agony 发表于 2007-10-13 13:37:50



Award Blog
There have been some big changes in awards for Football Manager 2008, here's a rundown on the new features that I can remember! Firstly voting awards have been implemented so for example if you are international manager you now have a say in who wins the World Footballer of the Year award - there are also other awards in different countries that can be voted for. Speaking of the World Footballer of the Year - this award now takes into account performances at the big international tournaments to influence the result, like in real life when Fabio Cannavaro won the award for his performance in the World Cup. Competition based awards also take into account how far the player progressed in the tournament when deciding winners, so a player who played a major role in getting his team to the final or win the European Champions Cup is more likely to be in contention for winning the best player award. This is as well as numerous other changes to the winner selection.
对Football Manager 2008的评奖系统有一些大的改变,这是我所记得的对于新加入功能一个纲要!首先,评奖投票加入到了游戏中(PS:真的很真实噢,我期待)例如:你是一个国家队教练你可以在评选世界足球先生中投出你宝贵的一票(PS:爽啊,哈哈,我要投郑智(如果他在候选人名单的话...))----也有许多不同的国家可以投其他的票(可能是国家自己设立的奖吧).说到年度世界足球先生--这个奖项现在着重考虑在大型比赛中的表现来影响这个奖的结果.象现实中的Fabio Cannavaro(大家熟悉吧--法比奥.卡纳瓦罗)由于他在世界杯中的出色表现赢得了那个年度的世界足球先生.比赛的那些奖项也着重考虑球员能否带领球队在比赛中走得更远,因此一个球员是球队中的主要角色并帮球队打到欧洲冠军杯决赛或是夺冠就更可能是赢得最佳球员奖项的主要候选人.这也是其他一些奖项的评选标准.

Team of the Week / Season awards have been improved, firstly the selection routine was written to be more intelligent with players getting selected in the team with the position they played in for their club rather than just their best position. Any formation is now supported for these awards rather than every one being 4-4-2.

Some new award types have been added including; Quickest goal, Most Improved Team; Fair Play; Best Referee; Personality and Man of the Match.

The award screens have also been re-written to look better and be more informative, the full information can now be accessed for previous years by selecting the row in the past winners table. Award news items have also been freshened up and a couple of new news items have been added.

A completely new feature is the Best Eleven - this is a type of team award given by the supporter spokesman at the end of every season for club sides and on the 1st of January for national teams which lists the fans best eleven players (plus substitutes) using the formation the team played most in that season, there is also an overall best eleven which takes the best players from each seasonal best eleven to give an all time (since the game begins) best team. This a great feature to look at a few seasons into the game!"
在最佳11人的评选中有一个新功能--球队支持者的发言人(supporter spokesman)在赛季结束以后会为俱乐部评选出一个心目中最佳11人的奖,而国家队在1月1号这一天球队支持者的发言人(supporter spokesman)会根据主教练在比赛中用得最多的阵形列出球迷心中的最佳11人(加替补队员),也有一个全面的最佳11人,它是根据每个赛季(从游戏开始)的表现从中挑选的最好的11个球员.这对于游戏中考虑球员在几个赛季的表现来说是一个不错的功能.




vanis 发表于 2007-10-13 15:12:02


huotom 发表于 2007-10-13 15:17:43


msm661 发表于 2007-10-13 15:24:16

很好,好强大 0=042

gronkjaer.zoo 发表于 2007-10-13 19:53:17


vincen414 发表于 2007-12-13 16:58:06

支持一个 不错

深爱米兰 发表于 2007-12-13 16:59:26


fangzuqiu 发表于 2008-5-27 16:54:04


二少爷 发表于 2008-5-28 17:17:47


fuches 发表于 2008-5-28 17:19:02

原帖由 fangzuqiu 于 2008-5-27 04:54 PM 发表
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查看完整版本: 官方网站BLOG----FM08改进的评奖系统