all the changes in the staff of all the Ekstraklasa and 1. Polish league teams, dated for the day of 4.09.2008;
all the tranfer changes in all the Ekstraklasa and 1. Polish league teams, dated for the day of 4.09.2008;
increased/decreased attributes of some Polish players;
changes in the staffs of all the teams, dated for 4.09.2008;
all the transfers dated for 4.09.2008 from following leagues: German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Belgian, Russian, Scottish, Turkish, Austrian, Italian, Greek;
added talents from all around the world;
increased/decreased attributes of some players;
updated the managers of national teams;
Additionally fixed all the errors submitted to us by the readers of CM Revolution.
Installation manual:All the files must be extracted to following folder:
My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2008\db.
[ 本帖最后由 arenas1987 于 2008-9-7 09:49 PM 编辑 ] 没人顶,自己顶。 汗,谢谢楼主先,但是你也得介绍一下吧……………… 同楼上,这个人好像原来CM的时候听过哦 已经把介绍贴出来了 这年头,补丁的版本还真是多啊
幸福的烦恼。 increased/decreased attributes of some players;
主要看看这个 更新可能少了点 孤陋寡闻,没听过 我在Cm的时候用过。。。但是感觉不怎么好呢。。