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[攻略心得] FM09习惯翻译

发表于 2008-12-31 15:34:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
FM09习惯翻译 转载游侠上的希望 大家有用

ask xxx to be more forceful in the tackle

Ask ??? to   dribble down the right flank    沿右路突进

Ask ??? to   dribble down the left flank    沿左路突进

Ask ??? to   move into channels    拉到“边路”拿球

Ask ??? to   not get forward so much 从不前插

Ask ??? to   not look for the killer ball every time 从不传身后球

Ask ??? to   place his shots into the corner of the net    选择巧射

Ask ??? to   play a more expansive passing game    大范围的传球

Ask ??? to   restrict the number of long shots he takes 减少远射

Ask ??? to   stay on his feet when tackling a player    不倒地铲球

Ask ??? to   stop taking too much time on the ball 不要拿球犹豫,要果断出球。。。

Ask ??? to   stop dribbling down the left flank as much 减少沿左路带球

Ask ??? to   stop arguing with the match officials 停止与裁判理论

Ask ??? to   stop throwing himself into tackles 减少倒地铲球的次数???

Ask ??? to   stop being offide so much 减少越位次数

Ask ??? to   stop blasting the ball at goal 减少大力射门

Ask ??? to   stop moving into channels off the ball 减少带球套边

Ask ??? to   stop trying to be too precise with his finishing 减少追求角度射门

Ask ??? to   throw himself into tackles    倒地铲球

Ask ??? to   try and rifle free-kicks in    罚任意球时选择大力射门

Ask ??? to   try dribble through the centre of the park    沿中路突进

Ask ??? to   try not to dribble through the middle so much 不要总是沿中路突进

Ask ??? to   try long shots whenever possible    经常尝试远射

Ask ??? to   try killer balls rifle free-kicks in 罚任意球时尝试湖线球

Ask ??? to   try killer balls whenever possible    经常尝试传身后球

Ask ??? to   try to go round the keeper when one-on-one 尝试在一对一面对守门员时,过掉门将

Ask ??? to   try to lob the keeper when one-on-one    与门将1对1时选择过顶吊射

Ask ??? to   try to play a simple passing game    进行简单的短传配合

Ask ??? to   try to blast the ball into the back of the net    选择大力射门

Ask ??? to   try to beat the offside trap    尝试反越位

Ask ??? to   try to get forward whenever possible    有机会就前插
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-31 15:34:31 | 显示全部楼层
Ask ??? to   dribble down the right flank    沿右路突进

Ask ??? to   dribble down the left flank    沿左路突进

Ask ??? to   move into channels    拉到“边路”拿球

Ask ??? to   not get forward so much 从不前插

Ask ??? to   not look for the killer ball every time 从不传身后球

Ask ??? to   place his shots into the corner of the net    选择巧射

Ask ??? to   play a more expansive passing game    大范围的传球

Ask ??? to   restrict the number of long shots he takes 减少远射

Ask ??? to   stay on his feet when tackling a player    不倒地铲球

Ask ??? to   stop taking too much time on the ball 不要拿球犹豫,要果断出球。。。

Ask ??? to   stop dribbling down the left flank as much 减少沿左路带球

Ask ??? to   stop arguing with the match officials 停止与裁判理论

Ask ??? to   stop throwing himself into tackles 减少倒地铲球的次数???

Ask ??? to   stop being offide so much 减少越位次数

Ask ??? to   stop blasting the ball at goal 减少大力射门

Ask ??? to   stop moving into channels off the ball 减少带球套边

Ask ??? to   stop trying to be too precise with his finishing 减少追求角度射门

Ask ??? to   throw himself into tackles    倒地铲球

Ask ??? to   try and rifle free-kicks in    罚任意球时选择大力射门

Ask ??? to   try dribble through the centre of the park    沿中路突进

Ask ??? to   try not to dribble through the middle so much 不要总是沿中路突进

Ask ??? to   try long shots whenever possible    经常尝试远射

Ask ??? to   try killer balls rifle free-kicks in 罚任意球时尝试湖线球

Ask ??? to   try killer balls whenever possible    经常尝试传身后球

Ask ??? to   try to go round the keeper when one-on-one 尝试在一对一面对守门员时,过掉门将

Ask ??? to   try to lob the keeper when one-on-one    与门将1对1时选择过顶吊射

Ask ??? to   try to play a simple passing game    进行简单的短传配合

Ask ??? to   try to blast the ball into the back of the net    选择大力射门

Ask ??? to   try to beat the offside trap    尝试反越位

Ask ??? to   try to get forward whenever possible    有机会就前插
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-12-31 16:17:13 | 显示全部楼层
move into channels    这个是跑到空档吧
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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