naoki 发表于 2006-11-9 09:20:36





7.0.1 FAQ





Football Manager 2007 v7.0.1

- Fixed wrong player listed in international Set Friendly Instructions for replacement players.
- Fixed a display bug with the teams table on MLS manager’s achievements screen.
- Fixed player milestones declaring that a player was about to make a landmark appearance (e.g. 50th league appearance) for a club when in fact it was his debut.
- Fixed When you move a player to your reserve squad for <time period> the option is no longer available once this time period is complete, or when you manually moved him back to the first-team.
- Fixed when you move a player to the reserves for <time period> and then go on holiday, he comes back straight away.
- Fixed morale being too high across the board.
- Fixed a potential crash in some situations where data was edited in an unexpected way.
- Fixed an array access out of bounds warning when a team has more than 127 players in its squad.
- Fixed bug where matches in regional leagues would sometimes get played in full detail.
- Fixed a problem with the "Move Matches For TV" setting not being remembered sometimes.
- Fixed morale being globally too high in first season, and also made it less prone to extremes going forward.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes reading in a custom human manager picture caused an infinite loop/hang to occur.
- Attendances are now less peaky to form during the early part of a season.
- Improved Referee selection for matches.
- Adjusted manager fog to include full visibility for same division players.
- Updated Community Credits.
- If running up a second instance of FM07 it would clear down the FM temporary folder, which could subsequently corrupt a save game if you tried to save the game from the first instance of FM.
- Cut down number of injuries from low detail matches.
- "Time at club" manager record now reset for computer managers who get put out of jobs by human managers.
- Less high potential ability non-players created from blank potential ability at game start.
- Ensure that managers who give themselves a high reputation at the start of the game are less likely to be offered an international job too early on until they are at a club which is more established
- Tweaked AI allocation of squad rotation/backup statuses.
- Any crash dump files are now generated in the user data folder ('crash dumps' sub folder) rather than in the FM installation folder.
- .cmp files now go in "comps" in the user data folder like everything else (and not in the FM installation data folder).
- Made interest from bigger clubs slightly more likely to trigger player wanting move to bigger club.

- Improved technical-mental-physical attribute balance in newgens and players with empty attributes in starting database.
- Newgens technical-mental-physical attribute balance retweaked a little when loading pre-patch saved game.

Board Takeovers
- Fixed an issue with clubs promoted into active leagues without researched Chairman which caused a Board Takeover to occur.
- Improved criteria for a plc board takeover.

- Fixed Scout Report using Offside as the initial "worst stat" rather than Passing (which has more to do with the player's general play).
- Fixed crash when trying to assign scout when there are more than 127 possible competitions to scout.
- Fixed an issue where a Scout could sometimes fail to spot an obviously highly talented newgen player.
- Scouts no longer provide excessive asking prices on their Report Cards.
- Users no longer get scout reports on USA draft players if they are not managing in the MLS.

- Fixed bug that could cause some players' attributes to respond better or worse to training than should be the case.
- Players in German reserve teams no longer forced to do youth training schedules.

- Fixed extreme cases of high asking prices.
- Fixed a crash which would occur sometimes when negotiating MLS transfers.
- Fixed an issue with low asking prices for players in the Portuguese league (as well as similar sized/finance leagues too).
- Fixed player rejecting loan extension just before big game.
- Fixed issue where you could sign a player at the end of the forthcoming season.
- Fixed board accepting bid on behalf of the management which were way below players basic value.
- Reduced the number of obscure players being offered to Human clubs.
- German clubs no longer continue to release players outside of Transfer Windows.
- Clubs in "View Only" leagues no longer try to get rid of player's with a Squad Status better than "Not needed by the club".
- MLS roster cut down tuning. Teams try to keep their better players.
- Stopped teams from making multiple enquiry offers for same player.
- Stopped rich AI clubs from occasionally spending stupid amounts of money on non first team players.

- Fixed an issue where a news item would report a player signed a zero-year deal.
- Fixed an issue when a virtual player signed a youth contract which incorrectly triggered a news item suggesting he'd signed a professional contract.
- Fixed an issue where the Human couldn't offer a contract to a co-owned player after both bids had been accepted.
- Fixed being able to offer staff less than what they want without rewarding them with higher wages.
- Fixed crash when clicking 'View Summary' in news item when human manager takes over a club and their contract is N/A.
- Allowed free Mutual Termination of former player-manager's contract at club when Human manager takes charge (example Ipswich's Jim Magilton).
- Stopped Human user being able to slowly decrement a players wage by offering less wages in new contract talks.
- Added text to contract offer screen to indicate player's bonus demands.
- Reduced the number of youth players who are set for pro deals at start of a new game.

- Fixed an issue where some Season Ticket money was not being calculated for all clubs in the first season.
- Fixed a problem where clubs could keep getting under soil heating upgrades.
- Lowered match day costs for small teams.
- Some tweaks to 'other' cost model for certain types of teams
- Tuned specific finances model for France.
- Tuned specific finances model for Germany.
- Tuned specific finances model for Belgium.
- Tuned specific finances model for Denmark.
- Tuned specific finances model for Poland.
- Tuned specific finances model for Slovakia.
- Tuned specific finances model for Slovenia.
- Tuned specific finances model for Holland.
- Tuned specific finances model for Brazil.
- Tuned specific finances model for Argentina.
- Tuned the amount of money you could get from merchendising feeder clubs down a bit.

- Fixed minor player_bio logic where players joining a loan club talked about their ambitions for their contracted club.
- Fixed players being offered injections if they're unavailable for the next match.
- Fixed club former favourites being able to comment about themselves in news items.
- Fixed media saying a player has been in superb form in recent weeks when he hasn't played many competitive games.
- Fixed transfer window roundup news mentioning teams who have just been promoted from inactive leagues as the teams who have done the most transfers.
- Fixed being able to praise players recent form when he's only played in last match and not the ones before that.
- Fixed competition_bio runners-up string: "Although neither team have ever won the <comp>...".
- Fixed board becoming annoyed at 'persistent requests' when only one board request had been made.
- Fixed newly-signed player looking to learn from an idol who is currently away from the club on loan.
- Fixed Celtic being described as winning the Scottish League Cup zero times.
- Fixed controversial news items not coping when the aggrieved person is the same as the other incident person.
- Fixed duplicate news items about players being called up for international teams.
- Fixed scout not always scouting next opposition.
- Fixed issue with promotion media question response.
- Fixed player_bio logic where the interested club was the club the player was currently playing for.
- Fixed a 'controversial incident' being made newsworthy when the same team lashed the ball into the net seconds later!!
- Fixed news items being created where the previously-used formation and latest formation are identical. e.g. "Changed from a 4-4-2 to a previously untested 4-4-2".
- Fixed fans criticising you for negative tactics when the tactics weren't negative.
- Copa America cup stage now keeps teams from same group stage apart.
- Stopped tactical analysis news being generated for play-off second leg matches as it wasn't coping with the aggregate score line.
- Don't allow co-owned players who are not currently at the club to be regarded as potential replacements for injured players.
- Ensured that landmark game in charge news item is only generated before a competitive match.

