mcm4 version 0.018 - 21/06/2003 - cm405 onlyFew bugs fixed
Player swap included
- The players will be swapped as if "nothing has happened"
- Van Nistelrooy will just get out of bed and start training with his Exeter team mates
- He will even think its normal to receive 200 pounds a week
- Manchester will be less satisfied, they will have a very expensive loser
Game readiness added (also included in "heal player" and "heal club" buttons)
Added 2 hidden player stats
不知道为什么针对manu做了这么多修改。。。 不是针对Manu,只是举例说明可以“swap”球员而已 哦,看懂了 可惜不支持4.0.6 啊!!! 下载地址: 用过的有没有啊?到底用了no-CD crack的能不能用啊? 不如用ISO文件算啦,才200多M,省得到处找NOCD的CRACK