SammerHu 发表于 2003-4-18 17:00:15


3.8General Tactical Roles for Players 球员的一般战术设定
In the next section I have suggested a few customised player instructions for some of the more common player roles within a match.

设定:Zonal Marking, No forward runs, No run with ball

3.8.2Wing Back / Overlapping Defender 边后腰/压上的边后卫
设定:Zonal Marking, Run with ball, Forward runs, Cross ball

3.8.3Defender/Midfielder negating a creative player 后卫/中场 对付技术型球员时
设定:Man-Marking, Close down in own half, Hard-tackling, No Forward Runs, No Run with ball

3.8.4Holding Midfielder 持球型中场
设定:Zonal marking, Close down in own half, Hold up the ball

3.8.5Fast Striker 快速前锋
设定:Zonal Marking, Run with ball, Forward runs (high positioning only)

3.8.6Target Man 高中锋
设定:Zonal Marking, Hold up the ball, No forward runs, No run with ball

3.9Tactical Ploys 战术策略
This section details a few common tactical ploys which users might want to attempt during matches.

3.9.1Drawing defenders wide 扯开对手防线
Consider giving strikers runs into wide positions if you want them to attempt to draw the central defenders out wide and give your attacking midfielders (or third striker) more space. This works best when the opposition are man-marking the strikers (something you will have to ascertain from watching the match) and especially so against inattentive human players.

3.9.2Antagonising opposition players 对付对方相对位置的球员
Placing a player onto ‘hard tackling’ in order to wind up opposition players can be very useful, especially if the player you are antagonising already has a yellow card.
设定一个球员为‘hard tackling’好让对方球员紧张 是一种有效地手段,特别是你所对付的球员已经有一张黄牌了。

3.9.3Tempting Fate 诱惑战术
If an opposition defender has a yellow card then consider asking his opposite number to ‘Run with ball’. This will leave the defender in an awkward position, attempting a tackle might result in a lunge and a second yellow card however he has to stop the player from going past him.
如果盯防你的后卫已经有一张黄牌了,那么不妨让对应位置的球员打开‘Run with ball’。这会让后卫处于一种尴尬的境地,想铲又怕得牌不铲就会让对方过了。

3.9.4KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) 尽量简单
One thing to bear in mind when playing as a smaller, less skillful side is that the players in your squad may at times restrict the complexity of tactics that you can use. It is pointless setting up convoluted tactics if your squad is full of inept Sunday league players who can barely pass the ball.

3.9.5Star Player 球星
If you’ve managed to secure a player who may well be considered something of a genius in contrast to the rest of your team. If this is the case then try to ensure that the team plays to his strengths where appropriate.

For example if you’ve signed a cultured defender who is calm and collected on the ball then consider attempting to use him as the outlet for building up attacks, you can do this by directing passing in his direction (using ‘pass to’) and setting his instructions to encourage him to play the killer long pass to the midfield/attack (e.g. Hold Up The Ball, Through Balls, Direct Passing).
比如说你买了一个处理球非常冷静的有修养的后卫(球员information中评定为cultured defender)时,
你就可以试着让他成为进攻的发起点。你可以要求球传向他的方向(使用‘pass to’),然后将他的设定中的‘Hold Up The Ball, Through Balls, Direct Passing’打开,好让他直接将球传给中前场队员。

In contrast if the player in question is Michael Owen then consider telling you team to play ‘Direct Passes’ or even ‘Long Passes’ and simply give him free reign to run onto them.
Obviously if you are lucky enough to have a team containing many talented individuals (such as many of the larger Premiership teams) then you’ll have to decide if you want to play to the strengths of one of those players or whether you prefer to play a tactic modelled upon the team as a whole.
相反如果这名后卫面对的是Michael Owen型,那么最好让你的球队传球方式设为‘Direct Passes’甚至‘Long Passes’,让他得不到球。显然如果你狗屎运够好在你手下有一批牛人(就像那些英超大牌俱乐部)那么你就要决定是打球星战术还是整体战术。

Bear in mind of course that the one flaw of this ploy is that should your ‘key player’ ever get injured, you could well find your tactic is useless without him.

