现在 tmd就是先知啊
果然天才都是不被人理解的 这东西难点也没什么,当年大学出来非富即贵,现在大学出来P都不是。。。 各种年代的政治领悟 I am a Red Star Commune, a new member. Two years ago, left the cities to rural areas Chaduilahu. In the poor peasant's help, I raise the political consciousness, learned all kinds of farm work. In January, the branch told me to go when the primary school teachers. Since then, I have been teaching languages. How I love my job and my students ah!
In order to achieve the great goal of the four modernizations, the party called on our young people to learn science and technology. Now I am taking part in university entrance exams. I want to go to college. I must study hard for the revolution, and strive to achieve both red and expert. If you pass the test, returned to rural areas, the revolutionary movement in the three to work harder. I will put our country into a great, modern socialist country to contribute to
google 翻译的。 这没什么啊,当年我们大学中翻英课第一篇就是“纽约空降红小兵”
有翻译“庖丁解牛”难吗 google translate{:5_131:}