www.FMSorted.net制作Transfers and Season long loan deals included for:-
- England
- Scotland
- Holland
- Germany
- France
- Italy
- Portugal
- Spain
- Belgium
- Other countries (Brazil, Argentina, all other major football countries)
- Loads of other player changes have been implemented but if i was to list every change you would be reading this
information for another week;)!
Stuff that has been "improved":
Updates of:
- International caps/goals
- contracts/wages
- retirements
- attributes
- players history
- preferences (2nd nationalities etc)
- financial updates (after transfers, new finan. loans for instance at Bor. Dortmund)
- Stadiums updates (DSB stadion, Emirates etc)
- Serbia & Montenegro split and added flag (Seychelles were sacrificed, but they are in the top 10 of the world's smallest
countries so the loss isn't that big)
Installing Montenegro flag: take the sey.png file and put it in this folder *:/football manager 05/data/graphics/flags/africa
* should be your disk drive that has the FM05 game on it. If your game folder (football manager 05) is named differently then
put it in the right map!
- Graham Poll and Valentin Ivanov's reputation has been lowered after their horrific(!) performances at the World Cup.
Also Poll's international retirement has been made.
- Non-existent clubs deleted for fasting loading times etc.
* This update was made using the official FM Editor
* Users may update further for personal use only!
* This update must NOT be further updated and distributed without permission.
This aplies to people who further update the database and upload
it to the internet under their own name.
* For any bugs, suggestions or comments regarding our update, i would like
to hear from you - Please visit our forum at http://www.fmsorted.net/forums(有BUG可以去http://www.fmsorted.net/forums提出)
附件为数据更新的README 太感谢了,盼好久了,顶 阿 这个更新了一些什么数据,才6月9号,很多转会还没进行。 同意楼上
~~~~~~~~~~ 有人帮你更新就先玩啦~~~
等转会结束也开学喽……………… 本来就是需要更新的
楼主好人啊 不能下了,楼主有没有备份可以分享啊??