Finally with regards to tactics, if you are playing as Brighton just ensure you give the ball to Zamora - he knows what to do with it

3.10The Transfer Market转会市场
You’ve now stumbled through your first match and are probably wondering why you chose this team and the current bunch of clod-hoppers which appear to make up the first team. At this point I think it might be appropriate to introduce the games transfer system and talk you through the basics of wheeling and dealing within the Transfer Market.
你也许正在为你的第一场比赛名单犹豫不决以及在想你为什么选了这个鸟队又或者你的一队中全是伤员。这时候我想是时候向你介绍游戏中的转会系统 以及向你谈谈关于操作转会的一些基本事宜。

3.10.1Who to sell? 卖谁?
There are many ways to determine which players are surplus to requirements, I will detail a few of the more common reasons below:

·I just don’t like him, ok? 我就是不喜欢,行不行?
Many people bring their real-world alliances into the game with them and will simply transfer list any player they dislike in real-life (for whatever reason). This is fair enough and I’m sure managers in real life have upon occasion taken their prejudices with them into new jobs.

·Raising Transfer funds增加转会资金
If the club is very low on transfer funds and you have a couple of highly-valued players it is very tempting to cash in on those players in order to raise funds for purchases.

·Poor Average Rating表现太差
The more impatient amongst you might transfer list a player simply because you feel his average rating is too low after a few games. If this is the case with you then please bear in mind that the average, average rating is lower in CM4 than in CM01-02 (roughly around 6.7 in most games).

·Ageing Player大龄球员
Another awkward call to make is when to off-load an ageing star, should he be sold while he is useful and on-form or will the club cling to him until he retires?

·Not Developing不长进
It is incredibly common for managers to have to make a call about young players fairly frequently. Not all such players will cut it in the first team and it is ultimately your decision as to whether such a player is retained or released.
Expect at some point for one of these released youngsters to come back and haunt you however, either by going on to become a superstar or by scoring against your team

3.10.2Automatic Transfer Options自动转会设定
Championship Manager 4 makes the transfer system more manageable by allowing the user to setup a number of automatic options for his players, such as ‘Sell if offered over £x’. This prevents the situation when the user is flooded with a host of offers which all have to be checked in turn by the player for suitability of acceptance.

These options are also invaluable if you might be absent when playing a network game as, by using them, you can simulate how you would react to offers upon each individual player within your team.

3.10.3Selling Players卖人
The conventional wisdom is to simply transfer-list a player and wait for clubs to announce an interest within the player, dropping his asking price if clubs appear to be backward in coming forward!

In Championship Manager 4 however you can be pro-active with selling players by selecting a host of clubs and then offering the players to those clubs. Obviously if your Assistant Manager has good judgment then you can (as with most options) ask his advice as to which clubs are suitable candidates to take the player in question.

Please be warned however that if players hear their manager is attempting to off-load them then this can damage their morale. It may also cause unrest in other players within the team if the player in question is a lynchpin of a team.

If a player has a loyal personality then you might have to be stern with him and indicate that he is ‘Not Needed’ in order to persuade him to accept interest from approaching clubs.
如果一名队员忠诚度很高,那么你可能不得不对他严厉点,告诉他是 ‘Not Needed’好让他接受其他俱乐部的开价。

3.10.2Purchasing Players 买人
You can find potential prospects to purchase in many different manners, either by scouring the players in the game using the search filters, by hearing about promising players through the media or sending your scouts out round the world.

If you cannot view all of the attributes for a player who interests you then it might be worth sending a scout out to examine him in detail rather than risk spending money on someone who is partially an unknown quantity.

If you hear that a club is in financial trouble then it is worth looking through their players because you might be able to take advantage of their weakness by making an offer they can’t refuse. Unless you’ve got morals of course…

3.11Setting up Training设定训练
Training in CM4 takes a much more ‘real world’ approach than it did in CM3. You are required to setup a week’s training schedule for your players, just as you would have to do in real-life.

In pre-season you will obviously want to get your players as close to match fitness as possible with the time available. Although it is well worth arranging a series of friendly matches (about 6 is a good number), it may also be considered a good idea to think about how your training schedules can play an important role. Getting your players to do some cross-country running (Ipswich start each pre-season with a run through the city) will have a noticeable effect on their stamina and fitness. Other fitness-intensive exercises such as five-aside and closing-down will also help your side prepare their bodies for the gruelling season ahead. CM4 now lets your physios take an active role in training and it is a good idea to take some of the strain off your coaching team by commanding your physiotherapists to take charge of the non-technical, fitness sessions.
在赛季前准备期你明显需要你的球员尽可能的储备体能。虽然你可以安排一系列友谊赛(6天一场不错),但是你的训练表的作用更明显。让你的球员多做一些越野跑(crosscountry running)(Ipswich每个赛前准备期都会横穿整个城市跑)这对球员的体力和体能会有明显的效果。另一些体能强度高的训练项目如五人对抗five-aside和逼抢练习closing-down也会帮你的球队储备体能以应付漫长的联赛。CM4现在允许队医参与球队训练了。让你的队医参与管理一些非技术的、体能训练是一个好主意。

