SI官方论坛的风骚阵型KIMZ VX系列 不用微调哦 105L最终更新
转自SI GAMES 感谢KIMZ还有FMCM的Pineson0=049地址:
first at all, sorry about my english, im not fluent in engglish...
as i wrote at post title, this tactic will need NO TWEAK AT ALL during game
with fiorentina at 1st season so far : played : 31, win 24, Draw 6, lost 1, For 78, Ag 19, of course no cheat no tweak
so far im only test it with fiorentina, lower league team .... not test it yet
before applying this tactic, several thing that should be attention :
1. excelent tactic with crap team talk means nothing, read "Wolfsong's guide to team talks - Fm08" very usefull
for me, i use "i except a win" a lot, but for this condition :
- u are favorite
- overall team morale is superb, one or to player with good or ok morale is acceptable but give the ok/good "you have faith"
2. at DC pos : put your best DC with heading, jumping, strength at right side
3. at AM pos :
- AM/FC is recomended for left and right AMC
- put your best AMC With finishing at left side, as he will get alot space to shot
- and good passing and creativity at center
4. at SC pos : strong striker with excelent heading is better then skillfull striker at this possition
5. change your DL/DR if their condition is below 80%, this is very important coz when the ai play 4-2-4 they will get alot space from winger
6. opp instruction :
- for opp DML/ML/AML : tight marking always, tackling hard, show on foot right foot
- for opp DMR/MR/AMR : tight marking always, tackling hard, show on foot left foot
- for DM/MC/AMC/SC : tight marking always, tackling hard
- becarefull the default opp instruction is "no specific" for sub player, so you need change it immediately when the ai change their player
V2测试:总的感觉攻击还是没变 依然强大 在V2中防守加强 效果比V1更好说明下 拉线的原理 我的测试效果来看 2个DM分担V1中边后卫的助攻 V2中的边后卫分担中路防守 这样结果让攻守加以平衡对于人员配置我还是说下 2个DM完全屠夫也行 但进攻弱了点 防守强点 完全MC型 不好 防守太弱 所以最好有些头球和传球能力 我推荐便宜能又能到手的 veloso和zapater 在V2中角球防守 中卫防高点没错 但电脑球队高点存在几处 DC ST DM 所以V2中DC防DC DM防ST其他人员配置3个AMC 来说左边 放你最好的 中间放传球好的 右边随便你 这位置人员属性总体来说远射能力 盘带 传球 传中 4个参考数据 中间那个有防守能力更好前锋位置 你自己喜欢 按道理是强力型 但我喜欢速度型 如果有远射更加后卫不说了 802中 头球好经常进角球 边后卫还是助攻型吧 把进攻坚持到底。。。。。
可以说弱队也是很好的 即使你的后卫不强!因为只要有进攻就行 感觉比较需要一个在联赛里起码也是能打到4星的前锋 和传球很好的前腰有个不足就是此阵前锋之间配合很多 有时候容易贻误战机0=024
一拨12连胜冲到了冠军...感觉原来的自己的微调的确有问题!忠告:千万不要把后卫的盯人方式改成区域...貌似指定盯人也不好! 更新了客场阵真的很不错很能翻盘0=049
唔,客场还是有着糟糕的防守 或者V1带来的更好尝试V1客场吧
第2赛季的确被适应了 进攻和防守质量都降低了
我的测试赛程用的自己编辑的森林 开档就在英超把林海大大的有的PEPEPIQUEWOOD YOUNG LENNONBALE加到队里还有加了个自己 其它的如老范之类对自己球队比较重要的都没动
Kimz_8.0.2_No_Tweaking_v2.1.tac or Kimz_8.0.2_No_Tweaking_v2.1.tac NEW!!! ver 2.1 for home or againts weak team
Kimz_8.0.2_No_Tweaking_v2.2.tac or Kimz_8.0.2_No_Tweaking_v2.tac NEW!!! ver 2.2 for away or againts strong team or 4-2-4 formation
what are the different original v2 with v2.1 and v2.2 ?
i tweak defence area of v2 tactic and save it to v2.1 and v2.2
v2.1 and v2.2 are same, the difference is v2.1 Defemsive Line = 10 And v2.2 = 14
for tips :
team talk is very...very...very important.
if your player make alot shots from quality chance and not score... its your team talk sometimes.
or ai scores easily......its your team talk too sometimes
or your defender so lazy.......
read "Wolfsong's guide to team talks - Fm08", but 8.0.2 patch slightly difference with previous patch, some point not work in 8.0.2 patch.... IMO
- DML/ML/AML : tight marking always, tackling hard if bravery 15- (<= 17), show on foot right foot
- DMR/MR/AMR : tight marking always, tackling hard if bravery 15-, show on foot left foot
- DM/MC/AMC : tight marking always, tackling hard if bravery 15-
- FL/FR/SC : tight marking always, tackling hard if bravery 17-
- injured player : tackling hard
- GK : buy an excellent GK if possible, these tactics is an attacking formation, defending is the most difficult job
- All Defender (DL/DR/DC): use fast (15+ pace and acc) and high workrate (15+), and other excelent defending attribute if possible. i use strong DL/DR rather than skillfull DL/DR
- DMC pos : use good defending one, i put good defending player rather than good crossing player
- use AMC on 3AMC pos, dont use FC or winger.....they wont work well. retrain them
- Left AMC : high finishing, long shot, flair, decision, technique
- center AMC : put very creative player with high passing, technique, decision, flair
- SC : on v2.1 and v2.2 my striker score alot more then my left AMC, any striker (tall or fast) with good attribute will work well. ppm recomended : places shots, gets into opp area, curls ball
- change your DR/DL if their stamina 80%-
- change OI immediately when the ai change their player or formation
[ 本帖最后由 lkd919 于 2008-9-11 10:33 PM 编辑 ] 拉线很骚啊。。。 对手因为自己球队跑位而昏倒. 这线拉的....快跟蜘蛛网一样了 一开始没看清楚以为前腰拉了2根线。。 自己不厚道地UP下0=049 这线拉的,看着眼晕 这拉线果然亮点 最近流行拉线画图案~~~~~~~~` 我咋越看这拉线越像画了个人呢。。。