[下载]CM SORTED 9.6 正式推出
CM Sorted CM4 O3/O4Update for version 4.1.5
Current features:
* Transfers and loans from around the world up to 6th September
* Manager changes updated in many countries
* Players that have retired are now as staff in the game
* Staff that have retired have been removed from the game
* Deceased players removed from the game
* Over 70 new players added around the world
* A few non-existant people removed from the database
* More duplicates removed
* Both staff and player contracts have been updated
* Ground changes added to the game
* Ground name changes from a few countries altered
* A lot of transfer budgets altered to as near as possible to real life
* A lot of attribute changes to players and staff to suit real life
* Player positions altered to suite real life
* Player and Staff date of births corrected
* Nationalities for many players and staff corrected
* Players that have retired from International football added
* A few player histories added
* Promotion and Relegation from more leagues added to the game
* Long term injuries and bans added to the game (Lee Hughes banned for 6 years)
* Player names corrected
* Club name changes added
* More new club away/third kits are updated
* Club captains altered
下载 这个好,大家来啊 老威的马甲? 开个档的人可以告诉我,fiorentina是在意甲吗????妖人还妖不???? 好像有很多球员的转会没有改动
我看了国米的阿达尼,拉姆济,古利等都还在阿 我没开档,是在编辑器里看到的 不在了 我开新游戏看了,同意五楼的,他们的确还在!!不知老威的贴图却没有??!! 日,难道我还骗自己不成?! 真搞不懂,我明明是用的国米,看见他们还在啊!?????