agony 发表于 2007-10-7 19:38:53



Scout reports

What can we learn from Scout reports about the AI?

1. formation - How the Ai normally plays. If they are playing defensive, or counter attacking then you can reasonably assume that their defensive line will be deeper rather than forward. Bearing this in mind you might decide to push forward yourself. You can also learn from this that because they are counter attacking you will need to keep an eye on perhaps their wingers or strikers. (more advice on this welcome).电脑如何比赛.如果它们打防守或是防守反击,这样你应该可以想象的到它们的防线是拖后的而不是压上的.这样你可以适当压上.你也要注意因为他们是打防守反击,所以你需要密切注意它们的边锋和前锋.

2. tempo - If a side plays a slow build up tempo then you can counter it by playing faster tempo and disrupting thier game. If the side are playing fast high tempo game then conversely you can slow the game down to disrupt them. (any other hints you can provide here would be great).

3. Striker ball service - Sometimes the scount report will tell us how their strikers recieve the ball, by aerial service or to feet. You can work out from this how to cut it off.
My take on this is to identify where the service is likely to come from and perhaps tight mark, hard tackle or something so the service provider has the toughest day you can give him. How to do this needs to be covered by others smarter than I. (cue elaborate answers )

4. Main threat player - The report also tells us who their main treat will be. This bit is the easiest part of the report to figure out. You try and identify a weakness of that player such as low bravery (hard tackling will turn him to jelly and take him out of the game), left or right footed only (play him to the weaker foot) and what his pace is like (put a faster CB than him ON him I think). Anymore you can think of please add here.

5. Injured and unavailable players - If you look at this and can identify good players that will not be playing on the other sides team then maybe you can exploit that by putting a strong player against their reserve player if possible. That stand to reason?

So that is the scout report - if have missed anything in the report please help me out and add your comment. I need to know too!

Odds prior to game

This will influence the style of play the AI will use against you. If you are odds on favorate to win the ai will play a very defensive tactic with players behind the ball and probably counterattacking you when you have over committed.
If you are not the favorate then the ai will play more aggressive and you will have to take this into account. It means a counter attacking ploy of your own may be best.
If the odds are fairly even then other factors will need to be taken into account such as whether you are home or away and whether you consider your team to be superior or not.

Other than that not sure what else to take from looking at odds

[ 本帖最后由 agony 于 2007-10-7 07:52 PM 编辑 ]

K-22 发表于 2007-10-7 19:41:00


ljcool 发表于 2007-10-7 21:22:52

打防守反击, 前锋,中中场都 设置逼抢,边前卫设置 贴身防守加弱势脚. 边后卫弱势脚.

mafian 发表于 2007-10-8 08:30:56


tianhuan1982 发表于 2007-12-21 23:42:31


henry2lau 发表于 2007-12-22 00:07:29

想问问 就是 电脑也有球探啊 他们也会 针对我们更改战术吧?
这时怎么办呢球探系统固然不错 不过关键还是临阵
2:0领先 被扳平 或反超 很正常
同样 通过临场战术的改变2:0落后 我们反超也很正常

tattg 发表于 2008-2-25 21:34:16

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