-New Techs 新科技
-A LOT of new modefiers to play with (misc.txt is many times larger as vanilla)
-Totally New attriction alghorithms 磨损?
-4 new Battle scenarios 4个新剧本
-Resource production rebalanced for the majors according to real world production figures
-IC limited techteams ( up to 10 teams dependent on ic) 科技组上限达到了10个!!!
-3 National Ideas / Country - also fully moddable ideas and effects  3种国家意识形态也是能修改的,包括意识形态和效果
Revamped combat positioning system: Watch out for small hard hitting high leader fleets in combat.
-Units will have to increase distance to attacker before escape.

One thing i especially like is a new value we gave Land Units, called "Artillery Bombardment".
As the name already says, you are now able to bombard nearby provinces with artillery attached and damage the Units stationend there. Larger Artillery, like the Big Railroad Guns we implemented, is also able to seriously damage fortifications and the province itself.


[ 本帖最后由 rikikehl 于 2009-9-14 01:10 PM 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-14 15:06:12 | 显示全部楼层
哇 牛B了 反正三奔不起来
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-14 15:11:39 | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-14 15:14:49 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-14 15:29:35 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-14 16:39:10 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-14 18:06:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 student 于 2009-9-14 15:29 发表

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-1 18:35:11 | 显示全部楼层


挖这么深的坟,还沙发,期待。  发表于 2012-3-1 20:29
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