TCWangshuo 发表于 2004-11-28 14:26:40

[转贴]patch 5.02gengxinneyong

Notes on Patch1

The gold masters were created during the early part of October, since this time we have worked extremely hard on fixing any issues that have been reported to us via email, from these forums etc. We've looked at any bug, no matter how small, how fiddly.

This list acts as an accurate representation of where our code stands today, we hope that if you currently have an issue with the game (no matter how trivial) this patch will solve it.

Please note that the patch :


- is save game compatible.

- 和存档兼容的

- does not require you to start a new game, however for the best results it is suggested.

- 不需要重开游戏,然而要得到最好的结果,我们还是建议重开

We do not wish to commit to a release date at this moment, we're talking weeks rather than months. Once this is released, we will probably do a final clear up patch to address anything left over

现在我们不希望承诺发布日期,我们可以说的是几星期 不会是几个月。当他发布的时候,我们可能做一个最终的补丁来解决剩余的问题

TCWangshuo 发表于 2004-11-28 14:47:51

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