- Hernia injuries are now included in the game.
- Fixed an issue with the Indonesian league not retaining enough players from the database.
- More UK based players are kept in the database now when any of the UK leagues is selected.

User Interface
- Fixed players being sent to reserves until match fit then not returning all the time when match fit.
- Fixed being able to confirm your media comment on certain questions when the radio button had not been selected.
- Fixed slow down when changing year to view previous group stages in competitions.
- Fixed problem where continue button on menu bar would sometimes not stretch to fit the text.
- Fixed the team news panel summary from showing overall goals and instead it now shows league goals.
- Fixed a colour clash bug where sometimes teams would play each other both wearing red kits.
- Fixed 'Export' button not appearing clicked.
- Fixed action area arrows being cut off on Flexion Right skin.
- Fixed missing results when doing a staff search and using 'is not' <job> filter.
- Fixed a rare freeze when viewing a human's shortlist. This was caused by a player getting added to the shortlist twice.
- Disabled shortcut for changing users (Ctrl+Shift+C) while a new manager is in the process of being added.
- Player "Selection Details" did not show a scrollbar in some situations where it needed to.
- Double clicking on title bar during start up doesn't move the window slightly.
- If asking a coach to pick your team while on the tactics screen in a tactics-specific view, the tactic slider or popup button disappeared until you clicked the View menu again.
- The New Game Wizard is not shown if the last game was created with four or more nations.
- The "Show Wizard" menu item is disabled if the user picks more than three nations when setting up a new game.
- Nations on Job Security weren't displaying flags, causing text to be misaligned with clubs.
- News items with goalkeeper coaches or fitness coaches display specific coaching attributes instead of a generic one.
- Some panels on the manager snapshot screen were visible for national manager when they were club only.
- If panels were hidden on snapshot screen the entire box, including the header and menu were hidden, making the user unable to change snapshot panel for that sub-section.
- Disable "Shortlists" button on the staff search, because you can't shortlist staff, or save the staff search as a shortlist.
- On the person filter dialog (customise player/staff search filter) you could not use mouse wheel to scroll through various filter types.
- You couldn't delete bookmarks in a sub-folder.
- Oceania was selectable in the view menu of continents when starting a new game even though there are no active rule groups on this continent.
- If you started a new game from within a game, the initial screen title would keep the name of the old save game.
- Team finances salary panel now doesn't include wages of players paid by other clubs (loans and co-ownerships)
- Removed duplicated Employed filter rule from staff filter dialog and added Reputation filter rule.
- In certain cases 'arrange friendly' and 'cancel friendly' buttons were hidden if you cancelled attempting to arrange a friendly.
- Opposition Player Instructions squad list would not always display the correct position for substitutes coming on.
- Opposition Player Instructions squad would display S247 or similar erroneous text for players having been sent off.
- When multiple players are selected, coach reports now work for all players and not just the first.
- Disabled load game from within a game when browsing off the match screen.
- Increased display time hints & tips both while saving/loading and on the FM Live panel slightly.
- Transfer delayed news was sometimes not displaying the new date properly in the news item.
- Added 2 more match highlight speeds between Slow and Normal and between Normal and Fast.
- When 2 humans play each other on the same PC with team talks handled by the assistant manager, the away team manager no longer gets forced to make a team talk.
- In certain situations changing the picture on the Add Manager Wizard did not update the displayed image (though it would use the correct image on the manager profile when actually adding the manager).
- Sometimes the "FM Live" or the "Hints & Tips" panel could be hidden when it should be shown.
- Manager snapshot panel was displaying some financial information about computer controlled teams - these are now hidden.
- There was a slight text overlay ('bleed') on some of the player comment/response screens.
- USY player status icon in Major League Soccer teams now takes you to a players transfer panel instead of not doing anything.
- Automatic squad numbers button now makes sure players picked for a match get squad numbers.
- You can now go to "Main Menu" from the "Options" menu if you are viewing a match from the Main Menu (i.e. loaded a pkm).
- Manager/coach release clause now appears on the contract offer screen when you add the clause.
- Manager snapshot panels displayed b-team (and possibly some other) players in the overall player stats summary when they had not played for the first team.
- In some situations the competition team stats panel only showed a limited number of teams (e.g. 'Conceded' stats).
- News items relating to fitness coaches now display somewhat more relevant information in the details panel.
- Transfer budget values for the 'personal message' news item and on the person search section could be slightly inaccurate due to using an approximate/rounded value.
- Edit boxes that had multiple lines (such as notes) cut off the upper part of the first line.
- Players on a saved shortlist (i.e. not the default one) would not show up with yellow text colour in player lists.

- Fixed not being able to change players for Copa Libertadores.
- Fixed a crash when running the Northern Irish league in view only mode.
- Teams from the same group in the Copa America cannot play each other in the quarter final.
- Brazil U23 cannot qualify for the Confederations Cup through the Gold Cup.
- European Champions Cup and UEFA Cup group stages now use clubs own coefficients to seed teams instead of using the co-efficients of teams they have beaten in qualifying rounds.
- League history entries where a team finished 1st were being ignored when working out teams highest league positions.
- Stopped reserve matches being scheduled on 2 consecutive days.
- New European U21 Championship format implemented.
- When teams have multiple stadium moves planned, they now should go through on the correct dates.
- Correct teams take part in the 2006 Sudamericana Cup.
- Max squad size for African Cup of Nation teams is 23 not 22.
- Corrected Sudamericana Cup format for the later rounds.
- Brazilian Champions now always play in the Copa Sudamericana.
- USA take part in the 2007 Copa America (previously there was a random chance they would not).
- North Americana Gold Cup: Only North American teams now take part in the competition.
- Updated Champions Cup Prize money.
- Wayne Rooney's international ban now gets updated properly after each match.
- Players are now correctly classified as Home Grown players when registering European Squads.
- U19 teams/leagues now used in Spain.
- Yellow cards in Friendlies don't count towards suspensions.

- Partial fix: Australian Institute of Sports (AIS) now cannot buy players, but they'll still be able to sell players.

- A team is now relegated properly from the Brazilian Pará State Championship.
- Guarani starting Brazilian Second Division with -3 points.
- Brazilian teams playing Copa Libertadores now don't play in Brazilian Cup.
- In Brazil emergency goalkeeper sub rule shouldn't exist.
- Brazilian Pará State Championship: If one of top 2 play Copa Libertadores in the same year of the Brazilian Cup, then the next team in line (the 3rd placed team in the 2nd phase) play the Brazilian Cup instead.
- Fixed wrong semi-final matches in S&atilde;o Paulo and Minas Gerais State Championship.
- Some tuning for promotions from inactive leagues.
- Brazilian Potiguar State Championship: Corrected the playoff schedule

- Belgian Cup 6th round draw now takes place 3 weeks prior to game date.

