核武 FMRTE v4.0.102 (更新115地址)
本帖最后由 fatfat325 于 2010-10-27 20:34 编辑http://www.fmrte.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=62:fmrte-v40102-released&catid=41:fmrte-releases
Requirements: .NET FRAMEWORK 4.0(请去置顶下载)
Fixed some bugs in Players Contract that was causing FM to crash (INSPIRE BUTTON BUG)
Players unhappiness motives now works in a different way, now its not possible to give unhappiness motives to a player if he dont have any motive.. Now we can only edit the motives that he was (change the motive, start and end dates..)
Players unhappiness motives will appear as "Unknown XX" where XX is a number..This will be fixed when i have time to figure out all motives numbers.. it would be usefull, if you guys could post a message with your players unhappiness numbers and, if possible the motive (in english)
Changed the way FMRTE shows players bonus
Added Players Agents
PLEASE if you see any weird attribute, DO NOT CHANGE IT, and let me know
What's not working:
Nations Screen EU member checkbox is not working
Clubs suggar daddy (may be working, i havent tested it, so becareful)
Clubs transfer center
Players future transfers
Players Retirements
Clubs debts
Editing leagues
Known Issues
Search and edit Injuries/weather its not possible for users playing FM without 10.2 Patch
Editing Player/Staff members its not recommended for users playing FM without 10.2 Patch
This version is Compatible with:
Football Manager 2010 Demo ( STEAM
Languages Included:
NOTE: Editing Players/Staff names
If a player name has for ex, 8letters, you can only type a name that has at max 8 letters too!
If you edit a player/staff name, there is a huge possibility that all (or some of) players that has that name will be changed as well.
If you want to type a bigger name, you can do it, by first changing the player/staff name with the old method, and then edit the new name to the one you want..
Clubs and stadiums names - Unfortunately this is not possible as FM will reload clubs and stadiums names from the game database the next time you load your savegame, so editing those items names is useless
NOTE2: Sometimes you may not be able to create any new Relation/Clausule, FMRTE knows how many Relations/Clausules you can create, and when you cannot create it will hide you the "New Relation/Clausule" button. (USE this feature carefully) 小肥你做的啊? 回复 3# alex77
下了个游侠之前版本的汉化 本来想修改一下后整合进去再放出来的 发现翻译的质量惨不忍睹。。。 支持小肥一个 谢谢 想了想。。。还是不要开这个坑的好。。。下个月就考试了。。。大家还是等游侠放汉化吧。。。 想了想。。。还是不要开这个坑的好。。。下个月就考试了。。。大家还是等游侠放汉化吧。。。
fatfat325 发表于 2010-10-27 20:52 http://fmfans.cpgl.net/images/common/back.gif
鄙视你,其实这个就量大点。一晚上就足够了......0=049 回复 6# alex77
关键是我做到一半开始懒了。。。 回复 7# fatfat325
给我1W刀我牺牲下,给翻出来。哇哈哈 好像不能交換球員了 核武器的汉化得等。。。等。。。等。。。反正大家都懒得作。。。