4.1.2 训练
今天发现--------Lyssien: 一个希腊的cm玩家, 好像对训练非常有研究, 他的一篇关于训练的文章到现在已经在 SI 论坛置顶了半年, 有超过1000个回复.最近他放出了 cm0304---4.1.2 的最新训练表:http://www.cmgreece.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=3442
Sunday: Rest, Rest, Rest
Monday: Pig In the Middle, Technique, Closing Down
Tuesday: Shadow Play, Overloading Attacking, 5-a-side_Large
Wednesday: Technique, Shadow Play, 5-a-side_Large
Thursday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Attacking, Weight Training
Friday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Defensive, 5-a-side_small
Saturday: Pig In the Middle, Shooting, Overloading Defensive
Sunday: Rest, Rest, Rest
Monday: Pig In the Middle, Technique, Closing Down
Tuesday: Sprints, Overloading Attacking, Set Pieces Defensive
Wednesday: Technique, Shadow Play, Training Match
Thursday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Attacking, Weight Training
Friday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Defensive, 5-a-side_small
Saturday: Pig In the Middle, Shooting, Overloading Attacking
Sunday: Rest, Rest, Rest
Monday: Pig In the Middle, Penalties, Closing Down
Tuesday: Shadow Play, Overloading Defensive, 5-a-side_small
Wednesday: Penalties, Shadow Play, 5-a-side_Large
Thursday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Attacking, Weight Training
Friday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Defensive, 5-a-side_small
Saturday: Pig In the Middle, Shadow Play, Overloading Defensive
Sunday: Pig In the Middle, Technique, Closing Down
Monday: Shadow Play, Overloading Attacking, 5-a-side_Large
Tuesday: Technique, Shadow Play, 5-a-side_Large
Wednesday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Attacking, Weight Training
Thursday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Defensive, 5-a-side_small
Friday: Pig In the Middle, Shooting, Overloading Defensive
Saturday: Rest, Rest, Rest
Sunday: Pig In the Middle, Technique, Closing Down
Monday: Sprints, Overloading Attacking, Set Pieces Defensive
Tuesday: Technique, Shadow Play, Training Match
Wednesday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Attacking, Weight Training
Thursday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Defensive, 5-a-side_small
Friday: Pig In the Middle, Shooting, Overloading Attacking
Saturday: Rest, Rest, Rest
Sunday: Pig In the Middle, Penalties, Closing Down
Monday: Shadow Play, Overloading Defensive, 5-a-side_small
Tuesday: Penalties, Shadow Play, 5-a-side_Large
Wednesday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Attacking, Weight Training
Thursday: Pig In the Middle, Set Pieces Defensive, 5-a-side_small
Friday: Pig In the Middle, Shadow Play, Overloading Defensive
Saturday: Rest, Rest, Rest
这些训练我都没用过, 不过大家有兴趣可以试试
他还写了很多训练的心得和测试成果, 有兴趣的也可以看看(英文)
http://www.cmgreece.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1416 先顶,回家试试 英文,头痛,先顶 pig in the middle 好像是他的招牌菜~~~~~~ 謝謝 强烈支持 强烈感谢offspring,总是给我们带来国外的先进理论和好消息!
现在没空,等有时间我去看看他的理论! 看他那里说的效果,好象不错啊! 我去了那个论坛,看到那个主题,怎么翻页啊:( Originally posted by David442 at 12-15-2003 06:52: