fatfat325 发表于 2010-9-8 20:05:19

September 2010 ODB Update

本帖最后由 fatfat325 于 2010-9-16 11:35 编辑



September 2010 ODB Update Feedback
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to play the Tapanified September 2010 ODB Update (with the correct start year, correct number of subs, etc) you will have to wait until approximately mid-October. In the meantime, if you go to the Downloads section (at the top of the forums), you can download the "TapaniPatch 2.18" from the Patches section, which will allow you to change the start year, etc.


The ODB Update Team are proud to announce the release of the September 2010 ODB Update (see download links at the bottom of this thread).

The following list details some of the changes that have been made since our last update:

- Thorough analysis and revamping of superstar's ability and potential, post-World Cup
- Updated FIFA World Rankings, post-World Cup
- Approximately 2,000 new players added to the database
- Polish 1st and 2nd leagues completely overhauled and updated
- Spanish 1st and 2nd leagues completely updated
- Portuguese 1st league completely updated
- Dutch league, clubs and transfers updated (lower leagues overhauled)
- Mexican 1st division completely updated
- German 1st and 2nd Divisions transfers and clubs updated
- Argentine league 1st and 2nd Divisions transfers updated
- English leagues completely updated
- South African 1st Division completely updated
- Swiss 1st Division completely updated
- French league, transfers and clubs updated
- Asian leagues (J-League, K-League, Iran, Qatar, etc) and players updated
- Republic of Ireland leagues updated
- Australian leagues updated
- Swedish 1st division updated
- Updated transfers around the world (including many small nations)
- Hundreds of youngsters added and updated
- …and many more changes

Download Link


Installation Instructions and Technical Support

You will need to install the SI Games Official Patch - v3.9.68 in order for the update to run without errors. Then do the following:

1. Download and save the September 2010 Update to your computer.
2. Extract the data files to your Championship Manager Data directory (C:\Program Files\Championship Manager 01-02\Data) and overwrite existing files when prompted.
3. Run the game and play.

For detailed instructions and trouble shooting tips, please download and read our thorough Installation Guide: http://www.sendspace.com/file/udsvk1




unloved374 发表于 2010-9-8 21:23:24

顶啊~ 多谢楼主分享~~

xinsuan0203 发表于 2010-9-8 22:09:28

哎 要成为绝唱了么

xinsuan0203 发表于 2010-9-8 22:09:37


xinsuan0203 发表于 2010-9-8 22:11:57


unloved374 发表于 2010-9-9 00:30:34

求助! 折腾了一晚上... 现在的情况是:1、补丁打到原来3.968版本可用 一切正常 但期待意甲换成20队
2、故而使用英文网页附带的TapaniPatch 2.18将原版本升为3968T 打了10-11补丁后 意甲仍为18队! 求助!
3、将板块置顶的09-10ruru整理的68T相关全部下载以替换原版本 即直接开始时即是09-10赛季 但是打上10-11补丁后即出现开新档无法进行的问题! 求助!

综上:希望——3968T+10-11数据+意甲 20队+可以运行的....   万分感激~

unloved374 发表于 2010-9-9 00:32:00

求助! 折腾了一晚上... 现在的情况是:1、补丁打到原来3.968版本可用 一切正常 但期待意甲换成20队
2、故 ...
unloved374 发表于 2010-9-9 00:30 http://fmfans.cpgl.net/images/common/back.gif

    第三点处忘记说明了 ruru大神给的09-10包自然一开始意甲就是20队~

fatfat325 发表于 2010-9-9 05:48:20

回复 6# unloved374


unloved374 发表于 2010-9-9 09:14:22

回复 8# fatfat325

    嗯~ 只能这样了~ 多谢楼主啦~~

lovecm3 发表于 2010-9-10 23:03:41

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