China PR
- Fix for Chinese league foreigners rule: if 0 Hong Kong players in the squad, then we still can only have a Maximum of 3 foreigners in the club squad.

- 2 U21 players now must be included in the squad for Colombian matches (one of whom must be U19).

- Fixed Croatia reserve leagues being setup.
- Croatia U19 Second Division now has only one group of 16 teams.
- Fixed a warning to do with Croatian Cup when all leagues are selected and Croatia is set to 'View-Only'.

- Danish Premier Division Wednesday scheduling update.

- El Nacional of Ecuador in real life do not sign foreigners.

- Fixed Czech First Division last 2 round matches not playing on Saturday.

- African/Oceanic/Caribbean nations no longer treated as non-EU for Finland.
- Some Finnish competition dates fixed.

- French League Cup now has a maximum of 7 subs been able to be named.
- Croatian players no longer treated as non-EU in France.
- French League Cup later rounds format updated.

- Stopped league games been scheduled at the same time as international fixtures.

- Siena docked 1 point in Serie A for late payment of taxes.
- Italian teams playing Champions League matches on Tuesdays get their Sunday match moved back a day.
- Penalty points reduction for Juventus, Lazio and Fiorentina.
- 2 points deduction for Sassari Torres (Italy, C2/A).
- Correct teams now play in the Italian C1 Super Cup.

- Fixed Mexican First Division Repechaje seeding problem.
- Fixed wrong Mexican teams being entered into the Copa Sudamericana.
- Fixed wrong Mexican teams being entered into Primera A promotion final.

- Norwegian leagues now use 3 from 7 subs rule.
- Some Norwegian league date scheduling issues fixed.
- Bigger attendances for matches on the 16th May.

- Polish Second Division now has 2 TV games per week.
- Polonia Warszawa (Polish Second Division) have had their points penalty cancelled.
- Away goals rule now applies for Polish FA Cup.
- Polish league clubs can choose any squad number to be given to a player.

- Portuguese Squad Selection rules fixed.
- Portuguese players can now get squad numbers over 30 at the start of the game.

- Set minimum stadium capacity for Russian Premier League to 10,000 seats.

- Updated Serbian Disciplinary System.
- Updated Serbian Transfer Window dates.
- Players from Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina can get second Serbian nationality 1 year after they come to a Serbian club.

- First Division games are no longer played when International Friendlies are been played.

South Korea
- Fixed inappropriate naturalization in South Korea.
- Korean Reserve League format change.
- South Korean FA Cup now uses three out of seven substitutes.
- South Korean All Star Cup match date now 15/08 (national holiday).
- South Korean FA Cup match venue: lower division teams now play at home.

- Updated number of Spanish Segunda Division TV games.
- Updated number of La Liga TV games.

- Non-EU players in Sweden who have lived there for 3 years or more now don't count towards Non-EU player quota and at the same time don't gain Swedish Second Nationality.

- Turkish Cup Revenue update.

- Players from Russia, Uzbekistan, and Belarus now treated as foreigners in Ukraine.
- Ukraine High League schedule update.
- Updated transfer periods for Ukraine.
- Updated Ukrainian Cup.

United States
- MLS wage cap adjusted from $350k to $310k.

- Uruguayan Reserve and Youth Leagues updated.

Network Game
- Fixed an issue when using 'Declare Interest In Job' on a Network Client would use the wrong Human manager.
- Fixed a crash issue when the Network Client exits the game whilst on the Tactics screen.
- When a client machine is on holiday whilst the game saves, the save progress dialog now gets removed at the end of the saving process.
- Alliteration headlines no longer appear in English for clients using a foreign language when the server is running in English.

- Updated Rotherham away kit image.
- Updated FC Twente, Roda JC and Sparta Rotterdam logos.

Match Engine Version History

Match v543
- Fixed ball thrown back to far at goal kick bug.
- Fixed unrealistic quick free kick shot.
- Fixed dribbling bug where players move ball 90 degrees and lose it.
- Tuned player interception judgement AI for longer passes.
- Sub keepers now only warm up if their on field counterpart is injured.
- Made hoofs up field a little more random in direction.
- Stopped occasional instance of players taking a simple interception early with their head and giving ball away cheaply.
- Players now check for near post and far post when deciding if a shot on goal is within their sights.
- Slight tweak down on keeper match ratings.

Match v544
- Fixed a few keeper AI anomalies that caused dodgy goals.
- Fixed occasional slow headers back to keeper that get intercepted.
- Fixed human team marking opposite player flaw.
- Cut out some dangerous back passes.
- Tuned AI used of subs.

Match v545
- Fixed another goalie AI anomaly re not picking up through ball.
- Fixed issue that caused human set piece tactics to change mid match.
- Reduced occasional instance of "ball thrown back too far at goal kick" bug.
- Reduced occasional extreme curve on pass.
- Reduced speculative ambitious passes that almost always fail.
- Reduced occurrence of strikers playing in dead central position making runs into channel unless they have the ppm for it.
- Stopped keeper trying to "narrow angle" when ball already beyond him ( Dudek sideways movement bug ).
- Made defenders more careful with making dangerous passes near own goal area.
- Made defenders keep closer eye on opponents even when their team has ball.
- Make players less likely to get caught in possession in area dangerous to own team.

Match v546
- Fixed missing commentary just before red cards.
- Fixed dissent commentary being shown before red card commentary.
- Fixed obscure possibility of free kick being given just off pitch.
- Fixed sympathise and encourage causing occasional player unrest from team talk.
- Fixed AI bug where defending team would not track back in event of wayward backward header by team mate.
- Extra time now played before seeding decides result if applicable in match rules.
- Made subbed or red carded players disappear from pitch rather than lurk at edge of "tunnel".
- Made defenders a little more aware of interceptions when heading ball clear.
- Slight increase in chances of appropriate players attempting lobs.
- Stopped commentary stating team "wins division" when winning play off final.

Match v547
- Fixed a few anomalies in AI team mentality choice.
- Fixed rearrangement of 541 formation when down to 10 men - wingbacks always retained now.
- Fixed over effective first time control of players receiving long high ball to run onto.
- Fixed obscure crash.
- Assistant manager now takes full charge of team when human on holiday.
- Reduced further risky dribbles by defenders in dangerous areas.
- Stopped end of period whistle being blown when player has good chance to score.
- Stopped player manager reacting to his own talk!
- Stopped "fight ball" variable being set when a player is running with the ball.
- Stopped keepers reacting to long balls forward unnaturally quickly.
- Made defensive teams time waste earlier ( not going to corners though ).
- Made players try to avoid intercepting at awkward heights when possible.
- Improved sensitivity of mentality slider in terms of player formation shape.
- Improved goalkeeper headed clearances.
- Cut down on clearances across own area.
- Cut down on yellow cards for minor fouls unless player has been persistent.

