As the game is yet to be completed, these are not yet finalised. However, the recommended minimum spec is expected to be in the region of a P600 with 64Mb RAM. With that specification the user can expect similar performance to CM3 on a P233. Note that more memory will be required the more leagues are run.
The use of the term "Pentium" is only to give you an idea of the requirements, CM will run fine on AMD chips.
A good thread with lots of information on hardware requirements from SI can be found
官方的说法 那天才买了 HYddr256 第二天它就跌到 191
不过最近又涨了 哦??
cm4的足球理论,我是菜鸟,不过说到电脑,哈哈哈。。。。。。当然,P4 1.4G + 256M 还慢的话,就要检查一下你的XP啦,是不是加载了很多程序,如杀毒。。。。会减慢很多哟