FM:U Data Update v1
FM:U Data Update V.1(04 Dec 2004)
Main Editor: Pericles Chamusca
Scout Chief: Delerium
Scouts: Shadowalk, Naldinho and Ali
*Many teams of various nations changes
*Many player postions changed:
eg: Bolo Zenden, Gaizka Mendieta, Cesc Fabregas, Pizarro, Dejan Stankovic, etc
*Some National Managers Updated
*Latest international transfers (but not all!) up to 26 november
eg: Juan Pablo Sorín to Villarreal, Sonny Anderson do Al Rayyan, Van der Heyden to Wolfsburg, Ferron to Bologna
*Many missing brazilian loans and transfers
*Many stadiums capacities changed:
eg: Sant Elia, Marc'Antonio Bentegodi, Olimpico, and many more
*New Stadium Changes Added:
eg: Juventus to Juventus Arena, Real Sociedad to Gipuzkoarena, Torino to Grande Torino and some more
*New Premiership Managers
*Deceased player removed from the game
*German teams given more money, to not have to sell their stars in the end of the season, becaus of the big loans they have at the start of game:
eg: Bayern München, Werder Bremen, Stuttgart and many more
*Many teams finances and budgets update according to reality:
eg: Juventus, Milan and Inter have more money, Liverpool given 10m Budget
*Many player injuries added
*Backup your database before using.
Install in /data/db
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