


楼主: kashim

[提问请教] Rinus Michel的战术革命

 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-26 22:56:57 | 显示全部楼层
Roles in detail (all players should have good technique)

The Goalkeeper (1) GK: -

The goalkeeper in the system plays as part of the team. He is not allowed to wait statically on his goal line but has to play a long way from his goal; playing as an old fashioned sweeper. The theory being that if the goalkeeper plays with the whole team as a partial outfielder, he will give Ajax half an extra player on the field against opponents. So the system takes advantage of all 11 as opposed to just 10. Most goalkeepers in modern football now do this. I use Normal mentality for the goalkeeper to get this part of the system into CM.
When Ajax defend-deep the keeper can stay in his goal. But if the DRC has the ball on the right (and is in deep in his own half) and can’t play the ball forward he should be able to play it back to the GK. He should always be available to take a pass when the team has possession.
He normally plays it short to a defender.



这个体系中的门将是球队的一部分。他不是老实待在球门线上等球,而是有着很大的活动范围;象一个传统的清道夫一样。理论是这样的,如果门将作为象另外的场上球员的一员,那么ajax就多了一个球员和对手作战。所以这个体系是11人对10人,从而取得了优势。现在足球的许多门将都是这样的。对门将,我使用normal mentality使他在cm中成为体系的一员。



Central Defender (3) SW/DC: -

Has to move the ball as quickly as possible to the space where Ajax can score goals. Has to provide cover for his other 3 defenders. Priorities in the system are defending and organising (so a defensive or ultra defensive mentality is needed).
Under Cruyff the Central defenders (3 & 4) used to alternate on who would go into the D/DMC role and who would stay back (not possible in CM yet).
When Ajax are faced with 3 strikers/forwards, he should be the spare man while the other defenders (DLC D/DMC DRC) should man-mark.
In modern football the playmakers (mainly AMC) don’t have the space to dictate play that much anymore. So the SW/DC and D/DMC are the new playmakers, both to be on Hold the Ball up. Technique and passing stats and creativity are very important, he also needs to be speedy as Ajax like to play in the opponents half.

Central Defender (3) SW/DC:


在cruyff执教时,中间的防守者(3 & 4)常常换位。(在cm中不可行)(译者:现在的06里面有了swap position,不知道效果怎么样)

当 ajax面对3前锋时,他应该是个自由人,另外3个防守球员(DLC D/DMC DRC)应该盯人。

在现代足球中,组织者(主要是AMC)不再有很多的空间来控制比赛,所以SW/DC和D/DMC 是新的组织者,都要去控球。Technique and passing stats and creativity是很重要的,他也要有速度,因为ajax总是压在对手的半场。

Backs, Fullbacks (2 & 5) DRC & DLC: -

They have to watching the flanks and mark their direct opponents out of the game; I choose to have Zonal-marking for both if I play against a 4-4-2. Reason being that it provides more flexibility. I use Man-marking if I play against a centre forward tactic, so I get my Backs to Man-mark the two opposing strikers, wingers or AMC鈥檚.
They are not allowed to go into attack together (normal mentality) due to the D/DMC playing in advance of the SW/DC.
They have to cover their Midfielder i.e. 2 covering 6 and provide support for his winger i.e. 2 supporting 7.
The fullbacks under Cruyff had to be more pinched; had to pay more attention to the centre. Ajax played a lot through the centre and making the most of having Rijkaard in the team.
Have to play in a very disciplined manner; choose solutions that involve no risk of losing the ball.
Mandatory characteristics are pure speed (Pace & Acceleration) tactical insight; being able to size up situations in advance and therefore knowing exactly when to close down space and cover colleagues.

Backs, Fullbacks (2 & 5) DRC & DLC:


他们不能同时压上进攻(normal mentality)因为D/DMC在SW/DC前面。



必须严格执行指令,不冒险丢球。主要的要求是纯速度(Pace & Acceleration),战术意识,能够提前卡位,知道什么时候该紧逼什么时候该保护。

Midfield Libero, Free Central Defender, Attacking Defender (4) D/DMC: -

In the past Ajax had people like Rijkaard, Blind and Koeman playing in this position people who had excellent technique.
When the team have possession he is the one who has to move down the middle at the right moments, and make key passes (about 4 a game was Rijkaard鈥檚 average).
When the opposition has the ball he must know when to play in front of the SW/DC (mainly when attacked through centre) and when to play alongside the SW/DC (mainly when attacked from the wing).
Needs to be able to contribute to build up and attacking play must have good technique, passing, creativity, balance & strength. If the opponent plays with 3 strikers, he has to mark the central striker. Needs to have genuine characteristics of both a defender and midfielder, especially in tactics.

中场自由人,自由中卫,攻击后卫(4) D/DMC:

ajax过去在这个位置上有Rijkaard, Blind 和 Koeman这样有很好技术的球员。

当球队控球时,他应该能够适时的在中路插上,适时的给出key passes(Rijkaard平均每场4次)。当对手控球的时候,他应该知道什么时候站在SW/DC前面(主要是当对方从中路进攻时)什么时候该和SW/DC平行站位(主要是当对方从边路进攻时)。

能够进行组织和进攻,这就要求有好的technique, passing, creativity, balance & strength。如果对手是3前锋的话,他必须盯住中间的前锋。需要有后卫和中场的能力,特别是战术上的。
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-26 22:57:20 | 显示全部楼层
Midfielders, Controlling Midfielders, Holding Midfielders, Wide Midfielders (6 & 8) MRC & MLC: -