If you are interested in getting improvement from your U19 team, you might consider it worth your while designing a few schedules to ensure that you do not overwork them at such a young age. You might, for example, create a schedule for your young forward players which deals with the basics of shooting, agility and heading, but includes enough rest during the week for them not to become exhausted by the rigours of professional football. I would suggest experimenting with different training combinations until you find a set of schedules which suits your approach to the game.
如果你想发展你的 U19球队,你就要考虑去制定一些专门的训练计划了,好让你的训练对他们那个年龄而言不会强度过高。比如你可以为你的青年队前锋制定一个训练表,里面不仅包含了一些基本的shooting, agility 和 heading,还包括了足够的休息。这样他们就不会被职业足球的严格折磨得筋疲力尽。我建议你可以不断尝试一些训练组合,直到你找到适合你的球队的训练表为止。

Once the season is under way, I would recommend starting with an existing training regime (most likely the ‘General’ one) and then modifying it slightly to suit your purposes.

For example with Brighton one of my main concerns is to teach my team to play as a unit, so I take the General regime and then change two of the more physical training units to team work related items such as 11-a-side matches.
比如说我执教Brighton时最关心的一个问题就是如何让我的球队融合成一个整体,所以我选择了General方案,然后加入了两个偏重physical的训练单元比如11-a-side matches(training match)。

3.11.1Viewing the results观看训练成效
The overview screen in training displays a list of your teams current playing staff. Beside their names is a star rating, this indicates roughly how well they are training currently, 2 ? stars indicates a reasonable level of training achievement.

if they are below this then click on their star rating and check what the coaches comment it. The coach might comment that they are lazy (if this is the case then you might want to consider employing a more motivational coach or one who is more of a disciplinarian) or he might indicate that there is a valid reason for their poor training performance at the moment (e.g. Coming back from injury)..

Beside the star rating is an arrow indicator which simply shows whether their attributes in the currently displayed area of training are rising or falling.

3.12Handling Players处理与球员的关系
If you want to get the best out of the players in your squad, you’ll have to think very carefully about how you’re going to handle them. In this respect CM4 certainly gives you more to think about as, with an U19 squad as well as your First Team and Reserves, you’ll have to pay attention to youth development. The way you go about this will depend largely on what sort of manager you are. If you are the Keegan-type of boss who would rather throw money at your first team rather than invest in a decent youth setup, then it will make sense to leave your U19s to the assistant manager and keep that squad fairly sparse or even empty. For those of you managing on a shoestring however, the U19 team is going to quickly become the life-blood of your team. Setting the CM4 database to large (depending on your computer’s ability) will give you the opportunity to snatch some great young bargains from the Lower Leagues.

Meanwhile, if you are the type of manger who can’t stand prima donnas the quickest way you are going to get any hassle-free work done is to transfer them (perhaps cheaply) as soon as possible. It’s sometimes worth squandering potential talent if it means the rest of your team aren’t going to get upset by his behaviour. Once a player has caused disruption in the ranks, it is likely that any distrust caused will remain and perhaps worsen over the next few months. There are not many players who are prepared to forgive and forget. Fining players for unprofessional behaviour can be enough to rectify the situation, but players who are unprofessional or dislike you anyway will react badly.
另外,如果你是那种不能忍受摆超级球星架子的球员的教练,那一种和平解决方法是将他尽快卖掉(可能很便宜)。有时如果你的其他队员对其行为无法忍受,那么牺牲他那一点天才也是值得的。一旦一个球员搞特权,那么由此引发的消极影响会持续几个月甚至恶化,并没有那么多球员习惯于宽恕和遗忘。对其不职业的行为(unprofessional behaviour)罚款可以有效矫正这种状况,但那些不职业或不喜欢你的球员可能与你的矛盾更加激化。

You will be given the opportunity now and then (through a player’s action button) to release media stories about the player. Players who have a high professionalism rating and have been playing poorly of late will react in a positive manner to criticism whereas players who are temperamental or lazy will resent any public criticism coming from your corner. Almost all unfair criticism on your part will result in a player becoming unhappy. Releasing a positive news story can have a good effect on a player’s morale or even the squad’s or fans’ morale if you congratulate the club captain, a top goalscorer or the fans’ favourite player. As with most things however, the more you play the game, the sooner you will find out which footballers will clash with your own managerial personality and which ones will love you as the greatest manager of all time. A word of warning however, once you discover who’s got it in for you, avoid them!