Match v548
- Fixed occasional bug regarding injury probability caused by overload of non perfect pitch condition and high injury proneness.
- Fixed instance of keeper dribbling into trouble when over 30 yards from own goal.
- Stopped "incredible 40 yard strike" commentary line for shot on open goal from distance.
- Stopped attackers reacting to long balls forward unnaturally quickly.
- Stopped stranded keeper standing to watch ball that has rebounded off post.
- Rebalanced number of injuries in match and training accordingly.
- At set pieces, made defenders staying back more likely to stay on their original man longer as play develops.
- Made red cards for professional fouls slightly more likely.
- Slight reduction in incidences of high player aggression.


- 修正了在国家队友谊比赛时设置为替换球员球员名单的错误。
- 修正了在MLS 教练的执教队伍列表和成就页面的显示错误。
- 修正了球员里程碑提示, 球员显示为俱乐部出场纪录(如第50 次联赛出场) ,当这实际上是他的首次出赛。
- 修正了当您“移动球员进预备队为期.....”的选项当设定时间结束, 或当您手工移动了他回到一队不可使用的错误,。
- 修正了当您“移动球员进预备队为期.....”的选项然后选择休假时, 该球员立刻回到一队的错误。
- 修正了全队士气是太高的情况。
- 修正了在数据库被编辑一个意想不到的地方的时候时候可能产生潜在的崩溃。
- 修正了当队内有超过127 个球员时阵容数据溢出的警告。
- 修正了“为电视转播调整比赛时间”时有时候不会得到提示的错误。
- 修正了有"移动比赛为电视" 设置的一个问题有时不记住。
- 修正了全队在第一个赛季全队士气太高的错误, 并且使他它在今后不会也不会太高的问题。
- 修理了有时读在一张自订的经理图片导致无限loop/hang 发生的问题。
- 在赛季初的时候观众人数现在较少了。
- 改善了为比赛选择裁判员。
- 调整了玩家的数据隐藏,包括同一联赛的球员数据全部可见。
- 更新公共信用。
- 现在开始第二个事件发生时如果它会清除FM 临时文件夹, 将建立一个备份以防保存游戏时之前事件的数据丢失。
- 低细节比赛时受伤的频率被降低了。
- 由玩家经理替代的电脑控制的经理在俱乐部执教时间将被重新计算。
- 在开档时为设定潜力的非球员人物在开档时产生高潜力被减少了。
- 保证那些高声望的教练不会很快被国家队雇用,直到他们把自己的俱乐部经营好了。
- 调整了AI设置的球队的一线轮换球员和替补球员的地位
- 所有零碎的临时文件现在建立在用户数据文件夹('crash dumps'文件夹) 而不是在FM 文件夹下。
- .cmp 文件现在存在"comps" 在用户数据文件夹内(而不是在FM 数据文件夹) 。
- 轻微的增多了大的俱乐部接触想转会大俱乐部球员的可能性。

- 改善了新生球员和球员在开始数据库有空的属性球员的技术、精神、身体属性平衡
- 打7.01补丁之前开档的,装补丁后产生新生球员技术、精神、物理属性平衡也将重新平衡。

- 修理了当俱乐部升级进开的联赛时发生董事会变更不找主席的问题
- 改善了股票上市公司老板接管董事会的标准

- 修正了球探报告使用越位而不是传球(在比赛中更多的出现)数据作为最初的"球员缺点"
- 修正了当试图分配侦察员观察超过127场比赛时产生得溢出错误。
- 修理了球探有时不能察觉一个明显地高度有天才的新生球员的问题。
- 球探不再为报告卡提供超高报价。
- 用户不玩MLS(美国大联盟)时不再得到球探报告关于美国选秀队员 。

- 修正了能导致一些球员的属性变为比正常状况更好或更坏的情况。
- 球员在德国预备队不再被按青年队员训练。

- 修正了超高要价的不正常情况。
- 修正了有时会发生当谈判的MLS 转会时的崩溃。
- 修正在葡萄牙联赛(以及相类似的规模/财政情况联赛)球员要价较低的问题 。
- 修正了球员在大赛之前拒绝租借延长的问题。
- 修正了能在即将到来的季节的结束时签下球员的问题。
- 修正了董事会在代管时接受低于球员基本身价的报价。
- 减少了不知名的球员推荐给玩家俱乐部的数量。
- 德国俱乐部不再在转会期外继续解除球员合同。
- 在"View Only" 的联赛的俱乐部不再设法出售阵容设定比"俱乐部不需要"更好的球员
- MLS球队裁减球队花名册的倾向被调整。球队尝试保留他们的更好的球员。
- 停止球队队给予多个询问条件为同样球员。
- 停止富有的AI 俱乐从偶尔地花愚笨的大数量金钱在非一队队员上。

- 修正了新闻条目会报告球员签下零年合同的问题。
- 修正了当一个虚拟球员签署了青年合同时不正确地触发新闻条目说他签署了一个职业合同的问题。
- 修正了游戏者不能在双方出价被接受了之后为一个共同拥有的球员提供合同的问题。
- 修正了可以提供职员比他们想要低的合同而没有提供更高工资的问题。
- 修正了当游戏者经理接收俱乐部和他们的合同是N/A时,在新闻中点击' 看报告(View Summary)' 的崩溃 。
- 允许俱乐部当游戏者经理接管时(如Ipswich 的Jim,Magilton) ,自由相互终止前球员兼经理的合同。
- 停止的游戏者用户通过在新合同谈话时提供较少薪水来慢慢地降低球员薪水。
- 增加了设定球员的奖金的说明。
- 减少了在新赛季的开始被设置为签订职业合同的青年球员的数量。

- 修正了所有俱乐部在第一季节一些套票票款未被计算在内的问题。
- 解决了俱乐部一直在做草坪地热系统升级的问题。
- 降低了小球队的比赛日花费。
- 调整了一些' 其它' 费用给其他具体的项目
- 为法国重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为德国重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为比利时重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为丹麦重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为波兰重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为斯洛伐克重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为斯洛文尼亚重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为荷兰重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为巴西重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为阿根廷重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 调整了能从卫星俱乐部通过商品销售得到的金钱数量

