rio861221 发表于 2011-2-19 09:19:32


1996年,美国《电脑杂志》提到康柏于1982年11月推出了一款手提电脑,重28磅(约合14公斤),这应该算是最早的笔记本电脑雏形。但IBM却拒绝接受这个说法,坚持认为它在1985年开发的一台名为PC Convertible的膝上电脑才是笔记本电脑真正意义上的“开山鼻祖”。

美国人争吵不休,大洋那边的日本人也不乐意了。因为他们认定世界上第一台真正意义上的笔记本电脑是东芝公司的T1000,这款于1985年推出的产品采用Intel 8086 CPU,512KB RAM,并带有9英寸的单色显示屏,没有硬盘,可以运行MS-DOS操作系统。


而在同时期的日本,东芝、松下和索尼等厂商则热衷于开发一种被称为“移动PC”的产品,“移动PC”基于IBM PS/2系统,使用外接电源。严格来讲,当时日本人所开发的“移动PC”更接近于今天的笔记本电脑。尤其是日本厂商在开发“移动PC”的过程中强调便携性,这与美国人设计那种笨重得需要扛起来才能移动的“膝上型电脑”形成鲜明对比。更为关键的是,正是在东芝T1000推出之后,笔记本电脑相关的各种新技术、新产品才纷纷出现,市场开始全面快速的发展。



danielwolf 发表于 2011-2-19 13:46:52

As the personal computer became feasible in the early 1970s, the idea of a portable personal computer followed. A "personal, portable information manipulator" was imagined by Alan Kay at Xerox PARC in 1968, and described in his 1972 paper as the "Dynabook".

The IBM SCAMP project (Special Computer APL Machine Portable), was demonstrated in 1973. This prototype was based on the PALM processor (Put All Logic In Microcode).

The IBM 5100, the first commercially available portable computer, appeared in September 1975, and was based on the SCAMP prototype.

As 8-bit CPU machines became widely accepted, the number of portables increased rapidly. The Osborne 1, released in 1981, used the Zilog Z80 and weighed 23.6 pounds (10.7 kg). It had no battery, a 5 in (13 cm) CRT screen, and dual 5.25 in (13.3 cm) single-density floppy drives. In the same year the first laptop-sized portable computer, the Epson HX-20, was announced. The Epson had a LCD screen, a rechargeable battery, and a calculator-size printer in a 1.6 kg (3.5 lb) chassis. Both Tandy/RadioShack and HP also produced portable computers of varying designs during this period.

The first laptops using the flip form factor appeared in the early 1980s. The Dulmont Magnum was released in Australia in 1981–82, but was not marketed internationally until 1984–85. The $8,150 ($18,540 in current dollar terms) GRiD Compass 1100, released in 1982, was used at NASA and by the military among others. The Gavilan SC, released in 1983, was the first computer described as a "laptop" by its manufacturer From 1983 onward, several new input techniques were developed and included in laptops, including the touchpad (Gavilan SC, 1983), the pointing stick (IBM ThinkPad 700, 1992) and handwriting recognition (Linus Write-Top, 1987). Some CPUs, such as the 1990 Intel i386SL, were designed to use minimum power to increase battery life of portable computers, and were supported by dynamic power management features such as Intel SpeedStep and AMD PowerNow! in some designs.

Displays reached VGA resolution by 1988 (Compaq SLT/286), and color screens started becoming a common upgrade in 1991 with increases in resolution and screen size occurring frequently until the introduction of 17"-screen laptops in 2003. Hard drives started to be used in portables, encouraged by the introduction of 3.5" drives in the late 1980s, and became common in laptops starting with the introduction of 2.5" and smaller drives around 1990; capacities have typically lagged behind physically larger desktop drives. Optical storage, read-only CD-ROM followed by writeable CD and later read-only or writeable DVD and Blu-Ray, became common in laptops soon in the 2000s.

ACM是没有什么所谓的学报的,顶多顶多有些个期刊和Communications of the ACM。

№帅又如何 发表于 2011-2-19 07:04:19


fisherer2000 发表于 2011-2-19 01:10:11


kmzhangji 发表于 2011-2-19 01:12:12


大卫王碧咸仔 发表于 2011-2-19 01:42:57



baijin7717 发表于 2011-2-19 02:58:35

女方一般都不接受吧 要是接受我也愿意

黑白郎君 发表于 2011-2-19 00:38:36

我是剪剪双眸 发表于 2011-2-18 23:46 static/image/common/back.gif
也有点   主要女孩子害羞


须根洛夫 发表于 2011-2-19 00:39:17


606vip 发表于 2011-2-18 23:50:16

有2个先决条件 1 必须处女 2 有真爱
页: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7
查看完整版本: 大家ML时会给女方口交吗