我记得安排阵容的时候能拉线,请问一下那个有什么用,怎么拉线,谢谢了。 置顶问答贴精华区
论坛搜索 http://fmfans.cn/search.php 没了 右键托动球员的位置。。。然后拖到想拉线到的地方。 鼠标右键点住要拉的球员(一直按住别松开),然后移动鼠标你就明白了 press the right button of the mouse, hold it , and move the line toward where u want Originally posted by wwww191942 at 2005-5-30 13:34:
press the right button of the mouse, hold it , and move the line toward where u want
thx for ur answer Please speak chinese I don't know