说明:Thank you for downloading the SHP World Super League. This is the second super league created by Stevenhp1987.
This one however was created in such a way that updates or even whole new super leagues can be incorporated into this via simple edt & lnc commands ensuring that all updates will be very minimal in size, in the range of kb.
Setting up – IMPORTANT
To set up this league is simple, choose England, then select the tier you would like to go down to.
DO NOT choose any OTHER LEAGUE. This will cause the game to most likely crash.
This league structure contains 312 teams from around the world. There are however a few non-league English teams which interfere at the second-qualifying round of the world champions cup. There is no way around this unfortunately, but they will all be hammered very early on!
Don’t know which nation the club comes from?
Simple question to answer, look at one of their “grey” players. The nationality of that grey player is still the same as the nation in which they originate from.
What happened to Europe?
I swapped it with Oceania meaning that no clubs can go to Europe…. As this could cause errors.
How are the clubs chosen for each league?
By using the IFFHS world club rankings.
One little swap however, Barcelona (21st) and AZ (19th) have been swapped however as AZ get relegated from Premiership far too easily & Barcelona are title contenders for it as soon as they get promoted.
Anything else?
Also includes fixes for some Asia kits (e.g. Japan), Japan club names, Germany, Kahn & French club names.
不过由于作者把联赛名字也改了,把英格兰改成了FIFA WORLD,把那些删除后就看不到名称修改了,显示还是英格兰超级联赛等,自己取舍一下吧!
[ 本帖最后由 sun8134 于 2006-1-30 06:33 PM 编辑 ] 想比较直接的看各级联赛有哪些球队的话可以来这看:
http://fmcm.qq.topzj.com/viewthread.php?tid=175865&page=1#pid89221 全英语没看懂 能直接给个下载连接吗 原帖由 mywould 于 2006-1-31 02:06 AM 发表
全英语没看懂 能直接给个下载连接吗
进去点那个大字DOWNLOAD就有地址了 已开挡
PS;好多世界联赛都玩不过9月份................ 好像下不了。。 很好玩的!!