制作人员BulkThere is a date but its not public yet and yes, all Premiership finances have been reviewed.
已经定下了日期 但是不会公布 所有的顶级联赛的经济状况都要重新整理
Not really, suffice to say our updates have evolved into a whole lot more than just simple player transfers, there is much going on behind the scenes which is providing us with opportunities to improve so much more than we could in the past.
I can safely say this will be our most comprehensive and best update yet.
制作人员Franz Ferdinand放出一些截图
制作人员 Blue Demon
It`s being finalised and tested atm. You'll have to wait +/- 2 weeks still.
制作进入最后和测试阶段 大概需要等待两周左右
It`s not our official update. Most likely someone that ripped our DB somehow. The thieves are stealing from us a lot lately.
Originally Posted by Memz
So we are looking at the start of Nov, Right?
November?! Where on Earth did that come from? Why would we release a September update in two months time?!
The transfers, etc will all be added to the database within the next week, then we have 1 week of testing, etc to make sure there's no issues with the update. We don't want any freaks with 200 PA and Bobby Charlton's in the database this time!
暂时就这么多了-.- 啥时候能出啊? 我可否提个小小的建议,以前的数据库都太难了,牛阵根本起不了作用。希望这个数据难度表太大了,毕竟游戏是让人爽的东西,谢谢了! 罗比尼奥平衡只有9。。。技术还不如赫来布。。。 等待中!希望尽快啦!但是前提还是保证能顺畅的运行! 我也小期待一下下吧…… 我不喜欢改年龄的方法……也无所谓了~~反正自己对新数据并不感冒-.- 还是65好。0=032 pa200的家伙。。。我怎么没找到~