Data Changes
Missing transfers added
Released players updated
Player Contracts updated
All Manager changes updated
All manager contracts updated
All staff changes updated
All staff contract changes updated
Updated some club info
Fixed some stadium moves
Removed deceased from database
Started removing expired bans
Started removing old retirements
Started removing expired injuries
Requires Patch 8.0.1
German & Holland national teams playable
Real Competition Names
N.B There is a bug where some national teams appoint regens instead of managers from the db, as countries such as England & Scotland dont have managers so they may appoint regen managers, the way around this is to add yourself as the national manager then retire, it then fixes itself and appoints a real manager, this is a bug in the game itself and there is nothing we can do until they appoint a manager irl.
First off all you will need to download & install Patch 8.0.1
If you havnt downloaded the update before you will need winrar. You can get this by clicking here then click on winrar 3.71
Download this file to your desktop.
Right click on it and extract to FM WeeGiE Update, this will create a yellow folder on your desktop
Once extracted its safe to delete the zip folder (blue, green, purple book icon)
Right click and 'cut'
Place folder in My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2008/db and paste it inside the db folder.
Please make sure the FM WEEGIE folder that you extract is not inside another folder called FM WEEGIE. It has to be 1 Folder Only.
Load Football Manager 2008 and when asked to choose db, pick FM WeeGiE Update. Enjoy!
Use This Pic As A Guide To Install

下载地址:http://files.filefront.com/FM+We ... 8551;/fileinfo.html |