windwingneo 发表于 2010-7-28 15:27:48


Massimo Moratti confirms Manchester City target Mario Balotelli can leave Inter
Nerazzurri president admits club have 'some important offers' for striker...
By Rick D'Andrea
28 Jul 2010 00:02:00
Inter president Massimo Moratti has admitted Mario Balotelli can leave the club, and that there are important offers on the table for the talented 19-year-old.
Moratti says he had a good relationship with the enigmatic forward and the victories on the field outweighed his antics off the pitch as Manchester City prepare to swoop for his signature.
"Balotelli remains a great talent, but for us it's almost an obligation to let him go," Moratti told Sky Sports in an interview.
"It can be seen as a defeat in some people's eyes, but we have Coutinho, who is another young talent.
"On Balotelli, everyone is correct in saying he is a talent that has not fully expressed himself. But this talent at the moment did not seem as necessary as the nucleus of the team.
"We have some important offers for him, and we also have some economic objectives. Therefore, you choose to make sacrifices with players other teams are asking for, rather than those you are looking to sell and nobody wants.
"I had a good rapport with Mario, but I don't know what he will say. I saw that in certain moments, he was not doing well at the club, but the victories forgave everything. He was a professional person who was playing well.
"He was not any less part of the side because of his actions off the pitch."

batigoalzyh 发表于 2010-7-28 15:51:01


chrisfang 发表于 2010-7-29 16:25:21

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