naoki 发表于 2003-3-15 10:01:44

How to : Skin CM4 - Part II

Get Skinning!
In part I we showed you the foundations of Skinning CM4 and you may have began your quest to make your own skin for CM4. I've listed the main directories in the skin folder and what each of them contain, although you should be able to work out what most of them are anyway!

[*] boxes

plain is the the darkened/lightened panel you see in collapsable frames. Make sure you make this transparent or you won't be able to see the background picture!
[*] button

button is the graphic for all the buttons in the game!
[*] checkbox

off is the checkbox state when it is not selected
on is the state when it is selected
[*] edit_box

frame is the normal one line edit box
multi is the multi line box
[*] icons

next is the next button on the menubar
previous is the previous button on the menubar
[*] menu

box makes up the outline of the popup menu
button is the button you click on to pop up a menu (like the action menu) (you can copy this from the button directory if you want to keep the same style
down is the down arrow that appears on the buttons
item_alt is the alternate graphic for items in the menu
item is the normal graphic for items in the menu
left is the left arrow graphic
line is the line separating item and item_alt
right is the right arrow graphic
separator is the thicker line to separate sections
tick is the tick icon that appears next to selected items
up is the up arrow
[*] menubar

option is the graphic for the buttons on the menubar that are for a single option, like continue game
popup is the same as above, only the item pops up a menu, like the Game Options button
[*] option

button is the button graphic on the main game screen before you select to load game etc
[*] panels

date_well is the graphic where the date is contained
infobar is the graphic for the bar at the bottom of the screen
menubar is the menubar graphic (top,middle,bottom)
titlebar is the graphic for main titles like the ones you see in your team colours on squad screen. Make this red to avoid any colour shading inconsistencies.
[*] picked

empty is the graphic in the picking panel that tells you if a player has not been picked
filled is as above, only the player has not been picked
picked is the graphic beside the player name on squad screen
unpicked... guess what this is?
[*] possession

contains the possession bar graphics
[*] progress

contains the progress bar graphics
[*] radio

contains radio buttons, works in the same way as checkbox
[*] scrollbar

contains all the scrollbar graphics. Tricky to edit, only experts should try this one!
[*] selection

all the graphics for popups which have <,>,-,+ options. Works roughly the same as the menu dir, with extra graphics
[*] status

advisory : green status icon next to a player's name. Used for Wnt,Lst etc
cant_play : blue icon, as above. Used for Ine,Wp etc
cant_play_bad : red icon, same as above. Used for Sus,Inj etc
shouldnt_play : orange icon, same as above. Used for Unf,Lmp etc
warning : yellow icon, same as above. Used for Bkd etc
[*] table/heading

first : first heading in the row
normal : middle headings in the row
last : last heading in the row
[*] tactics

captain : the graphic displayed next to your captain
instruction : the graphic to the left of the players name in the tactics screen with 'i' on it
off : graphics displaying a player's squad number who is off
on : graphics displaying a player's squad number who is on
[*] ticker

frame : the frame the ticker ticks along in
[*] titlebar

popup : the 'see also' button on the titlebar (make this red, like the titlebar)
[*] toggle

open : graphic displayed when a collapsable frame is open
closed : graphic displayed when a collapsable frame is closed

Phew! Now... any questions?
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