- 修正了少数被租借的各种球员谈论为他们签订合同俱乐部志向的逻辑。
- 修正了如果球员是无法获得的为下次比赛还被打止痛针的选项。
- 修正了新闻中前俱乐部人员能评论关于他们自己的错误。
- 修正了媒体当球员最近几星期未参加许多正式比赛时认为他是状态神勇。
- 修正了新闻提及从为开放联赛中刚升级的球队在转会期做了多转会的队。
- 修正了称赞球员最近的状态当他以前只参加了前次比赛和之前的几次。
- 修正了的各种赛事的亚军发言: "尽管没有球队曾经赢得过....." 。
- 修正了董事会根据"坚持请求"的态度感到不满,尽管只做了一次董事会请求。
- 修正了新签字的球员把当前从俱乐部租借再外的球员当成榜样学习。
- 修正了Celtic队被描述作为零次赢取过苏格兰联赛杯。
- 修正了有争议新闻错误把被误判人和得益得人写成一样。
- 修正了新闻关于球员被召集为国家队时的重复。
- 修正了球探不是总是侦察下一个对手。
- 修正了媒体提问后产生反应的错误。
- 修正了球员当对其感兴趣的俱乐部就是他现在效力的俱乐部的逻辑。
- 修正了' 有争议的判罚' 使球队抨击了本方进球几秒后对方就进球的报道价值
- 修正了新闻报告以前的阵形和新阵形的争议。如:"从4-4-2改变为从未经考验4-4-2" 。
- 修正了球迷批评你的消极战术当战术不是消极的。
- 美洲杯淘汰赛阶段现在保证从同一小组出现的队不在相遇。
- 停止了的并不符合前一场比赛得分情况的战术分析新闻在淘汰赛第二回合。
- 不允许当前不是在俱乐部的共同拥有的球员被问是否是可以替换受伤的球员。
- 保证关于交战新闻只出现在正式比赛之前。

- 游戏中的受伤现在包括疝气。
- 从数据库修正了印度尼西亚联赛没有足够的球员的问题。
- 当任何英国联赛被选择的时候会有更多的英国范围内的球员被包括在数据库中

- 修正了当球员被放到预备队直到恢复比赛状态然后当状态恢复后不能回到一线队的

- 修正了错误,现在可以对媒体确认你对一些问题的看法当Radio按钮未被选择时候。
- 修正了当看过去以往年比赛小组阶段比赛时速度降低的问题。
- 修正了在菜单栏上继续按钮的有时有时缩放文本的问题。
- 修正了球队新闻区总结中显示的总进球数,现在它被改为显示联赛进球数。
- 修正了都有红色队服的球队比赛的时候产生颜色冲突的错误。
- 修正了' 导出' 按钮点击后消失的错误。
- 修正了活动区域箭头在使用皮肤“FlexionRight”显示不完全的问题。
- 修正了当做职员查寻并使用'没有工作" 过滤器时缺失结果的错误。
- 修正了当查看游戏者的shortlist时的停顿 。这由一名球员在shortlist被添加两次造成的。
- 当添加新经理过程中取消了快捷键“改变用户(Ctrl+Shift+C)” 。
- 球员"数据" 画面不在需要的一些情况?/div>
- 修正了不能在解放者杯中不能改变球员的错误。
- 修正了当开view only北爱尔兰联赛时运行中的崩溃
- 参加美洲杯的球队从同样小组出现的不会在四分之一决赛相遇。
- 巴西U23 不能从联合会杯出线打入金杯赛。
- 欧洲冠军杯和UEFA 杯小组阶段的种子队挑选现在使用俱乐部自己的系数而不是使用他们在资格赛中击败球队的系数。
- 联赛历史以球队结束的第一会被忽略其最高联赛排名代替。
- 停止在连续两天安排预备队比赛
- 新欧洲U21 冠军杯形势实施了。
- 当队球队能安排多体育场移动计划, 他们应该现在比赛被安排在正确日期。
- 更正球队在2006 年参与Sudamericana 杯。
- 最大的非洲杯国家队阵容是23人不是22 。
- 更正了Sudamericana 杯形势为最新。
- 巴西联赛冠军现在总是参加Sudamericana 杯 。
- 美国参加2007 年美洲杯(以前的数据中是随机的)。
- 北美金杯赛: 只有北美洲球队现在可以参加。
- 更新冠军杯奖金。
- 韦恩,鲁尼的国际禁令现在各个比赛中更新为正确的。
- 当登记欧洲比赛时球员正确地被分类作为本队培养的球员。
- U19 teams/联赛现在在西班牙能使用了。
- 友谊赛中的黄牌不计在未来的处罚中。

- 部份修改: 澳大利亚体育学院(AIS) 现在不能买球员, 但是他们可以卖球员。

- 球队能正常的从巴西Brazilian Pará State Championship中降级。
- Guarani 队在巴西乙级联赛以-3分开始。
- 参加解放者杯的巴西球队现在不在参加巴西杯。
- 在巴西紧急守门员替补规则不存在。
- 巴西Pará State Championship: 如果前两名球队参加解放者杯,则第二阶段联赛的第三名参加巴西杯
- 修正了错误的半决赛比赛在S&atilde;o Paulo and Minas Gerais State Championship。
- 一些调整为从不开放的联赛中升级。
-Brazilian Potiguar State Championship: 改正了淘汰赛日程表

- 比利时杯第6轮阵容在比赛日三周前决定。

- 修正了中国足球联赛外援规定:如果没有香港球员在花名册中,那我们只能最多拥有三名外援。

- 哥伦比亚联赛的花名册中必须包括2名21岁以下的队员(其中一名必须是19岁以下)

- 修正了设立了克罗地亚预备队比赛。
- 克罗地亚19岁以下乙级联赛 现在一个小组只有16 个队。
- 修正了克罗地亚杯的警告当所有联赛被选择并且克罗地亚被设置为'view only' 。

- 修正了丹麦超级联赛周三的日程安排

- 厄瓜多尔的El Nacional在现实中是不能签外援的

- 修正了捷克甲级联赛最后两轮比赛不在周六举行的问题

- 对于芬兰而言,非洲/大洋州/加勒比海国家不再被以非欧盟对待
- 修正一些芬兰比赛的时间

- 法国联赛杯现在可以最多排7名替补
- 克罗地亚球员不再被视为非欧盟
- 校定了法国联赛杯最后一轮的比赛形式

- 停止了联赛比赛在国际比赛日举行

- siena由于逾期支付税款在意甲中扣一分
- 意大利球队参加周四的冠军杯比赛将把他们周日的联赛推迟一天
- 减少了Juventus, Lazio and Fiorentina的罚分
- Sassari Torres扣两分
- 纠正了意大利C1超级杯的比赛队伍

- 修正了墨西哥甲级联赛Repechaje选拔错误
- 修正了错误的墨西哥队伍进入Sudamericana杯问题
- 修正了错误的墨西哥队伍进入最后的晋级争夺的问题(估计和西班牙的低级联赛晋级规则一样)

