[SI官方发布]FM Movie 10月13日
Everyone's a Football ManagerCompatible with FM 2005
If David Beckham isn't feeling sheepish right now, he should be. For those who haven't heard, the England skipper has admitted he slammed Welsh defender Ben Thatcher deliberately during their World Cup qualifier in order to get a yellow card.
Ooh, cynical. And we thought he was such a nice lad...
Still, funny we should mention sheep. Check this out! The similarity is uncanny. A sheep dog as bruising in a tackle as any premeditated, yellow-card-winning ram-raid from England's golden-booted ball bender...
File Size:1.7m
56K d/l time:Less than 2 minutes
1Mb d/l time:10 minutes
Requirements:Quicktime 看看先 下哉 还是等gold版阿 ^_^!搞笑的说,不得不佩服国外广告人的构思啊! 很搞笑的说 MOVIE啊 ?应该全体工作人员,还有全世界的数据收集员来个大集合,做个MTV啊!这个创意不错吧?! 楼上的你也太过分了吧,一年前的帖子翻出来就说句“谢谢”? 汗!好老的帖子!