jiajiatony222 发表于 2008-6-24 16:42:11

就是喜欢双前锋 两边前卫

看到802 好多都是单前锋的, 或者 双前但是没边前卫的. 真不习惯.
感觉自己习惯的就是 442或者4132. 不知道是不是fm前面几代的影响
在几个国内的论坛都没怎么看到自己喜欢的战术. 去si论坛下了几个共享一下.自己还没有测试. 所以效果不能保证, 但是看老外们的反应都不错.人员要求和大家想的差不多, 两边前卫, 一高一快.

For Lower Leagues Team with not good AMC,, untick the playmaker.. you may you semi-playmaker or no playmaker at all..
¤Put your pacey striker (FC) on the right striker and finisher (ST) on the left striker position. (or you can experiment this one yourself)
¤Put better header defender on the left and the other on the right (duuh~)

Defending : Use it when you meet with difficult opposition or you are less favorites to win the match.
Ultra - Defensive : You're leading 1-0 against Barca in the final of Champions League and there's 10 minutes left in the game and you're still attacking ? you're crazy !!!

Play offside : If you're confident with your defender you might want to use it. (Defenders with good anticipation and teamwork and Goalkeeper with good command of area and communication)

Long Shoot : Adjust each player's according to your team. The rarer the better on away games.
(Probably you dont want a lot of player to do a lot of 'often' as it will waste a lot of chance. Recommended : 'Often' to AMC Playmaker who has high longshoot, finishing and decision)

Tackling : The deafult minus 1 slider (Often to Mixed, Mixed to Rarely)

What you might want to have : want.. not must

Pacey striker(s). One striker will usually come deeper, get the ball, run past defender and make an opportunity to score.. My favourite is Sergio Aguero... and the other one is higher on the pitch, could be strong or fast - may both pretty good; may not both really bad.. This Huntelaar-like striker will need to finish the play and scores whenever he can - with foot or head.

A really good playmaker. Creativity, passing, technique, and decision are some of the most important attributes for a playmaker I'm talking about. Dribiling, flair, and long shoot will also be very useful as the AMC will be the keyman to go through the opposition before make a good pass or shoot for himself when there's a chance. delighted.png (Matias Fernandez is a very good example)

Two pacey wingers. Speed is important so they can run past the defender and make a good cross from the byline and in defensive situation they can get back fast.

High-working DMF with high tackling (and decision if possible). *dunno what to write here* lolz. well, you get the point.. hahas..

Good backs with decent pace is useful to handle fast strikers.

[ 本帖最后由 jiajiatony222 于 2008-6-24 04:44 PM 编辑 ]

jiajiatony222 发表于 2008-6-24 16:45:27



YOUR DEFENSE You will need your Centre-Backs to have high stats in Bravery, Heading, Jumping (this is for defending ands scoring from corners) and also Concentration and Marking as they will be man-marking/tight marking opposing strikers. Nb/ If playing against a lone striker, enter player instructions and alter one of your center halves to zonal marking, and untick tight marking)

Full-backs; these lads benefit from good
Marking, Concentration as when playing against teams with effective wingers they are required to man-mark/tightly. This works a treat and doesn't hinder your attacking play. (Habib Beye (Newcastle) is a surprising hit here)

MC/dmc; Good at defensive duties but also since he is playing MC role Creativity and Passing are important, as he will be involved heavily in your passing play during attacks. (Benoit Pedretti (Auxerre) proved a real gem here, highly recommended)

YOUR ATTACKING MIDS (where the fun begins); Firstly your Centre-Attacking Mid must have high Creativity and Passing. and "Attempts Killer Balls" is useful.Also Long Shots as he will bag 10 goals+ in a season.
(Toni Kroos of Bayern developed beautifully here, however other choices include Van der Vaart etc)

Wingers; this is flexible, but Crossing, Passing, Dribbling, Creativity is a must. Normal requirements for wingers anyways! Have FUN!

Forwards (BIG MAN, SMALL MAN) Does what it says on the tin!
Firstly you need a big strong striker who can head the ball, hold it up, while also being able to finish. (Strength, Bravery, Heading, Jumping, Determination) (This player isn't set as a target man but he is set up to play a more physical game)Think Alan Shearer esque!

And also a fast striker who is more than competent at finishing chances off to play of your big-man.


SCORING FROM FREEKICKS - ever wondered why you 20 stat in freekicks player doesn't score that many?
Not many realize that you need stats in Decisions, Flair, Technique, Long Shots AND Freekicks also "attempts long range freekicks" makes a massive diffrence too)

Back to the opposing AMC I talked about above. If they have a AMC you need to enter "The Opposing Player Instructions." Here you get them being Closed-down, Hard Tackling, and Weaker Foot. Also if this AMC if of a very high class (Lampard, Deco etc) get your MC/DMC to man mark him/tightly too.

Right I hope this works for you, I'm sure it will if you follow my instructions above.
FEEDBACK is most welcome and so are any QUESTIONS !!!

jiajiatony222 发表于 2008-6-24 16:46:41

第三个是442的, 前面两个是4132的.

fuches 发表于 2008-6-24 16:49:13


jiajiatony222 发表于 2008-6-24 16:50:29

中场一个防守 一个进攻
边前卫 速度 传中什么

az0823 发表于 2008-6-24 19:50:46


mktautumn 发表于 2008-6-24 20:30:46


iloveangela 发表于 2008-6-24 20:55:28


lkd919 发表于 2008-6-24 20:58:37

0=024 能给详细资料么

lkd919 发表于 2008-6-24 20:59:50

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