3.12.1Manager Promises教练承诺
When one of your players is unhappy and either wants to move to another club, wants an improved contract or wants regular first team football, you now have the option to make a promise to him. When the news screen reports his unhappiness, you may respond by either making a promise to him relating to the reason why he is unhappy or you can tell him to just get on with it.

If, for instance, one of your players wanted an improved contract, then you would be presented with up to three options. These are to promise him an improved contract at the end of the season, promise him an improved contract if he plays well within the next month, or lastly to tell him to stop whining and get on with playing. Obviously, if you can afford to give him an improved contract then that would be the suggested way to deal with this player, but given the relatively small amount of money available to a lot of smaller clubs in football, you might not be able to afford to give him an increase. You will find yourself with the situation that you really want to keep this player but can't afford to offer him an improved contract. You could promise him an improvement in wages at the end of the season or if he plays well, although depending on the player’s personality and how aggrieved if his at being underpaid he could well refuse your promise and become really unhappy as a result. Although there are always exceptions, in most cases the player will accept this promise and get on with playing for the club.

However, if you think the player will forget about your promise then you will be in for a shock! If you don't deliver on your promise then you will have one seriously unhappy player on your hands. Another way to deal with the player would be to tell him to get on with it, in other words he's not getting a new contract. For a lot of players the harshness of the words will make them back down for the time being at least, but a few will throw their rattle out of the pram and have a good moan about it.

3.12.2 Player Conflict 球员冲突

When one of your players is unhappy about one of your transfer dealings then you can expect him to have a whinge. In reply to this complaint you will have three possible responses. You can choose to understand the players concerns, dismiss his concerns as meaningless or slam the player for his outburst.

How you respond to this situation is largely down to your perception of the player involved. If you don't think the player has the bottle to stand up to you then condemning him will more than likely ensure the player will apologise for his outburst.

If, however, the player is question is an attention seeker, then maybe understanding his concerns will ensure the player retracts his earlier comments about your transfer policy. However get this wrong and you could end up with a seriously unhappy player on your hands.

3.13Handling the media对付媒体

One of the hardest aspects of CM4 for newcomers to the game is how to approach handling the media and when to use it to your advantage.

I will break this aspect of the game down into individual components and hopefully clarify some of the reasoning behind how this operates.

3.13.1Release Media Story减轻舆论压力
One of the new features that came in with the first enhancement pack was the ability to praise or criticize your players’ recent form. This feature is located on the players action menu, inside a sub-menu called ‘Release Media Story’.
At present there are a couple of restrictions upon this feature, the first being that this option will not appear on the player play unless he has played at least four games. You will also be restricted to praising or criticizing one player a week. These restrictions are in place simply to prevent managers from over-using this option on inappropriate players.

As in real-life, players love to be praised by their manager and aren’t fond of criticism. However remember some players while disliking criticism will be inspired by it and attempt to prove their manager wrong, also some players will become complacent if praised and so may perform worse than otherwise.

It is (as always) your job as manager to decide how to go about motivating each individual in your squad. As a guideline I would recommend avoiding criticising youngsters or people who are known to be highly strung.

3.13.2Responding to transfer speculation对付转会谣言
If one of your players has been linked with another club you will be asked for a comment by the press. The options you are presented with vary from issuing a hands off warning to declaring that you might have to sell the player to ease the club’s financial plight.

How you respond normally depends on whether you actually want to sell the player in question. However sometimes you might want to spread seeds of doubt about your willingness to sell a player (if for example the player in question is popular with the fans) until you actually do so, as admitting to even considering such an act can turn fans against a manager unless results are going the right way.


naoki 发表于 2003-4-18 18:00:30


SammerHu 发表于 2003-4-18 18:03:41


naoki 发表于 2003-4-18 18:09:10


SammerHu 发表于 2003-4-18 18:13:24


Mendwang 发表于 2003-4-18 21:27:56



天命所在 发表于 2003-4-18 21:35:49


wino 发表于 2003-4-19 14:35:12

好样的 !!
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