- 挪威联赛现在可以使用3到7名替补
- 修正了一些联赛比赛日程
- 5月16号的比赛将有更多的人观战

- 波兰乙级联赛现在每周有2场电视转播
- 取消了Polonia Warszawa的比赛罚分
- 波兰足总杯现在能使用客场进球规则

- 修正了葡萄牙花名册人选的选择规则
- 在游戏的开始花名册的人数可以拥有超过30人的

- 俄罗斯顶级联赛的最小赛场容量为10000

- 更新了塞尔维亚的训练系统
- 更新了塞尔维亚的转会期
- Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina的球员可以在加入塞尔维亚的俱乐部1年以后拥有塞尔维亚国籍

- 甲级联赛不再与国际友谊赛比赛时间冲突

- 修正了不适当的入韩国国籍规则
- 韩国预备队联赛形式改变
- 韩国足总杯可以排7名替补,使用其中3名
- 韩国全明星杯比赛时间为15/08
- 韩国足总杯比赛地点:低级别的队伍在主场比赛

- 更新了西班牙Segunda级别比赛的电视转播数量
- 更新了La Liga的电视转播数量

- 非欧盟的球员在瑞典生活三年或更长的将不再受非欧盟限制,同时将不再获得瑞典国籍

- 更新了土耳其杯的收入

- 俄国、乌兹别克斯坦, 和白俄罗斯的球员在乌克兰被视为外援
- 更新了乌克兰高级联赛的日程
- 更新了乌克兰的转会期
- 更新了乌克兰杯

- 美国大联盟的工资上限从350K调整为310k

- 更新了乌拉圭预备队和青年队联赛

- 修正了当使用“对工作宣布兴趣”在一台网络客户端将使用错误的玩家的错误
- 修正了当在战术界面下,网络客户端退出游戏的崩溃问题
- 当一台客户端正处于度假的同时保存游戏,保存进程会话将能在保存进程结束的时候正常移除
- 头标题不再以英文出现,当客户端使用一种非英语而服务端使用英语的时候

- 更新了Rotherham客场队服
- 更新了FC Twente, Roda JC and Sparta Rotterdam 的图标

- 修正了开球门球时球被投掷回过远的漏洞
- 修正了不切实际的快速任意球射门
- 修正了当球员90度带球时带掉球的盘带漏洞
- 调整了球员对长传的拦截判断
- 替补门将现在只在当场上的门将受伤的情况下才热身
- 调整踢球的轨迹稍微更加随机
- 停止了球员用头部做出简单的拦截就可以轻松的将球破坏的偶然事件
- 球员将检查近门柱和远门柱,当决定是否射门不在他们的视线之内
- 稍微调低门将的比赛评级

- 修正了一些门将的AI异常,造成低级的失球。
- 修正了偶然的头球慢速回传给门将被拦截
- 修正了游戏玩家的盯人漏洞
- 去掉了一些危险的回传
- 调整了AI使用替补

- 修正另一个门将的AI失常,不出击断直传球
- 修正导致中场以后玩家的任意球战术改变的问题
- 减少偶然开球门球时球被投掷回过远的漏洞
- 减少偶然的传球曲线过大
- 减少冒险的传威胁球,这种传球总是不成功
- 减少发生了前锋跑到中路有威胁位置时,盯人队员跑去边路的概率除非他们被吸引过去。
- 停止了门将尝试狭角扑救,当球已经在他身后(杜德克斜侧移动的BUG)
- 使后卫在门前传球更加小心
- 使后卫依旧盯紧目标即使球队已经得球
- 使球员的球在威胁区域被抢断得可能性

- 修正出示红牌前的解说缺失
- 修正了不同意见的解说出现在出示红牌的解说之前
- 修正了在给任意球之前完全不可见
- 修正了AI漏洞,防守的球队不会任性的跟着向回跑当头球回传本方队友。
- 如果比赛规则允许,在决定种子队之前比赛会进行更长的时间。
- 被换下的或是被红牌罚下的队员会消失而不是停留在地下通道的边缘。
- 使防守球员在头球解围之后稍加提高断球的意识。
- 稍微增加球员试图高吊球的可能性。
- 停止评论陈述球队"赢取联赛" 当赢取杯赛决赛时候。

Match v547
- 修正了几个AI 队心态选择的反常现象。
- 修正了当只剩10人时541阵形的安排助攻边卫现在总是被保留。
- 修正了过于消耗时间的停球当球员跑来接又高又远的传球时。
- 修正了不可见的崩溃。
- 助理教练当游戏者度假时可以全面更改球队的各项设置。
- 进一步减少了后卫在危险地带危险的带球。
- 停止当球员获得好的得分机会时候被哨声终止。
- 停止球员经理对他自己谈话起反应!
- 停止球员带球跑时产生反向球的可能性。
- 停止守门员过快的开出长传球。
- 使防守球队浪费时间更容易(不去开角球等等) 。
- 使球员在可能时尝试避免被断球在难以控制的高度。
- 改善球员对阵形心态调整的敏感性。
- 改善的守门员头球的解围。
- 减少横跨自己区域的解围。
- 减少对轻微犯规的黄牌除非球员一再如此。

Match v548
- 修正由场地情况不佳而训练量过重和高受伤倾向导致受伤的BUG。
- 修正守门员带球离开自己球门30米之外带来麻烦的事件。
- 停止"难以置信的40 码射门" 评论当从远距离打入空门的时候。
- 停止前锋对长传球反应不合乎寻常地迅速。
- 停止守门员对从门柱反弹的球站着观看而束手无策。
- 重新平衡比赛和训练导致的受伤次数。
- 在定位球使, 使后卫更可能呆在后场他们随比赛发展本来应该在的位置上。
- 使故意犯规更可能被红牌罚下。
- 轻度降低球员紧逼拼抢的影响范围。

popopoljk 发表于 2006-11-9 09:52:36


januslj 发表于 2006-11-9 10:10:55


帅仔仔 发表于 2006-11-9 10:28:09


phill-walk 发表于 2006-11-9 10:28:12

Fixed bug that could cause some players' attributes to respond better or worse to training than should be the case.
Allowed free Mutual Termination of former player-manager's contract at club when Human manager takes charge (example Ipswich's Jim Magilton).
Stopped teams from making multiple enquiry offers for same player.
- Stopped rich AI clubs from occasionally spending stupid amounts of money on non first team players.
Fixed an issue with low asking prices for players in the Portuguese league (as well as similar sized/finance leagues too).

