The Dugout 的 Maestro Ugo 出品的训练计划解压后放在我的文档\Sports Interactive\Fotball Manager 2011\schedules
Senior schedules:
There are eight different schedules to choose from:
MU - GK: for keepers
MU - FB: for fullbacks
MU - DC: for central defenders
MU - DM: for defensive midfielders and defence oriented MCs
MU - AM: for attacking midfielders and attack oriented MCs
MU - WG: for wingers
MU - ST(fast): for fast, poaching type strikers
MU - ST(strng): for strong, target man type strikers
Youth schedules:
There are four different schedules to choose from:
MU - Y (gk) - for young keepers
MU - Y (def) - for young defensively oriented players (DC, FB, DM)
MU - Y (wng) - for young wingers and wingbacks (AMRL, WB)
MU - Y (att) - for young attacking oriented players (ST, AMC)
另外附上这个人写的FM 2011 Training Guide:(英语) 效果如何 效果如何,同问啊 效果如何,同大家问啊 分得不是很细 比如没有内锋 进攻型边后卫 回复 5# 哈里科威尔
我见有人嫌常老大的太复杂我就找个靠谱点的转过来了 为啥板油们不根据球员自身属性特点来自己安排训练呢 回复 7# san17
再说像我这样每年换一批人的每个人都这么搞多蛋疼啊。。 好在我每代都是用自己的。 回复哈里科威尔
我见有人嫌常老大的太复杂我就找个靠谱点的转过来 ...
fatfat325 发表于 2010-11-13 20:40
我基本在这个基础上加几个训练法吧 呵呵