zw19830807 发表于 2008-12-10 20:22:07

FMRTE v2.0.0213(转)

Changes from 0212 to 0213:

      Added Dutch language
      Fixed Staff problems in WSM
      Fixed Players Contracts Expire Date
      Fixed Players Attributes, now attributes in FMRTE are equal to attributes in FM
      Inpsire Button in Teams Players List now removes players unhappiness and gives them 100 in the happiness attribute (this one was already present in 212 build
      but i think i forgot to tell)
      Staff Preset buttons updated - now they dont change the Staff Roles
      Added an option (to the right mouse button on a player in the search result) that copies the Player name to the clipboard

- New "engine", with the new "engine" the editor is now much faster than it was in previous versions
- New features:

    * New Filter System (now you can search players by any of his attributes)
    * Players relations can be changed now
    * Special Feature - Swap Players, you can now with one click, swap your crap player with the most wanted Player in the world :D
    * Nations Edit is now possible, you can edit some attributes of nations, including the number of years to gain nationality
    * Leagues Edit is now possible, you can edit the league reputation and the league standings too
    * Shortlists, you can now import/export shortlists
    * Search results can be completly custumized, you can choose the columns that you want (by changing them in editor options)

这个修改器需要.net3.5 Download link for Framework:


我用了 可以说FMM出来之前很好的一个修改工具 可惜怎么没人汉化一下呢 高人们啊 抽点时间给汉化下吧工具全是E文 我要翻字典了

zw19830807 发表于 2008-12-10 20:22:22

很像FMM了 还可以修改不满之类的 就是全是E文 有个很简单的汉化 但是太简单了 很多功能都显示的英文或者错误的字母 很不爽啊附上很简单的汉化文件。。。。 放到Languages 里

kuxuepet 发表于 2008-12-10 20:35:18


blainewoo 发表于 2008-12-10 20:44:26


kuki123 发表于 2008-12-10 21:04:59

NB! 超爽~!

scorpion49 发表于 2008-12-10 21:09:12


zw19830807 发表于 2008-12-10 21:14:35

要在 op里选啊 然后点那个保存才可以

airsupply0920 发表于 2008-12-13 07:35:48

thanks a lot for sharing!!!

supergk26 发表于 2008-12-13 07:50:21

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