二少爷 发表于 2006-11-9 10:31:43


- 修正了在国家队友谊比赛时设置为替换球员球员名单的错误。
- 修正了在MLS 教练的执教队伍列表和成就页面的显示错误。
- 修正了球员里程碑提示, 球员显示为俱乐部出场纪录(如第50 次联赛出场) ,当这实际上是他的首次出赛。
- 修正了当您“移动球员进预备队为期.....”的选项当设定时间结束, 或当您手工移动了他回到一队不可使用的错误,。
- 修正了当您“移动球员进预备队为期.....”的选项然后选择休假时, 该球员立刻回到一队的错误。
- 修正了全队士气是太高的情况。
- 修正了在数据库被编辑一个意想不到的地方的时候时候可能产生潜在的崩溃。
- 修正了当队内有超过127 个球员时阵容数据溢出的警告。
- 修正了“为电视转播调整比赛时间”时有时候不会得到提示的错误。
- 修正了有"移动比赛为电视" 设置的一个问题有时不记住。
- 修正了全队在第一个赛季全队士气太高的错误, 并且使他它在今后不会也不会太高的问题。
- 修理了有时读在一张自订的经理图片导致无限loop/hang 发生的问题。
- 在赛季初的时候观众人数现在较少了。
- 改善了为比赛选择裁判员。
- 调整了同级别球员的数据隐藏内的可见数据。
- 更新公共信用。
- 现在开始第二个事件发生时如果它会清除FM 临时文件夹, 将建立一个备份以防保存游戏时之前事件的数据丢失。
- 低细节比赛时受伤的频率被降低了。
- 由玩家经理替代的电脑控制的经理在俱乐部执教时间将被重新计算。
- 在开档时为设定潜力的非球员人物在开档时产生高潜力被减少了。
- 保证那些高声望的教练不会很快被国家队雇用,直到他们把自己的俱乐部经营好了。
- 一致了AI设置的球队rotation/backup 状态
- 所有零碎的临时文件现在建立在用户数据文件夹('crash dumps'文件夹) 而不是在FM 文件夹下。
- .cmp 文件现在存在"comps" 在用户数据文件夹内(而不是在FM 数据文件夹) 。
- 轻微的增多了大的俱乐部接触想转会大俱乐部球员的可能性。

- 改善了新生球员和球员在开始数据库有空的属性球员的技术、精神、身体属性平衡。(好消息)
- 打7.01补丁之前开档的,装补丁后产生新生球员技术、精神、物理属性平衡也将重新平衡。

- 修理了当俱乐部升级进开的联赛时发生董事会变更不找主席的问题
- 改善了接管PLC董事会的标准(不明白)

- 修正了球探报告使用越位而不是传球(在比赛中更多的出现)数据作为最初的"球员缺点" (原来是这么得出来得。。。)
- 修正了当试图分配侦察员观察超过127场比赛时产生得溢出错误。(汗~)
- 修理了球探有时不能察觉一个明显地高度有天才的新生球员的问题。(还是Scout工具好啊)
- 球探不再报告卡提供超高报价。
- 用户不玩MLS(美国大联盟)时不再得到球探报告关于美国选秀队员 。

- 修正了能导致一些球员的属性变为比正常状况更好或更坏的情况。(不会有作弊训练了?)
- 球员在德国预备队不再被按青年队员训练。

- 修正了超高要价的不正常情况。
- 修正了有时会发生当谈判的MLS 转会时的崩溃。
- 修正在葡萄牙联赛(以及相类似的规模/财政情况联赛)球员要价较低的问题 。
- 修正了球员在大赛之前拒绝租借延长的问题。
- 修正了能在即将到来的季节的结束时签下球员的问题。
- 修正了董事会在代管时接受低于球员基本身价的报价。
- 减少了不知名的球员推荐给玩家俱乐部的数量。
- 德国俱乐部不再在转会期外继续解除球员合同。
- 在"View Only" 的联赛的俱乐部不再设法出售阵容设定比"俱乐部不需要"更好的球员
- MLS球队裁减球队花名册的倾向被调整。球队尝试保留他们的更好的球员。
- 停止球队队给予多个询问条件为同样球员。
- 停止富有的AI 俱乐从偶尔地花愚笨的大数量金钱在非一队队员上。

- 修正了新闻条目会报告球员签下零年合同的问题。
- 修正了当一个虚拟球员签署了青年合同时不正确地触发新闻条目说他签署了一个职业合同的问题。
- 修正了游戏者不能在双方出价被接受了之后为一个共同拥有的球员提供合同的问题。
- 修正了可以提供职员比他们想要低的合同而没有提供更高工资的问题。
- 修正了当游戏者经理接收俱乐部和他们的合同是N/A时,在新闻中点击' 看报告(View Summary)' 的崩溃 。
- 允许俱乐部当游戏者经理接管时(如Ipswich 的Jim,Magilton) ,自由相互终止前球员兼经理的合同。
- 停止的游戏者用户通过在新合同谈话时提供较少薪水来慢慢地降低球员薪水。(要用降薪BUG的抓紧啊)
- 增加了设定球员的奖金的说明。
- 减少了在新赛季的开始被设置为签订职业合同的青年球员的数量。

- 修正了所有俱乐部在第一季节一些套票票款未被计算在内的问题。
- 解决了俱乐部一直在做草坪地热系统升级的问题。
- 降低了小球队的比赛日花费。
- 调整了一些' 其它' 费用给其他具体的项目
- 为法国重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为德国重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为比利时重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为丹麦重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为波兰重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为斯洛伐克重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为斯洛文尼亚重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为荷兰重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为巴西重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 为阿根廷重新调整了财政数据模型。
- 调整了能从卫星俱乐部通过商品销售得到的金钱数量(升级前存好钱)。

- 修正了少数被租借的各种球员谈论为他们签订合同俱乐部志向的逻辑。
- 修正了如果球员是无法获得的为下次比赛还被打止痛针的选项。
- 修正了新闻中前俱乐部人员能评论关于他们自己的错误。
- 修正了媒体当球员最近几星期未参加许多正式比赛时认为他是状态神勇。
- 修正了新闻提及从为开放联赛中刚升级的球队在转会期做了多转会的队。
- 修正了称赞球员最近的状态当他以前只参加了前次比赛和之前的几次。
- 修正了的各种赛事的亚军发言: "尽管没有球队曾经赢得过....." 。
- 修正了董事会根据"坚持请求"的态度感到不满,尽管只做了一次董事会请求。
- 修正了新签字的球员把当前从俱乐部租借再外的球员当成榜样学习。
- 修正了Celtic队被描述作为零次赢取过苏格兰联赛杯。
- 修正了有争议新闻错误把被误判人和得益得人写成一样。
- 修正了新闻关于球员被召集为国家队时得重复。
- 修正了球探不是总是侦察下一个对手。
- 修正了媒体提问后产生反应的错误。
- 修正了球员当对其感兴趣的俱乐部就是他现在效力的俱乐部的逻辑。
- 修正了' 有争议的判罚' 使球队抨击了本方进球几秒后对方就进球的报道价值(有意思)
- 修正了新闻报告以前的阵形和新阵形的争议。如:"从4-4-2改变为从未经考验4-4-2" 。
- 修正了球迷批评你的消极战术当战术不是消极的。
- 美洲杯淘汰赛阶段现在保证从同一小组出现的队不在相遇。
- 停止了的并不符合前一场比赛得分情况的战术分析新闻在淘汰赛第二回合。
- 不允许当前不是在俱乐部的共同拥有的球员被问是否是可以替换受伤的球员。
- 保证关于交战新闻只出现在正式比赛之前。

