大内密探00泡 发表于 2008-2-14 07:18:16


虽然球员数据的解释是很早就被定论的,但每代作品都会有新人开始玩,所以这样的文字还是值得的.本文截取于SI的fm data editor guidelines.



[ 本帖最后由 大内密探00泡 于 2008-3-26 05:20 PM 编辑 ]

大内密探00泡 发表于 2008-2-14 07:19:00

Person Attributes (Playing – Technical)

Crossing (relative-technical)
How good he is at crossing the ball.

Dribbling (relative technical)
How good he is at dribbling with the ball.

Finishing (relative-technical)
How good he is at scoring when given an opportunity.

Heading (relative-technical)
How good he is at heading the ball, technical ability not jumping ability.

Long Shots (relative-technical)
How good he is at striking long range shots.

Marking (relative-technical)
How good he is at marking opponents.

Movement (relative-mental)
How good he is at moving into good attacking positions (Off The Ball).

Passing (relative-technical)
How accurately he can pass the ball.

Penalties (absolute-technical)
How good he is at taking penalties.

Tackling (relative-technical)
How good he is at making tackles.

Vision (relative-mental)
is at recognising players in good positions to pass to (Creativity).

Aerial Ability (relative-GK)
How well he judges high balls.

Command Of Area (relative-GK) (Tendency)
Tendency to come for crosses. (1=always stays on his line, 20=always comes for crosses).

Communication (relative-GK)
How well he communicates to and organises his defence. The better his communication the better the defence will act as a unit.

Handling (relative-GK)
How well he holds onto the ball after making a save or taking a high ball.

Kicking (relative-GK)
How far he can kick the ball (Passing and Technique will define accuracy).

Throwing (relative-GK)
How good and accurate he is at distributing the ball when throwing out.

Anticipation (relative-mental)
How well he anticipates what is about to happen on the field.

Decisions (relative-mental)
How good he is at making the right decision as to what to do with or without the ball.

First Touch (relative-technical)
How good he is with his first touch.

One On Ones (relative-GK)
How good he is at saving in one-on-one situations.

Positioning (relative-mental)
How good he is at keeping a good defensive position. For goalkeeper this is how well they get into the correct position.

Reflexes (absolute-GK)
How good he is at making reflex saves.

Technique (relative-technical)
How good his technique and ball control is (how comfortable he is on the ball).

[ 本帖最后由 大内密探00泡 于 2008-2-14 07:44 AM 编辑 ]

大内密探00泡 发表于 2008-2-14 07:19:50

Person Attributes (Playing – Non-technical)

Corners (absolute-technical)
How good he is at taking corners (set pieces).

Flair (absolute-mental)
How likely he is to try the unexpected.

Left Foot
How strong his left foot is.

Long Throws (absolute-technical)
How good he is at long throws.

Right Foot
How strong his right foot is.

Teamwork (absolute-mental)
How good he is at playing for the team rather than for himself.

Work Rate (absolute-mental)
How hard he works in a match.

Eccentricity (absolute-GK)
How likely he is to do non-goalkeeping things and the unexpected from a goalkeeper.

Rushing Out (absolute-GK)
How good he is at rushing out to clear through balls.

Tendency To Punch Ball (absolute-GK)
How likely he is to punch rather than catch the ball (1=attempts to catch all the time, 20=attempts to punch all the time).

Acceleration (absolute-physical)
How quickly he can reach full speed from a stand still.

Aggression (absolute-mental)
How aggressive he is. This is an on-pitch attribute and refers to the player’s attitude in a match. High aggression will cause the player to make more tackles for example and get involved in play.

Agility (absolute-physical)
How agile he is. For outfield players this indicates how quickly a player can turn (speed of his turning circle).

Balance (absolute-physical)
How well he keeps his balance when challenged.

Bravery (absolute-mental)
How brave he is when playing. The higher this attribute the more likely he is to go for a diving header or to block the ball.

Composure (relative-mental)
How well the player reacts to a “pressure-situation” in a match – like being through on goal in the last minute, or having to finish a chance while marked by 2 players for example.

Concentration (relative-mental)
How well the player concentrates on a move-by-move basis during a match (this is “consistency” during a match on a move by move basis).

Consistency (absolute-mental)
How consistently he performs from match to match.

How much determination he has to succeed on and off the field.

Dirtiness (absolute-mental)
How dirty he is.

Free Kicks (absolute-technical)
How good he is at taking free kicks in dangerous positions (set pieces).

Important Matches (absolute-mental)
How well he performs in important matches.

Injury Proneness (absolute-physical)
How likely he is to get injured. The lower this value, the less likely the player is to get injured.

Jumping (absolute-physical)
How good a player is at reaching a ball in the air. This can be an indication of a player’s height.

Leadership (absolute-mental)
How well he leads and inspires his team-mates (Influence).

Natural Fitness (absolute-physical)
How high the player’s natural fitness is. How well he stays fit when injured or not training. This will help players recover more quickly from injury and will help them to be able to stay fit as they go past their peak.

Pace (absolute-physical)
How fast he can run when at top speed.

Stamina (absolute-physical)
How long he is able to play before tiring.

Strength (absolute-physical)
How physically strong he is.

Versatility (absolute-technical)
How easily he adapts to playing in unfamiliar positions.

[ 本帖最后由 大内密探00泡 于 2008-2-14 07:53 AM 编辑 ]

大内密探00泡 发表于 2008-2-14 07:20:08

Person Attributes (Mental)

How well he adapts to living in a country which isn’t his own.

How much ambition he has to play/work at the highest level he can.

How controversial he is off the field.

How loyal he is in general.

How well he is able to handle pressure on and off the field.

How professional his conduct is on and off the field.

How sporting his conduct is on and off the field.

How well he keeps his temper on and off the field.

[ 本帖最后由 大内密探00泡 于 2008-2-14 07:27 AM 编辑 ]

Tim.Kun 发表于 2008-2-14 07:27:42


大内密探00泡 发表于 2008-2-14 07:29:43



[ 本帖最后由 大内密探00泡 于 2008-3-14 05:29 AM 编辑 ]

大内密探00泡 发表于 2008-2-14 07:30:12



[ 本帖最后由 大内密探00泡 于 2008-3-14 05:30 AM 编辑 ]

大内密探00泡 发表于 2008-2-14 07:30:37



[ 本帖最后由 大内密探00泡 于 2008-3-14 05:31 AM 编辑 ]

睡皮 发表于 2008-2-14 07:58:06


youjumpsoijump 发表于 2008-2-14 08:37:22

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