G-8 发表于 2008-9-18 14:13:04

Miles Jacobson谈到关于fm2009的录音文件,大概有一个小时,主要意思如下:
90分钟后的进球将以90 +2或90 +4方式统计显示

Podcast FM 2009

Miles Jacobson公布自己接受采访时的一段谈话

Football Manager 2009 Interview
Sports Interactive's MD Miles Jacobson lifts the lid on the new game and talks about the return of a champion.
by Orlando Parfitt, IGN UK

IGN: So are you excited about FM09?

Miles Jacobson: You know what, I am so, so excited about it! We've kept this so under wraps so long that it's such a relief to be able to talk to people about it finally.

IGN: The most noticeable improvement his time around is obviously the new 3D match engine – what made you decide to introduce it this time around?

Miles Jacobson: We've actually been working on it for a while. I originally thought it was going to be ready for last year – we toyed with the idea but we didn't think we would get ready in time. So this year we looked at the technology and thought: 'you know what?We've actually got this sorted now' and that's basically why it's in the game now. When we turned around to SEGA and said, 'We want to do this'. They said, 'Okay, you're going to need to push the release date back aren't you?', so we put it back a few weeks to be able to perfect it. But there was no conscious decision, like 'ooh we have to have to have in FM09' - we just did it when it was ready.

IGN: What will the 3D match engine add to the gaming mechanics? How will it help managers?

Miles Jacobson: The 3D, working in conjunction with the timer, for me is huge. You've got different camera angles and can go backwards and forwards in time. So if you are trying to analyse why you keep letting in certain goals, why things are going wrong, you can now rewind events and watch from lots of different perspectives. Basically the new match engine gives a different, better representation of the match and adds yet another layer of realism to what we feel is already the most accurate management sim out there. Also, you have to remember that the 2D is still there and that's been a deliberate plan because of course some people won't like it because they don't like change. I mean, we had loads of people a few years back complain about the 2Dmatch engine, which is why we kept the text in.

IGN: How system-demanding will the 3D match engine be?

Miles Jacobson: We've been working at making it being able to run on four-year-old laptops with integrated graphics chips. Whether we end up hitting that or not, I don't know. But if you don't have a powerful enough machine it will default to the 2D mode, so you will still be able to play the game.

IGN: You said in the press conference you've overhauled the transfer system – in what way?

Miles Jacobson: We've essentially re-written the code for the whole way in which clubs buy and sell players. It won't be immediately noticeable to the user but it's a massive change under the hood that will mean the whole worldwide transfer market will be a lot more accurate and a lot more efficient. The types of players that have been shortlisted by the AI clubs and the purchasing decisions they make will reflect reality a whole lot better.

IGN: When you released FM2008 and started getting feedback, were these the issues that people wanted for '09?

Miles Jacobson: When FM08 came out we looked at the ideas in the forums, we looked at our own ideas and ideas from SEGA and basically just sat round a big table and went through absolutely everything. Then people would vote on which ones they wanted and then we'd go through to the next round and vote again and so on; a little bit like The X-Factor except that we had about a hundred winners. We didn't actually start looking at the forums until January, so first of all we worked on stuff we had been thinking about for a while – like the transfer system, and then we tackled the bits and bobs that those guys wanted to see improved. But every idea from anyone is just as valid - just because an idea comes from me, doesn't mean it's any good,so everyone had an equal say. The process is very different from the way most videogames are made.

IGN: What have the fan forums said about the new features announced?

Miles Jacobson: From what I've seen so far they've been pretty damn positive – a couple of people said I was in the video too much and I completely agree with them, but no-one else was gonna do it! But generally it's been awesome – I mean,even the people who said they didn't want 3D don't have to use it.There is a danger in listening solely to the hardcore users of the game. With every FM title we try to talk to as many people as possible– I go to football matches and talk to fans, we have testing groups –the hardcore element are important, but so is everybody who buys the game.

IGN: Despite selling millions of copies FM is still seen by many as a hardcore game. By going 3D and by using stuff like TV ads for the first time, are you trying to make it more mainstream?

Miles Jacobson: We've been trying to appeal to everybody.We've always done things a bit differently PR wise; getting the videoto go live on YouTube during the press conference is pretty cool and so its wicked to be able to do stuff like that and not very many games interact with their consumers the same way. On the other hand, despite public perception we do have a very mainstream consumer base because the game's about football you know? And everybody likes football!

IGN: Do you look at your competitors much?

Miles Jacobson: I've played all of them... or at least the demos. And some of them have some nice touches I guess, but we'd rather focus on what we do because otherwise, I mean, if bands listen too much to other bands, they end up being covers bands.

IGN: How does it feel when you hear that real football teams use Football Manager's player database?

Miles Jacobson: Ha-ha, it's funny isn't it? Obviously the famous example was Mourinho's head scout at Chelsea . But also we are sure that two Premiership clubs this summer bought players based on Football Manager database – I can't tell you who they were but honestly it was just uncanny!

IGN: Who do you play as in the game?

Miles Jacobson: I'm a big Watford fan and when I'm playing the boxed game I'll always play as them. When I'm testing the game I obviously play as a variety of teams from different leagues so I save Watford for when it's finished. The night we go gold I have an all-nighter with them!
穆里尼奥的助手Andre Villas以及英超的两支俱乐部都在用fm来找球员...0=042

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