- 游戏中的受伤现在包括疝气。(呵呵,阿兰席勒,曲圣卿的痔疮也许以后也会被加入,哈哈)
- 从数据库修正了印度尼西亚联赛没有足够的球员的问题。(上次看Si的论坛上还真有个老外玩印度尼西亚联赛,晕~)
- 当任何英国联赛被选择的时候会有更多的英国范围内的球员被包括在数据库中(是UK,不是England)

- 修正了当球员被放到预备队直到恢复比赛状态然后当状态恢复后不能回到一线队的问题。
- 修正了错误,现在可以对媒体确认你对一些问题的看法当Radio按钮未被选择时候。
- 修正了当看过去以往年比赛小组阶段比赛时速度降低的问题。
- 修正了在菜单栏上继续按钮的有时有时缩放文本的问题。
- 修正了球队新闻区总结中显示的总进球数,现在它被改为显示联赛进球数。(别扭的修改,我希望改成能看总进球数也能看联赛进球数)
- 修正了都有红色队服的球队比赛的时候产生颜色冲突的错误。(为什么只是红的那?)
- 修正了' 导出' 按钮点击后消失的错误。
- 修正了活动区域箭头在使用皮肤“FlexionRight”显示不完全的问题。
- 修正了当做职员查寻并使用'没有工作" 过滤器时缺失结果的错误。
- 修正了当查看游戏者的shortlist时的停顿 。这由一名球员在shortlist被添加两次造成的。
- 当添加新经理过程中取消了快捷键“改变用户(Ctrl+Shift+C)” 。
- 球员"数据" 画面不在显示滚动条了即使它确实需要的一些情况下(谢天谢地,改过来了)。
- 在开始新游戏失双击在标题条不再轻微地移动窗口。
- 如果在战术屏幕制定个具体战术查看时要求助理教练安排阵容, 战术滑动条或选项

- 如果上次的游戏打开了四个或更多国家时新游戏向导(New Game Wizard) 不被显示。
- 如果用户设定新游戏是选取了超过三个国家的联赛,"打开向导(Show Wizard)"

- 在工作中心(Job Security )以后不在显示国旗, 防止导致文本没对准俱乐部。
- 新闻中守门员教练或体能教练将显示具体教练的属性代替普通教练属性。
- 一些盘区在经理快照屏幕是可看见的为全国经理当他们是俱乐部唯一。
- 如果在snapshot screen的某个部分, 包括头部和菜单被掩藏了, 保证用户无法对被隐藏部分作出修改。
- "Shortlist" 按钮在职员查寻中失效, 因为您无法为职员建立shortlist, 或为职员查寻制作shortlist 。
- 在人员过滤器对话框中(设置player/staff 查寻过滤器) 您不能使用鼠标滚动轮移动改变各种各样的过滤器选项。
- 您不能删除书签在次级文件夹。
- 大洋洲在开始新游戏显示大洲的菜单是可选择的,尽管在这个大洲中没有可选择的组。
- 如果您在游戏中开始了新游戏, 最初的屏幕标题会保留老的游戏存档的名称。
- 球队财务薪金现在不再包括由其它俱乐部支付(租借和共有)的球员的薪水
- 从职员过滤器对话框去除重复的雇用过滤规则并增加的名誉过滤规则。
- 在某些情况下。如果您取消了试图安排友谊赛,' 安排友谊赛' 和' 取消友谊赛' 按钮掩藏了。
- 在“对方球员指示中”的球员名单中不会总是显示对方被替补上场球员的正确位置。
- 在“对方球员指示中”的球员名单中当球员被罚下时会显示S247 或相似的错误文本

- 当选择多个球员时, 教练报告所有球员而不止是第一个。
- LoadGame选项在当比赛结束的同时不在有效。
- 增加提示& 要诀的显示时间当saving/loading 和在FM 即时消息区。
- 转会被延迟的新闻有时没有显示新日期在新闻。
- 增加了2个比赛回放速度在slow和normal之间和在normal和Fast之间。
- 当2 个人在同一台个人计算机玩游戏时,当选择比赛谈话由副经理处理时, 客队经理不再被强迫进行比赛谈话。
- 在某些情况下在增加经理向导中改变图片没有及时更新(虽然它会在实际中的经理外星使用正确图象) 。
- "FM即时消息" 或"提示& 要诀" 窗口有时会被掩藏当它应该被显示的时候。
- 经理简报区(Manager snapshot panel )显示关于计算机受控制队的一些财政信息- 这些现在被掩藏。(电脑作弊我们就发现不了了。。。。。)
- 有一件轻微的文本溢出(' 出血') 在一些球员comment/response 屏幕。
- 在大联盟(MLS)足球队中USY 球员信息图标现在需要您对球员转会菜单而不是甚么都不做
- 自动设置球员号码按钮现在保证球员被赋予号码只要他参加过比赛。
- 您能现在从"option" 菜单去"主菜单" ,如果您观看一次比赛从主菜单(即装载pkm) 。
- 现在当合同谈判画面时,Manager/coach 解除协议条款可以使用了。(好!!)
- 经理概括屏幕(Manager snapshot panels) 中球员整体情况的显示中现在包括b 队(和可能某一其他) 球员的情况,即使当他们们为第一队比赛时。
- 在一些情况下,参赛队情况面板只显示有限的球队(如' 被攻入进球' 数据) 。
- 新闻中与体能教练相关的消息现在显示更加相关的信息在细节部分。
- ' 个人消息' 新闻中和个人搜索部分的的转会预算数字可能轻微地不精确,归结于使用四舍五入的数字。

[ 本帖最后由 二少爷 于 2006-11-9 05:28 PM 编辑 ]

Santa_Cruz 发表于 2006-11-9 11:03:50


klinsmann44 发表于 2006-11-9 11:34:18


bayernstar15 发表于 2006-11-9 11:35:08


David442 发表于 2006-11-9 11:35:32

原帖由 二少爷 于 2006-11-9 10:31 AM 发表


- 修正了在国家队友谊比赛时设置为替换球员球员名单的错误。
- 修正了在MLS 教练的执教队伍列表和成就页面的显示错误。
- 修正了球员里程碑提示, 球员显示 ...

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