CM5'S Chinese Web Bloke Gazza 说:
i just want to know the speed
Dan - Back to C# 说:
Some people are saying that's it's about the same, a LOT of people are saying it's nearly half as fast as CM 03/04!
CM5'S Chinese Web Bloke Gazza 说:
slow than 0304?
Dan - Back to C# 说:
Dan - Back to C# 说:
Some people are saying that's it's about the same, a LOT of people are saying it's nearly twice as fast as CM 03/04!
Dan - Back to C# 说:
CM5'S Chinese Web Bloke Gazza 说:
speed accelerated?
Dan - Back to C# 说:
Dan - Back to C# 说:
I made a mistake sorry.
CM5'S Chinese Web Bloke Gazza 说:
ur feel?
Dan - Back to C# 说:
No. It's proven.
Dan - Back to C# 说:
It was proven to be 30-40% faster!!!
CM5'S Chinese Web Bloke Gazza 说:
but still slow to low-performance PC...
Dan - Back to C# 说:
Well, any game will be slow on a low performance PC compared to a high performance PC!
CM5'S Chinese Web Bloke Gazza 说:
and with more leagues selected,it will be an unproven matter
Dan - Back to C# 说:
Well, there are now 51.
Dan - Back to C# 说:
Only how good your computer is limits how many leagues you can play at a good speed.
Dan - Back to C# 说:
It's always been the case.
CM5'S Chinese Web Bloke Gazza 说:
selecting more will have more fun,but with low speed
Dan - Back to C# 说:
Yes. But as I said, it will ALWAYS slow the game down more if you choose more leagues. It'll be like that in CM5 as well.
CM5'S Chinese Web Bloke Gazza 说:
well,I think CM5 will quicker if the same leagues selected in FM2005
Dan - Back to C# 说:
Maybe that's because CM5 will have less data than FM!
Dan - Back to C# 说:
CM5 is looking at having half of the number of players and teams as FM.
Dan - Back to C# 说:
I've seen the stats now for both games.
CM5'S Chinese Web Bloke Gazza 说:
yes,their db is in construction only
Dan - Back to C# 说:
exactly! 唐僧的对话 看不懂 最主要的内容
但是看起来还是datebase大小的问题呀 什么乱七八糟的,请楼主整理一下。。。。。。。。。。 我不全部翻译事实上也没有必要因为通篇就是一个意思:
最后稍微提到了cm5,并与fm2005作了一点点比较 不过窃以为以cm5那贫瘠的数据库而言实在是不值得期待不提也罢! 我怎么看象是CM的工作人员说CM5的速度比CM03/04提升了30%-40%。最后说明CM5比FM2005快的原因是数据库要小很多,球员和球队的数量是FM的一半左右! 楼上的英文不好不要乱讲话 这样会误导人民群众 什么乱七八糟的,一会说速度是0304的一半,一会又说两倍了 晕,楼主怎么不整理一下就拿出来见人啊。。。