naoki 发表于 2003-3-15 10:04:43

How to : Skin CM4 - Part IV

Changing the colour of text etc in a skin
Each skin comes with a settings file, contained in the directory of your skin called .xml (where is the name of your skin obviously!

In this, you can choose to change the size of key elements in a skin, like button text size, button text colour etc.

Have a quick look through the existing ones that are there now. They are well commented, so it's fairly easy to change things around.

Colours can be specified by name or by rgb value.... for example

<colour name="orange"/>
this will display orange text
<colour red="255" green="0" blue="0"/>
this will display red text
Easy enough to follow! :D

All of the settings that you can change can be found in the global settings file, called settings.xml, which can be found at the root of the data directory.

This determines text font/size/style/colour, but also some timeouts, some default sizes, the background picture mode, and some other things!
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