叶仔 发表于 2007-8-28 23:46:41


AC MILAN, Available not to play Super Cup

Posted 28.08   15.04 by Redazione TMW    -   read 16

Source: www.acmilan.com

After the dramatic dead of Antonio Puerta, Red blacks declare, in the announce below, to be available not to play the Super European Cup.

AC Milan, with his Chairman, Managing Director, Staff, Team and all employees cry Antonio Puerta dead and hug, sharing hurt to friend Sevilla, and to the family player. AC Milan remains on hand and shares any decision right now will be adopted from Uefa for play or not the Super European Cup match.



叶仔 发表于 2007-8-28 23:47:08


Iversalt 发表于 2007-8-28 23:48:40

嗯 把奖杯送个sevilla吧...

floydfox 发表于 2007-8-28 23:54:37

原帖由 叶仔 于 2007-8-28 11:47 PM 发表 http://fmfans.cpgl.net/images/common/back.gif

6449756 发表于 2007-8-29 00:31:28

这翻译 软件搞的吧   还是比赛的好 不比不是瞧不起人吗应该以纪念PUERTA的名义来比赛

喝可乐的猫 发表于 2007-8-29 01:51:30

不派主力呢输了又丢人.. 派主力又累..

Tim.Gerrard 发表于 2007-8-29 02:07:35

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