Watching Ajax play for the first time you would think that two midfield players seem to be in supporting roles. They are the controllers; players who not only must do their tactical work without mistakes but must also help to correct the mistakes of others. If these two fail in their task, the system effectively breaks down. For these two positions in the systems you need hard working players who are willing to do the self-sacrificing jobs (workrate, determination, bravery, aggression, balance and loads of stamina.
If the D/DMC has the ball on the left of midfield in his own half, the MRC has to move from the right into the middle. To cover the D/DMC, else anyone who would tackle the D/DMC would have a free run through midfield at the SW/DC. These two should pick up any balls that are cleared (from opponents box) as they are expected to wait near the edge of the penalty area when the ball is on the wing (same goes for corners). So if the AM/FR has the ball on the wing and is about to cross, the MRC should be supporting the winger and the MLC should be on the edge of the box. They have to be good at dribbling as forward runs with the ball can bring about a 2 against 1 situation or open up enough space for the midfielder to score for himself. Need to be creative and have ball skills. Need to have good anticipation and know when to close down space, plenty of stamina, as they have to cover a lot of ground during the game.

中场,控制型中场,控球型中场,拉边型中场(6 & 8) MRC & MLC:

第一次看ajax 比赛时,你也许会认为这两个中场更象支持的角色。他们是控制者;不仅必须不犯错误的完成他们战术任务,而且还要弥补其他球员的失误。如果他们完成不了任务,这个体系就不成型了。因此这两个位置必须要工作努力的球员,必须要愿意做自我牺牲的球员(需要work rate, determination, bravery, aggression, balance 和超强的stamina)


当在对手半场从边路进攻时(发角球也是一样),这两个中场必须待在禁区边缘,从而能得到从对方禁区解围出来的球。如果AM/FR在边路控球准备传中时,MRC应该支援边锋, MLC应该插到禁区的边缘。他们必须要精于dribbling ,因为当他们带球插上时,可以造成2打1的局面或为自己创造足够的进球空间。要有创造性和好的球技。要有好的预判,知道什么时候去紧逼,需要超强的体力,因为在比赛中他们要大量的保护。

Diamond Man, Playmaker, Central Midfielder (10) AM/FC: -

In modern football this guy can hard be called a playmaker anymore, hence me calling him the diamond due to his position on top of the midfield diamond.
The AM/FC has to move forward when Ajax have possession to create space for the D/DMC; this allows Ajax to have an extra player in midfield. And at the same time the distance between him and the Striker should never be more than five to ten meters (mainly when attacking). This allows the Striker to play short balls back to him (not yet in the AI) and doesn鈥檛 give the oppositions defence room to built up attacks from the back. This player has to have good anticipation, as he has to know where the ball is behind him and follow the Strikers movements. Has to know when to appear as the second striker (off the ball, decisions, anticipation).
Has to have good shooting skills, as he is second most important goal scorer in the system.

菱形球员,组织者 中间中场(10) AM/FC: -

在现代足球中,他不能再被称为组织者,我叫他菱形球员因为他的位置是菱形中场的菱形位置。当ajax控球时,AM/FC应该压上为D/DMC创造空间;这样就让ajax在中场多出一个球员来。同时,他和前锋之间的距离不能超过5~10米(主要是进攻时)。这样前锋就可以把球回传给他(AI没有这样的)(译者:06里面好象回做也很少)并不给对手后卫足够的空间从后场组织进攻。要有良好的预判,他也要知道球什么时候在他后面,能跟随前锋的跑位。要能够适时的充当第二前锋(off the ball, decisions, anticipation)。


Wingers, Wing Forwards (7 & 11) AM/FR & AM/FL: -

The key characteristic at Ajax is that they play with two real wingers. As some people put it 鈥渢he chalk of the touchline has to be visible on their boots after the game鈥? The outside left and outside right have to play as close as possible to the touchline. They have to keep the field wide and either cross, involve another player or shoot at goal themselves. In Theory these should be the quickest players in your team. They also need good balance and agility. These two should be on attacking or Gun Ho. When defending they should never be behind the ball. Exceptions are when the opponents is building up from the back when they should pressure they direct opponent (put on man-marking).

两边,边锋(7 & 11) AM/FR & AM/FL:

ajax一个主要的特征就是他们有两个真正的边锋。他们在场上用脚说话。他们要尽可能的靠近边线。他们要拉边为传中,配合,或自己射门创造机会。理论上他们是全队最快的球员。他们要有好的balance and agility。要是进攻或是全力进攻心态。他们不需要防守。但当对手从后场组织进攻时,他们要压迫他们的直接对手(设为盯人)

Striker, Centre forward (9) S or FC: -

One of his tasks is to push the opponents defensive line towards their goal thus creating more space for his team (mainly for AM/FC & D/DMC) behind him.
If there is only one defender between him and the opposition鈥檚 goalkeeper he has to be in a position where his team (mainly the two central defenders) can play a long ball to him.
If two defenders are man-marking him, then someone else has to be available most; likely to be the AM/FC.
Contact between Striker and D/DMC has to be almost telepathic, they have to be connected by an invisible cord.
When the oppositions Goalkeeper or defence has the ball he and the wingers have to make sure they cant built anything. By intercepting the ball or putting them under such pressure that they just hoof the ball up field in panic.
Has to be very good in the air as you are playing with 2 wingers.

前锋,中锋(9) S or FC:

他的一个任务是压迫对方防线给己方创造更多的空间(主要是为他身后的AM/FC & D/DMC)





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