calvinzhang 发表于 2008-7-24 17:38:58

Forum Rules

1.Football Manager Head Quarters aka FMHQ is an FM forum which suits global Chinese FM players.(this is a language exchange forum regarding FM actually.0=015 )

2.Try to help those members who don't understand the original English(or French etc.) thread if you could.

3.Be nice to each other.too many forums are ruined by pointless fighting. We're all Football Manager fans, but it's inevitable that we'll have conflicting opinions at some point; you may disagree with somebody's point of view, but please respect their right to post it.

4.Do not post pornographic pictures of any kind, or links to pornographic/warez material. If you do, you'll be banned. There are no exceptions to this rule.

5.You alone take responsibility for your comments - staff cannot monitor these forums 24 hours a day. We do not modify or view submissions before they are posted. We may at our discretion remove or modify certain posts. However, if you have a particular problem with any post, use the 'report' link at the bottom of each post.

6.We operate a 3 strike rule; meaning if you incur 3 warnings, further action will be taken - either suspension or banning depending on the infraction. However, we are free thinking, flexible individuals and will assess each breach of conduct on its own merits. Some actions will result in a permanent ban, some a warning and others a suspension.

7.Continually spamming will result in a warning. If you want to spam, go to the Deep-Blue Thread. In effect it’s a glorified Spam Thread.

These rules may be modified at any time at our discretion. It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of the latest rules.

[ 本帖最后由 calvinzhang 于 2008-10-27 07:01 AM 编辑 ]
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