linjing921 发表于 2009-4-6 09:31:07


1、适度上瘾 Mildly addicted 5rpTR
2、再打一场就睡, 我保证...   Just one more match, I promise... \a8<DR\@O
3、发现自己开始驾轻就熟了... I'm starting to get into this... 7Z/KXc[b
4、该换内衣了吧, 都有味儿了... Time to change your underwear C. Hr
5、把内衣翻过来穿吧, 可以多玩几分钟FM呢   Turning your underwear inside out saves on washing D"m]`H
6、真正的教练, 是不需要吃饭的! Real football managers don't need food }Q?, O
7、换家外卖吧, 都吃腻了   Better order another takeaway pizza :!\?yj{{
8、提醒注意, 进食有助于保持更好的体力以供连续作战 Remember, eating gives you the strength to keep on playing [;/ydE=
9、眨眼有利于保护眼睛健康, 别忘了哦 Blinking is also good for you 1>1&NQ#}
10、非人记录啊... . 我想我是中邪了 The number of the beast. I think I'm possessed! ruG5~dm>
11、踢一场为期一周的球赛是不是太久了些... A week is a long time in footbal P\B ]><!ep
12、睡觉是什么?   Sleeping is for sissies $ \j/s:Y
13、纯爷们儿从不睡觉 Sleeping is for sissies J|-X?V;ZW
14、让懦弱者去睡吧, 我会坚持下去的! Sleeping is for sissies 7cTDbc!E-
15、别忘了给老板打个电话, 就说自己要休产假 Remember to call your work and ask for more sick leave ~)X yrKw
16、别忘了给父母打个电话, 就说自己在火星出差 Remember to call your family and ask for more sick leave 6;WfsG5
17、HOHO, 我现在是FM专家   I am now a Football Manager expert K( : NshM
18、活活, 现在本人不愧为全球首席FM专家! I am now a Football Manager expert |sP;`h}I%
19、要是梦里也能FM就好了... I think I should include Football Manager on my CV cZB?_[Cp
20、现在没有人会说你是个没有责任心的人了 No-one can accuse you of lacking commitment dwd5P7
21、你的朋友已经过期了, 请下载新的版本... Your relationship has now expired *3.K; Ic;
22、我可以随时放弃这个游戏, 只是现在还没这个打算 I can give up this game whenever I like. I just don't want to yet. CD}::7$
23、这就是我的生活, 我选择我喜欢 This is my life and I'll do what I want with i oT7 6)O
24、屁股还没坐疼? Repetitive Strain Injury anyone? \wMqVRPoQ
25、我还没上瘾那. 我只是停不下来而已...It's not really addictive. I just can't stop playing... 73Zx`00
26、已经很长时间没和人说过话了我...It's been a while since I've had any human contact #)}K,FDd
27、知道自己还在地球上么?What are humans? f.yvKi.Cm
28、神仙? 妖怪? What are humans? KgD sqwy
29、你一定是让自己放假, 然后忘记关机, 才看到这个信息的吧? 0P_=Oy"l-
You just put the game on holiday to see these messages, didn't you? scc+r
30、这里已经没什么新玩意儿了, 转移目标吧同学... g5& ZXA
Nothing to see here, move along.. #]rfKHW9
31、请接受来自SI全体人员的敬意. 实在没想到会有人对我们的游戏那么执着! wiFA 3_\G
Congratulations from everyone at Sports Interactive. We never thought you'd make it this far.

天秀 发表于 2009-4-6 09:59:59


18823251 发表于 2009-4-6 13:22:01


manchester07 发表于 2009-4-6 13:25:13

Real football managers don't need food

manchester07 发表于 2009-4-6 13:26:09

回复 3# 18823251 的帖子


157138190 发表于 2009-4-6 13:54:05


xiaowang41 发表于 2009-4-6 14:09:03

16、别忘了给父母打个电话, 就说自己在火星出差 Remember to call your family and ask for more sick leave

milkysky 发表于 2009-4-6 15:20:22

FM08纪录:I can give up this game whenever I like. I just don't want to yet.
中期目标:What are humans?
终极目标:Congratulations from everyone at Sports Interactive. We never thought you'd make it this far.

binckal 发表于 2009-4-6 18:42:12


南小荆 发表于 2009-4-6 18:42:55

28、神仙? 妖怪? What are humans?
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