FM2006 的时代来到了, FM06 测试版下载开放
FM 2006 Beta Demo releasedAdded on 12/09/2005 @ 21:30:49 in Community
We are pleased to announce the release of the FM 2006 beta demo tonight.
This beta demo must not be distributed on any magazine cover mount or Website without express prior written permission from Sports Interactive
Football Manager 2006 Beta Demo
Compatible with FM 2006
General Issues and comments (September 12th 2005)
- English quick start (to conference level) only只能使用英国联赛的快速开始
- Player data not fully up-to-date. Feel free to report issues in our designated forum (however do not log player transfers as they are generally known …eg Crouch is set to the wrong Liverpool currently)球员的数据还没有完全更新, 发现问题可以立刻去我们新开的留言板发表意见
- English language only 游戏目前只支持英文
- Match sounds, logos or player photographs are not included游戏声音, 队伍图标和球员照片还没有添加
- Occasional inaccurate assistant manager team reports 增多了球队报告
- Managers reputation can increase too quickly 运行速度大幅度加快
-Spanish teams seem to have too much money and are quite aggressive in the transfer market西班牙的球队拥有过多的资金
- Virtual players for International and some European teams are occasionally too good which has caused (within in house SI testing) Bahrain to win the World cup or Glentoran getting in the Champions League quarter finals
Match Engine comments (September 12th 2005)
- Some suspect defending in certain situations
- Goals not being shown sometimes when you click them in overview or in goal of the month
- Too many injuries
- Some occasional tactics screen corruption which can cause players to disappear under other players
- After using quick tactics the match view stays in split view rather than what you were previously using.
There are other issues that we are aware of but these are some of the main ones
This beta demo must not be distributed on any magazine cover mount or Website without express prior written permission from Sports Interactive
Reporting problems - please use the following forums:
Game Issues –
Data Issues -
时间有限,来不及全翻译了, 其实多余的话没必要说了, 大家肯定还是想赶紧自己看看吧
这个是测试版, 只能选择 英国联赛 进行游戏
这都无所谓了, 先睹为快吧~!!!!!!!!
下载页面: 下载完毕
赶紧测试一把了 楼主可够速度的,偶也去看看 - Managers reputation can increase too quickly
-Spanish teams seem to have too much money and are quite aggressive in the transfer market西班牙的球队拥有过多的资金,而且在转会市场上太极极了。
- Virtual players for International and some European teams are occasionally too good which has caused (within in house SI testing) Bahrain to win the World cup or Glentoran getting in the Champions League quarter finals
-使用快速战术(可能指默认战术)以后比赛画面仍然是分屏显示,而不是你原先使用的显示方法(我从来没听说过) 顶. 45M? 这种东西不顶不行 沒的說 下不到阿,呜呜。。。。
不过还是要顶一下 支持......