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[攻略心得] 【SI官方提示】战术设置3——小技巧

发表于 2007-2-26 11:15:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Tactical Tricks 战术的小技巧
·KISS (Keep it simple stupid) 想简单点
Before resorting to drastic changes and substitutions, look at the players you have on the pitch and consider switching players around slightly if they’re being neutralised by an opposition player. For instance if your fast center forward is up against a quick defender switch him to the other side where he might be up against a slower person etc.

·Scaring players out of being effective 惊吓对手,使他不能正常发挥
If the opposition has a player who is extremely creative or good on the ball but has a low bravery setting then consider stifling him by sitting a man-marker on top of him (if required take off a striker and bring on a defensive player to specifically handle this duty).

This will mean the player is always competed against for 50-50 balls and will minimise his effectiveness, this policy works best if the marking player errs on the aggressive side.

·Tiring out ten men 累垮10个人的队
If you’re playing against a team who have had a man sent off with a considerable amount of time left on the clock then try and take advantage of this by tiring them out as much as possible.

You can do this in one of various ways, but my favourites are:
Winning – If you’re winning the game and they’re chasing it, then go defensive and counter attacking, slow the tempo down and ensure that your fast attacking players are set to run with the ball.

If the opposition are trying to get something from the game you’ll find that they tire themselves out a fair bit trying to close your team down. This will also leave them open to quick counter attacks at the back.

Not Winning – Keep things pretty much as they were but ask your team to play as wide as possible, this will mean the active area the game is played in is larger and cause the opposition players to have to cover more ground in order to keep players closely marked.

·Giving Creative Players space 给有高创造力队员空间
I don’t recommend that you give creative players ‘Pressing’ instructions as this means that they are more likely to be near an opposition player when your side regains the ball.

·Pressing 压迫
Don’t expect all of your team to be able to press for the entire match in FM2007, pressing will tire players out quite quickly if they have low stamina. Unless I have a team with high stamina across the board I usually use pressing in 5 minute bursts to disrupt opposition pressure.

·Defend from the Front 从前场开始防守
If you have hardworking attackers then sometimes it may be helpful to tell them to close down the defence, this will prevent defensive play makers from having time to look around for creative passes and can sometimes cause mistakes which can generate goals.

·Maximise Set Pieces 最大化定位球的作用
I definitely recommend customising which players are Forward/Back for set pieces as this can be worth several goals over the space of a season.

In particular for Corners I would recommend pulling back any players with 15+ Jumping ability when defending and conversely pushing forward as many players with 15+ Jumping or high Anticipation / Off the Ball skills (the latter for getting on the end of any rebounds).

·Holding up the ball 控制球
I recommend using holding up the ball if have a player with High Strength, Dribbling and Technique (especially if he has low pace) if he plays either as a lone SC or as a DMC (this will allow the rest of the players to get forward).

·Check who's referee 看看裁判是谁
I would recommend NOT playing with hard tackling if you have a referee who has a reputation for giving out lots of red cards (easy to check via. the referee league table) … although it can work (especially if your opposition have players who are easy to ‘wind’ up).

·Getting crosses into the box 向禁区内传中
If you have tall (i.e. Good jumping and heading) strikers then try playing with very wide wingers and pushing them forward so that they are more likely to get crosses into the box.

·If using wingers then play them very wide 如果使用边锋,那么宽度利用调大点
Something which players often overlook is that if wingers hug the touchline then your team will be quite likely to get a throw-in if they are tackled.

·Goalkeeper distribution 守门员发球
Ensure that your goalkeeper distributes the ball as effectively as possible – a lot of people underestimate the pressure they put their own team under when their goalkeeper kicks are simply returned straight towards their own end.
If your keeper can’t kick accurately (and you don’t have tall enough midfielders to win the headers) then consider asking him to distribute it short to a defender instead.

·Theatrics 表演
Don’t underestimate the advantage a team can be given from a player with a degree of acting ability. A fast striker with the habit of tripping over daisies in the box can be an effective weapon – even if he can’t actually do much while on his feet.
不要低估会表演的前锋能力。一个有喜欢在禁区内摔倒特技(Dives Into Tackles,一铲就倒)的快前锋会成为一个有效的武器,甚至他脚下技术十分粗糙也没关系(莫非说的是pippo)。

My Cambridge City side keeps one of these strikers on the bench, if the opposition appear to be going in hard or one of their defenders gets a yellow card then on he comes – its not nice, but 3pts is 3pts …
我的Cambridge City队替补席上就有这样的一个前锋,如果对手很顽强,或者他们有一名后卫得了黄牌,接着他就会上场——这并不很光彩,但是3分就是3分
发表于 2007-2-26 11:17:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-2-26 11:18:48 | 显示全部楼层
看来Dives Into Tackles的正确翻译确实是一铲就倒而不是倒地铲球…………
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-26 11:20:58 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 月华 于 2007-2-26 11:18 AM 发表
看来Dives Into Tackles的正确翻译确实是一铲就倒而不是倒地铲球…………

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发表于 2007-2-26 12:17:08 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much indeed.
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